Weight-Loss Virgin Coconut Oil

Hey Mehriels, how's it going? I just wanted to say that I've noticed taking the coconut oil lubes the pipes up a bit. Not to be gross, but I went from one a day, to 3-4 times a day now. I couldn't be happier. I was reading that if you don't go #2, at least 2-3 times a day that you are constipated. Anyhow, just thought I'd pass it along. It also kept me from gaining weight even though I wasn't eating so great. But I noticed when I stopped taking it for a few weeks because I went out of town, that everything slowed down and I started gaining weight. Interesting. I can't wait to see what it does for me while I am actually eating decent.
hi ms. jelly belly. good to know that your diet is working for you. i haven't been in ths forum 4 a while and i miss this site. anyway yeah im still using VCO. ive noticed that my tummys getting flatter. but im also doing a lot of exercises at night. goodluck on your diet ms. jelly belly. cheers to a sexier and gorgeous you!
How Can Coconut Oil Help?

The diet using virgin coconut oil is the perfect diet. The only one that will allow you to eat fat! The fat of coconut oil had fewer calories than other fats and promotes good health. Unlike other fats, they are not packed into lipoproteins and circulated in the bloodstream. The MCFAs are sent directly to the liver and immediately converted to energy. This digestion process speeds up metabolism and will make you lose weight. Substitute other vegetables oil with coconut oil and include it in your daily food intake. MC Gill University researchers (based in Canada) discovered that doing this (consuming virgin coconut oil alone)can make you lose up to 36 pounds per year. But of course, it doesn’t mean that you can overeat. To maintain that healthy figure, combine the use of coconut oil with a balanced diet.
Hey people it's been a long time since i visited the forum. Anyway, since i started this thread, i might as well provide the forumers with some info about VCO. i found this article on the net think, it will be useful as it answers the usual FAQs about VCO