Weight Loss Supplements

Well I agree with most of the OPs that diet and rest are crucial. But one thing that I relized being a highschool student is that you're not truly awake unless youve been up for awhile and you HAVE to be in motion. I could be up for hours and still have no energy, a body in motion stays in motion. Before I lift or do intense cardio I take a small jog. Some people are also just not morning people. A supplement is helpful but they have their side effects. Before you jump to these and burn $100 on something I suggest trying to work out after a different time along with everything previously said.
I know of some good stuff that helps in both areas, ill send you the info on it.
I'm caffeine and stimulant sensitive so I had to cut out coffee so I use real green tea..if that's not enough try some black tea or mate tea- the mate is pretty much like coffee without the crash in my experience... and I personally can only half of a cup.
I just bought a weight loss supplement and notice that it is packed with caffeine. I already take a pre-workout supplement. Do you think this will make me to jittery?
Yeah, you shouldn't intake too much caffeine. Along with making you jittery and causing a harder crash, it will also dehydrate you a lot and make it harder to retain water during your workout.

And, while I'm in this thread, I feel the need to express my disapproval of weight-loss supplements. Anything that artificially increases the rate of fat metabolism has potential to cause cardiac, kidney, and/or liver damage, and anything that decreases the amount of fat absorption in your digestive system is also inhibiting the absorption of other, vital nutrients.
If you want to lose weight then practice your self exercise this is the best way to lose your weight rather than intake of such food supplement.. some of the supplements contains harmful chemicals... and go for a healthy diet eat fruits and vegetables...

Of course supplement of any type have a great benefit upon the body even after doing the hard work in our daily routine life.so very useful for each individual.

That is such an incorrect statement. There are a *****-ton of supplements in the market that do nothing BUT harm to your body in the long run.
Has anyone tried HGH (S)hero? or Hero for men?

All I hear about lately is HGH and how it is so great for recovery, over all fitness and building lean muscle mass. I'm totally interested in this and according to Dr. Drew a homeopathic form of HGH is totally safe. I was Wondering if anyone here has tried (S)hero? Or the men's version Hero. This product has HGH in it and the amino acids I like to take all in a homeopathic form. I have a guy friend on Hero who's been really happy, but I wanted some input before I tried it...
It seems like there's a lot of useless ingredients in Hero. Other than that, it would work, but that would be due to the growth hormone and testosterone in it. So basically, you would be taking performance-enhancing drugs. My personal opinion favours the non-doping route, especially if you're involved in competition.
Carbohydrate blocker are weight loss supplement that contains ingredients to prevent your body from digesting carbohydrates. As a result, your body won’t absorb the carbohydrates that you eat and will prevent fat from being stored.

Oh yes, because it's not like the body actually needs carbs to function...
If all that is no go and doesn't help then try pure caffeine pills (each is 200mg and is equal to two cups of coffee) which are alot better and cheaper than most PWO's your gonna have to buy.
although, we know thatwhile using suppliments of different kinds provide unignorable output ,but we also should know about the side effects of suppliments after leaving it . it effects badly to the musculer movement of the body .so try to avoid supplimets, should have some natural things to nourish your bosy (fruits,dry fruits etc.)
although, we know thatwhile using suppliments of different kinds provide unignorable output ,but we also should know about the side effects of suppliments after leaving it . it effects badly to the musculer movement of the body .so try to avoid supplimets, should have some natural things to nourish your bosy (fruits,dry fruits etc.)

I totally agree!! We just need to eat meals in proportion. We should not starve ourselves.