What book(s) are you reading ?

Just finished reading The Game:penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss. Awesome read and I recommend it to anyone.
Almost done with "An Anthropologist on Mars" by Oliver Sacks. It's about different neurological disorders.
I'm reading too many books at the moment, but I just finished reading The Confederacy of Dunces, The Devil in the White City, Big Sur, and Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Takes a Swing at Baseball (highly highly recommended).
"The World without Us"...its a scientific based book about what would happen to the world in regards to our cities and the environment should the human race just suddenly be wiped out (think an uncontrollable virus that eradicates the human race almost instantly..not a major natural disaster such as an earth killing asteroid)
As usual, I'm reading a few books at one time.

Tami Hoag: "Kill the Messenger" (mystery fluff -- easy read)
Nietzsche: "The Basic Writings of Nietzsche"
William Marsden: "Stupid to the Last Drop" (book about the Alberta Oil Sands)
Rereading Ayn Rand: "Atlas Shrugged"
Rippetoe & Kilgore: "Practical Programming for Strength Training" (thank you Steve!)
"The World without Us"...its a scientific based book about what would happen to the world in regards to our cities and the environment should the human race just suddenly be wiped out (think an uncontrollable virus that eradicates the human race almost instantly..not a major natural disaster such as an earth killing asteroid)

How is it? Is it a novel or predictions?
My two political books i'm reading currently are Fleeced and The End of Prosperity. Also, i'm reading Politika by Tom Clancy and i'm about to read another novel by Michael Crichton in memory of his amazing writing. If there are any fans of him, I hate to break the bad news but he passed away a week or so ago :(.
How is it? Is it a novel or predictions?

Its pretty good so far. Its a narrative, but also includes info from experts from around the world.
good read, but slow.