what are the supplements worth buying?

Excluding protein, multivitamins and creatine, what are the supplements that are worth spending money on?

I was thinking about glutamine but that seems a waste.
what about L-Carnitine? or fat burners? or anabolic enhancers? I appreciate your opinions and wisdom!!
if your protein shake is a good brand, it will have all the nesecary amino acids, so there is no need to take some seperatly. fat burners w/o efed. are questionable with how effective they are. andabolic enhancers(pro hormones) are now illegal and very difficult to obtain, but very effective.
fish oil, flax oil, etc

You might look into Cytomax or Surge for postworkout if you want something easy that you don't have to concoct. You might also (if you're not getting enough veggies and fruits) try out a whole greans formula by Barlean's or Juice Plus.

But most of your money should be spent on food.
evolution said:
But most of your money should be spent on food.

plain and simple truth right there

EFAs = essential fatty acids, labeled essential because the body cant produce them they must be supplied in the diet. just like essential amino acids.

can be gotten from food but IMO, money spent on this would be wiser than the latest gimmick ;)
I'm personally a VERY big fan of glutamine. Why do you think it's a waste?

But yeah, buying supplementation for the sake of supplementation is like buying bricks for a fully built house -- you'll probably end up throwing those extra materials away.

Now if you're an athlete, or you train hard, or you have health problems, you'll know which areas of your health to target. My two cents though:

Nobody gets enough: Vitamin C, Calcium

Some things (like L-Carnitine) are better pure because the alternative source (red meats) are laden with fat and difficult to absorb.
Wolverine, aside from the ones you listed I'd say fish oils and flaxseed oil are probably the one supplement most worth buying. I've heard some people who've tried glutamine swear by it and others say its worthless. I think you'll have to try that one yourself to find out. Same for CLA. I know M1T works very well from what I've heard and seen in my friends that use it, but there are the possibility of side effects to consider. The only way to know for sure is to try the supplements for yourself but luckily all of the ones I talked about are relatively inexpensive except M1T.
It should be noted, too, that M-One-T use is currently banned in the United States, so seek it out at your own risk.
Conjugated Lineolic Acid. Researchers aren't quite sure HOW it increases metabolism, they're just aware that it DOES.
Yes, but it's not the end-all. You still need to make a lifestyle change and get a good diet and regular exercise. CLA is non-stimulant, so you can take it in conjunction with Pyruvate (which is another non-stimulant metabolic enhancer) and then you can add a stimulant (caffeine, synephrine-based products, etc.) on top of that for the best results.
CLA is found in most dairy and meat sources. Pyruvic acid is produced naturally in the body.

However, to get the weight loss benefits from these you generally need more than is found naturally in most foods. The way Pyruvate stimulates weight loss is through having an overabundance -- your body adapts to the extra pyruvate that becomes present in your systems, and as such metabolizes it much faster in order to utilize/eliminate it.

CLA is an omega-6 fatty acid. The average american gets 1g per day in their diet, but the recommended amount is 3g per day, minimum.
in order for pyruvate to even be somewhat effective besides the placebo effect you must take ~30g a day... which is enough to make most throw up..
Actually, 1g - 4g daily is enough to stimulate boosted activity in the Kreb's cycle and glycolysis energy producing systems. This amount, which is the typical daily serving from most Pyruvate supplements, isn't necessarily going to make much of a dent in your weight though.

Studies done on this supplement were done with daily amounts upward of 30g per day. This is 10 - 30 times the amount you'd usually get from a supplement.

You will increase metabolism by taking pyruvate, but don't rely on it as a means to burn weight. You WOULD need 30g per day to see any kind of massive results. At the normal dosages, it will only help, but even then, you won't notice much using it alone.
what would happen if you took 30 g a day?