Weight-Loss Vitamins (Weight Smart)



New member
Has anyone ever taken those One-A-Day Weight Smart vitamins?
I usually take vitamins everday and ran out yesterday so I went to the store and noticed the weight smart ones, they have plenty of good stuff in them so I picked them up.
It looks like the only real difference is it contains 32 mg of EGCG (green tea extract) & caffeine.
I eat healthy and exercise at least 5 days a week, so, I'm not looking for a 'magic pill' or anything (I know there's no such thing), like I said I usually take vitamins anyway, thought these cant hurt. Anyone ever seen results while taking these (or something similar?).
they aren't a weight loss pill, nor do they make any claims to be... they are just vitamins so you really aren' going to get anything extra but as vitamins if you an take them- you woin't hurt anything...
I know they're not weight loss pills. Just figured the extra stuff can't hurt if I'm taking the vitamins anyway.
I probably wouldn't bother unless they were roughly the same price as standard ones.