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oh i see. how embarrassing. there it is. yipee.
Hi Sharon,

Good to see your still around. Alot of the old posters have disappeared :( You have done so well and glad to see your still on the straight and narrow. You should be extremely proud of what you have achieved and have never deviated (OMG)

Can't wait to hear when you have finally reached your goal.

Good luck and do keep us informed.


PS Refeed is going well
Hi Irene

Thanks for that -

I won't be going anywhere for a while but I agree - some of the people who were here when I started seem to not be around..hope they are doing well

calling all Cohens enthusiasts

Hi everyone,
I just found out about Cohens last week and have been researching on the net all weekend. I'm glad I've found this list as it seems its the best place to get information from people who are having success with Cohens.:)
I probably have close to 30kg to lose :eek: - 25 will do!!! but I have an extremely busy lifestyle. I have 4 children and I work - a combination of hours at the office and at home, which usually means that I don't get much sleep because I need to be involved with the kids in the afternoons so I do most of the work at home when the kids are in bed. :( Consequently, like most of you, that doesn't leave me much time for myself.:eek:
I've had success with 'lite 'n easy' simply because the food is all packaged and I don't have to think about putting it all together. Weight Watchers was a waste of time for me.:confused:
Cohens seems like a lot of work measuring etc. but I love the idea of losing weight in such a short time and keeping it off for good.:D
When I put all my energies into a project - I usually don't need much motivation as I am quite good at willpower - so if I do decide to go on Cohens, I will give it 100%.:)
What I'd like to know is what people have found the hardest - what are the real difficulties with this program? and please can someone give me an idea of how much it costs to be on it? Also, on the website they talk about increasing muscle tone but they don't encourage exercise - how can you do one without the other?:confused:
I'd love to hear from some Cohens enthusiasts - because I do really feel like I want to try it, I am just a bit sceptical.:D
Symtoms? Sick

Hi everyone,

I have been on the Cohen's diet for 5 days and it is great. I have been eating healtily instead of my usual instant noodles. I don't intend to weigh myself but have found my clothes to be not as tight as before.

I have a few questions and hope someone has the answers.

1) How much supplements do you take? What do you take? I have been taking Usana's Mega Antioxidant and Chelated Mineral twice a day. However, I don't think my body can take it...ended up with fever for 2 days.

2) My palms have become quite rough and there is a bit of numbness. Anyone knows what caused it?

Cohen is Easy


This diet is hard but also so easy... I tell people it is easy because it is so black and grey!

Once you know what your foods are what your allowance is...thats can I have a little of this and a little of that..NO! Other diets gave me to much freedom and choices...too many choices to cheat or rationalize on!. This is just simply NO to everything not onyur tiny list.

When I buy a package of chicken and always on sale...I come home and measure it and freeze it!..The same with my favorite fish and beef. It tkaes no time to defrost for a quick dinner. The diet soon becomes automatic...once you know what your favorites are and then you discover quickies. I make a batches of I always have them in freezer to take to work for lunch or to have if I am starved and needed my immediate meal when I get home.

I always do an egg with my veggies - mushrooms, onion, green pepper for my breakfast..while I notice everyone else does yogurt, with their fruit allowance. I then have an apple a little later and then 4 saltines crackers. I am allowed 2 crackers per meal and 2 Saltines = 1 cracker...

My next meal - 5 hours later.... I mayl do canned tuna with some celery and spring onions, balsamic vinegar and 1 tsp of mayo...allowance for the day...or take the chicken or beef soup with me. If I am home I bake fish.

Dinner will be a piece of steak or chicken. If it is late I may does mozarrella cheese and make a "pizza" with some saute veggies (spray Olive Oil only-no oil allowed on this diet!)

One fruit from your specific list is allowed with each meal. I do apple, orange and mango...and sometimes a kiwi...and I so look forward to having it during that time of the day it. Vegetables are from a specific list also. I make a salad with my allowable veggies and have that a lot for dinner. Dressing is made with vinegar, water, herbs and splenda.

Hopefully the above gives you an idea about the is work compared to take-out and store bought frozen..but the portions are so controlled its not major cooking or it really is easy and fun coming up with new different ways of making food the Cohen way. You find the short cuts - like cutting up all your veggies at once instead of every you are set all cut and measure foods when you bring it home so you can just grab and prepare daily. Its gets easier as you get going and this board is so great for hints and ideas.

I started Nov 13th and have lost 60 lbs...I think thats 27 kg? It works and its worth it.


hi. i have only been on the diet now for 6 days but so far it has been easy. yes there is a lot of weighing to do but as slimny said, if you weigh it all when you come home and have it all in seperate containers it make for quick and easy meals. i'm loveing it and i have also tried weight watchers and found that there is way too much freedom for me.

good luck with it if you go ahead. let us know.

Mrs Fishwife

I think the hardest thing about Cohens is PATIENCE. I have been on it for nearly 18 weeks now and am very happy with my loss (22.5kg) however my patience has been tested along the way. I have never once deviated (and that includes always measuring mayo) but I feel as though time has almost stood still.

Having said that if I hadn't been on Cohens the last few months would have passed anyway, and I would still be wearing size 16 instead of 10.

Jump right in - it sounds too good to be true, which makes it easy to be skeptical - but it does work - I haven't done any exercise during this time but am starting to want to now.

All the best
Well this is day 15 on the cohen program and my scales are saying that i have lost 7kg so i am so pleased. it's nice to know that the sacrifices are worth it. thursdays are measuring day so i will be excited to see what results i get there. my sister who is also doing the program has lost 6.5kg in her first 2 weeks.

i'm not so hungry anymore but the craving for some foods is still quite strong. hope this will get easier as the weeks pass.

Hello There

I have decided to give Cohen's another go, my dedication before was quite low but now things are different. I am starting to realise that my body doesn't gel well with sugar nor heavy starches such as bread and pasta, i get quite ill. I also want to lose weight, and due to being a night shift worker, 8pm - 8am on a minesite, exercise for now is not option. I have recently become engaged to a wonderful man, and would like to look fabulous at our engagement party, after catching up on all the posts i feel very inspired and sure that cohen's is for me. Looking forward to getting to know everyone and losing weight.

congratulations on the engagement. :) . Way to go to getting back on the plan. I'm sure it's quite a challenge having to work a 12 hr night shift and doing Cohen's as well. Good luck with it all.

I thought i would post a message as i have recently started the Cohen's programe, today in fact. Have read some of the posting and a few people have said the first few days are the worst so if any one has any ideas of how to get through it that would be great.
Welcome aboard advice is.....keep busy and drink heaps of water and you'll be fine. Good luck and let us know how you go!
Hi Irene

Thanks for that -

I won't be going anywhere for a while but I agree - some of the people who were here when I started seem to not be around..hope they are doing well


you might find there are some of the old folk like me over on the other forum at

Advice on how not to cheat on Cohen's

Hi All

I have been on the Cohen's programe for about two weeks now and the other day i cheated and ate pizza, it made me feel so sick, but the worst thing is i feel so guilty for cheating. I'm worried now cause i don't want to put on weight when i have lost about four or so kilos in the first week. I don't want to cheat again so if any one has any advice on how not to be tempted and cheat please let me know. Or any strategys on how to cope.


Hi all
I just found this site again I had thought it had ended!!:) It seems there are so many forums and diaries that we are spread thinly over them.
Happy to see familiar folk doing well:D
Regards Nonna
Hi folks, There is not much use having this sticky if no-one uses it so I thought I would. It's a good place to chat about whatever you like, without it being a personal diary thing. A big hello to all Cohenites and anyone else taking control of their health & changing their life-style for the better, xo Cate