Vitamins and Smoking

Many people smoke cigarettes, and it is a tough habit to quit, and I know this because I am still trying to quit. However, I have learned that if you take vitamins while you are still a smoker, you can keep your immune system and body safe from getting more and more unhealthy. Ever since I started taking vitamins (multi-vitamins, C, B12, and more), and I smoke, I feel better and feel like I have more strength to carry on my day.
Sorry, but while you may feel better you are still killing yourself.
wow what an obvious and redundant comment Trek....
This will actually go towards helping those that smoke that feel the constant tiredness and fatigue that coincide with this habit
it may counteract the "SHORT" term impacts of smoking
interesting find bud!
However, I have learned that if you take vitamins while you are still a smoker, you can keep your immune system and body safe from getting more and more unhealthy.

How exactly have you 'learned' this? Just because you have more energy since you've started taking vitamins doesn't mean that you're overall health is any better. And it certainly DOES NOT mean that the effects of smoking will be counteracted. You want more energy AND better health? Quit smoking!!
I think this is more for the people who have resigned there hopes of quitting smoking and are looking for a little get-up .... I personally dont smoke but I happen to know for a fact that you can smoke and be fit, it just requires aloooot more effort and im not disagreeing with the fact that it kills you in the long run :]

"More than likely the OP is a spammer...he's being watched."

sorry but whats an OP?? I was confused by this abbreviation...
OP = original poster (of the thread)

we got a lot of weird garbage posts like this...but until they try to post a link to their 'smoker vitamin superstore' we allow them to post. But once that link appears...perma-ban!
Agh ok sorry am new to the forums, and as such not familiar with the "bait and switch" tactics :p
I won't encourage a post like this in the future,
And of course too much vitamin A is not good if you're a smoker as it increases the aggressive growth of tumours :)

I know it's old but if there any smokers reading this, avoid too much Vit A
I feel no hesitation to tell you that smoking is really the cause of the fat burner of the human body. By the use of the smoking we not only save the problem of the depression but also the weight loss in the form of side effect.