Losing 30 lbs in 30 days is not advisable. Another goal you may want to consider is 30 lbs in 3-6 months. Rather than taking pills to curve your appetite or "Burn Fat" let's look at some other options which may actually help you lose weight and keep it off. Below I have listed a few tips for you to consider and try to ramp up your weight loss.
1. DRINK WATER!! Water literally is the key to success. Try drinking water below or above your body temperature which will cause your body to use energy (calories) to get the water to 98.6 degrees. This does not produce a large calorie usage, but over the long run can add up. Also, water plays a HUGE role in physical activity output. Studies have shown that a 1% drop from optimal hydration can result in 5% loss in output capabilities! Take a water bottle everywhere you go and don't let yourself get thirsty.
2. Fruits & VEGETABLES - Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet and substituting these for other snack options will prove to increase energy, health, and weight loss. Think of this.. in 1 cup of sliced strawberries there are roughly 50 calories.. In a small bag of potato chips there are around 160 calories. Which is more fulfilling? Even if you have to double the fruit or vegetable serving. They are also nutrient dense which means they will be more efficient at satisfying your hunger and will help to maintain steady energy levels. I capitalized the vegetables because fruits are high in sugar. But for where you are at now, don't worry about which fruit or vegetable you are eating... just eat them! At dinner make half the plate a serving of vegetables and eat them first. This is a big part of your lifestyle change!
3. Exercise! - The best way to boost your metabolism is to get in some exercise. Get to the gym or learn some body weight exercises to do at home. At home, try doing push-ups, squats, lunges, etc. If you would like I will list some examples of at-home workouts when I have more time. Exercise burns calories during and after exercise, and also has great mental and emotional effects.
Whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP! Try these few tips and build from there. If you are cutting your calories, don't cut a crazy amount. Rather, decrease by a few hundred (maybe up to 500). Your body needs calories to function properly. Best of luck.