Weight-Loss Weekly Motivation Challenge 4/3-4/7

Ok Honesty Time I Have Fell Off The Wagon So I Am Out Of This Challenge But Will Hop Back In Mondays! I Have A New Strategy And Plan And I Will Be Ready Then! Keep Up The Great Work I Know You Guys Can Do This I Just Have Some Family Issues That Have Me Worried!
Good luck with your family RNW, just remember one step at a time, whatever it is you can handle it.

Since we are being honest - I didn't manage the no-pop thing. I cracked at 3:30. I was falling asleep at my desk and couldnt concentrate - sorry guys, and I was the one pushing it too, dyamn.

Tomorrow is a new day!!!
Darn it, Ruby :p It's okay. Like you said, tomorrow is a new day! Speaking of tomorrow, the fruits and veggies challenge sounds like a great idea.
I just went shopping and bought a whole bunch of veggies for tomorrow so I'm going to go for 6-10 servings. You're in on this one Ocire? Anyone else want to go for this mini challenge?

I did manage the rest of the day with no more pop - so it was only the one that I had. That's really good for me considering I usually have about 5 a day:eek:
No pop for me today. But I gave up pop the Sat. before last. I miss my mt. dew. I don't know if I'll make the goal tomorrow. Maybe, cause for my one meal I plan on having a baked potato with sour kraut on it. I can have carrots too. I am just not a fruit and veggie person.
I love fruits, but veggies are a challenge! :p I didn't have any pop either today so this challenge is passed! Tomorrow's going to be one tough cookie to finish though!
It is a good thing there is no pop in this house!! I'm dying over here. Trying to read my accounting book and take care of the baby and cook dinner on less than 3 hours of sleep!!! Anyone know anything that might give me a pick me up? I had two cups of coffee this morning (my normal... I know bad... but I couldn't give up pop and coffee all at once).

I have to get this homework done and of course I can't take a nap with a 7 month old running around.

:eek: That's how I feel right now. And I'm a little depressed cause I'm not sure I lost much weight this week even though I only was bad once ( I ate a bagel). I suppose it's probably the fact that I don't drink nearly enough water... I seriously need to work on that.
I'm sure you are doing great on the weightloss nenarene, expecially with how busy you are with both school and a baby. I remember those days all too well!! As for a pick me up - if you find one let me know your secret. I've been suffering from the 3:30 droop lately myself - tho it may have something to do with the time change.

I'm at 4 servings on the veggies and 1 on the fruit so far today. I'm gonna try to get at least one more serving of veggies in with dinner and then some berries with nonfat whipped cream for dessert - so should be at 7 servings for the day.

How is everyone else doing?
I took a one hour nap with the baby. I'm still tired but feel much better.

I had 7 servings of sour kraut... so is that actually 7 servings of veggies? Seems like a lot, lol. But it was half of a can of it. I also had a small baked potato... is that one serving? I never knew I could eat so much sour kraut, it is only 5 calories a serving. It's not as good on a baked potato as mashed potatos, but i figured it is better for me than using insant potatos (cause i'm too lazy to make mashed just for me).

I'll probably have some carrots later for snack. So I think I made the veggies for the day!

I hope everyone is doing well!
:eek: wow - that is a lot of sour kraut :) Good job on eating those veggies!!!

I baby carrots with the other veggies and dip that I brought to work as a snack but I didnt eat them. I've never been much of a carrot fan, I ate 2 of them and decided that I just wasnt in the mood to eat something that I didnt really like today :eek: I kept trying to pawn them off on the other folks around the office - hehehe
Today has been great for veggies and fruits today! For breakfast, I had a banana, so there's one serving. Then at lunch I had a sandwich with lettuce on it, which was about half of the serving size of lettuce and I also had an apple. Which puts me at 2.5 servings of fruits and veggies. Now I'm having a snack. 1/2 a serving of radishes, a serving of cucumber, and three servings of grape tomotoes. So, I'm at 7 servings so far! Plus, there's still dinner to come so I'll see where I can go with that.
Hmm, I've been looking at the nutritional values of veggies and I don't see anything special about them. Why are they so good for you?
You know I never thought about radishes as a veggie I like! Thanks. Now I have something other than carrots to eat, lol. I was thinking about celery too, but I would want peanut butter on it.

Would that be a good or bad snack? I guess it would probably depend how much of it I ate. Anything else good to put on celery?

Yea I know about the sour kraut, I was surprised when I saw how many servings were in the can. It's just a small can, lol. A serving is only 2 Tablespoons. I just looked at the can.\

congrats everyone on eating your fruits and veggies. I'm eating a bowl of carrots and grapes now.
Peanut butter on celery is good because of the protein, but like you said, you couldn't eat too much. Also, salt is really good on celery but salt has a lot of sodium so I don't know if you'd want to use that.

Carrots and grapes? Lol, interesting combination.
I finished the day at 8 servings - YAY ME!!! I also went to the gym and walked 2 miles on the treadmill and then did some crunches and stretched for a bit. plus I only had 2 cans of diet coke. definitely a good day for me.
Thanks Beachcomergal :) I've been doing this for almost exactly 2 months. I started sometime between Feb. 6 and Feb. 12, though I'm not totally sure what day in there.

Okay people, as you, I had seven servings earlier. Well, at dinner I had a serving of pickle and I'm finishing up an apple right now. So, about nine servings in total today! Yay :)
Congrads Guys You Are Doing So Awsome And I Am Back On Track For Next Weeks Challenge If Anyone Wants To Take A Turn And Be In Charge Of Next Weeks Challenge Post It So I Will Know I Want To Take Turns With All Of You! This Is For Each Of You Also And I Want You Involved As Well! So I Will Start The Thread Than You Set The Challenges And Keep Track Of Memebers And Weigh Ins!
so do we use this mornings weigh in? if so i was at 170 - didnt lose too much this week - but its better than nothing!!!