What are you currently listening to?

me too - me too :D

seriously - and next track - Momma I'm coming home
Ah, i'm listen to the Blizzard of OZ, next track is "goodby to romance"..........but i love "mama i'm coming home"..
good choice Mal!;) :D
i just have itunes playing randomly and it's suprising me with some fun stuff :D

Never Loved a Girl - Aerosmith (I like this version of the song- I like aretha's better but this is good)
I love Areosmith........now i am listen to gretchen wilson........she rocks!!
I don't have an ipod.......dang i wish i did!!! I just recetly upgraded from cassetts to CD's........oooo am i lame or what???:D

I usually have random going on the computer or my creative m, but its usually Tool, NIN, Metallica or Nonpoint. My favorite now is Tools "Jambi"
I remember when that was like a lifetime away!!!!! like we would all be driving around spaceships and wearing silver space jumpsuits!!!LOL
But Prince is still sexy in my book......boys got the moves and the eyes!!! STAR
Slipknot - Vermillion Pt. 2
Sad but a very good song.

"She is everything to me
The unrequieted dream
the song that no one sings
The unattainable.
She's a myth that I have to believe in
All I need to make it real is one more reason
I don't know what to do
I don't know what to do
When she makes me sad."

I Listen to slipknot when i feel like i cant run on the tread anymore. good stuff. that and rhamstein. funny thing is i listen to rap more than anything
Grey Stable by Iron & Wine - it's so melodic *slips into a coma*

Iron and Wine plays in Bloomington, seemingly all the time.

What I am listening to:

Relient K- 'I celebrate the day'

From the first time, that you opened your eyes
Did you realize that you would be my savior?
And the first breath, that left your lips,
Did you realize it would change this world forever

My favorite Christmas song.