Weight-Loss Virgin Coconut Oil



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hey..i saw an article on the net saying that adding virgin coconut oil in the diet can promote weight loss. anyone here who has tried it? this is where i found it.:)
Hmm, that's an interesting article. It says lose 36 pounds year. That's not very much. Or was it refering to something else? Well, I'll wait and see if anyone has used this before.
hello ocire..:) i don't know but i think 36 pounds a year is a lot! Anyway maybe crash diets just don't work.do it slowly but surely. good luck on your goal. i know u can make it.;)
Hey there, I've read the same thing in my book on natural cures. I say try it! I've heard great things about it. And I agree 36 lbs a year is a lot!! Especially when all you have to do is add it to your diet. Just imagine what you could lose if you combined it with other weight loss methods. Let me know if you try it, I've been meaning to pick some up.
hi ms. jelle belly. your avatar is really sexy..i think im going to try it. ur really convincing and credible.;)
I like your avatar too. That is one sexy fairy! hehe I haven't personally tried to coconut oil, but a friend of mine has the same natural cure book and she is doing it. She also takes digestive enzymes, she said she was losing weight without changing her diet at all from both of them. I'm going to go buy some of the coconut oil too, we can try it together!
I've never heard of virgin coconut oil, it sounds interesting though, i'm gonna check into it! I always use grapeseed oil for cooking it's great!

hello honeychild:). i've bought a bottle of virgin coconut oil last weekend. im going to try it together with ms. jelly belly. i use it for cooking and i also want to apply it on my skin...because my skin and hair tends to be dry. dosage says 3 tablespoons per day but i can't take that yet..so i am adding it in my food for now. i saw one with flavor. i am going to buy those neext time. :)

anyway i got to listen to a radio show about diet techniques. the nutritionist said that the surefire diet is eat in moderation and eat with variety( all of food groups but in moderation) she said south beach and atkins diet only offers temporary results.
Hey there! I still have to buy my coconut oil! I had a quick question for you. Is it in solid form, or is it a liquid form? How does it taste?

I will pick some up this week for sure and let you know how it goes. I hope there is no sugar or carbs in it.
it's in liquid form, i think it becomes solid in colder climates..you can submerge the bottle in hot water to make it liquid. they say never microwave! i'm adding it in my foods...so far so good. like i am using it as a cooking oil. i'll try to take 1 tablespoon tonight and let you know how it tastes okay...but i wanted to buy the one with flavor. i like its effect on my skin...nice moisturizer:) :)

anyway...kind of off topic...but does anyone here know of a special diet for people who are pear shaped?(small face, arms and feet but big in the middle).
Sounds like another weight loss scam to me. Coconuts and their oil is very high in colesterol. Just eat less and start an exercise program.
hi kelonzo. studies will reveal that coconut oil has no cholesterol and the saturated fat in it is unique as it comes from a plant source. it contains the beneficial medium chain fatty acids. i dont think its a scam. because VCO does not promise quick diet plan or fast weight loss. rather, it encourages a healthy lifestyle. :)
Hi Mehriels. Just wanted to let you know that I finally bought some virgin coconut oil on the 5th and started taking it. I bought the filled capsules so I wouldn't have to swallow the oil by itself. I'll keep you posted on any changes. Have you experienced any? I hear it helps coat the food so that less fat gets absorbed. Did you hear that too?
ive tried taking 1 tablespoon (the one with flavor) and yeah its kind of sweet and the taste is not so bad. so i am still adding it in my oatmeal and other foods. yeah ive heard about the one in capsule...but its perfect for my skin and hair so i 'll stick to the liquid form. anyway, ive read an article on the net once saying that virgin coconut oil in capsule is not recommended. ill find that one and post the site here so you can take a look at it.
as for the effects on my body, i noticed that i seem to gain more energy and is not always hungry.i like VCO because i can use it in so many ways, like a deodorant , moisturizer, etc. i hope you will experience the same positive effects with capsule.

take care always.:)
hi ms. jelly belly. :) ive already found the site that i am saying in my previous post. here it is. check it out. i dont know if its true though but i think VCO in liquid form is still the best to use.
Wow, thanks for the article. It's so true. I paid $16 for a bottle of coconut pills. I will definitely get the liquid when I run out. Plus the part about the gel capsules made of cow? OMG! Nasty. Thanks!

Did you say you use the VCO for deoderant? How so?
Hey I might join you guys on the VCO binge haha.. that's sounds like a good idea - the capsules though, wow.. didn't realize it was that small of a dosage. How does it taste though? You have to tell me - I won't buy it until I know haha..
hi elizb3th. it doesn't taste so bad..i assure you. buy the one who is labeld EVCO(extra virgin coconut oil) and chose the one that is cold pressed. but you can buy the one with flavor. actually you don't have to take it as it is. you can add it in your coffee , oatmeal,or smoothie. tastes great.:)

as a deodorant. i just apply it in my underarm before i take a bath.
Thanks! I will pick some up - probably not until next week though, but it sounds like its a good idea. I bet it would be awesome for baths! Skin would be so damn smooth!
hello i just discovered another use for VCO.you can used it in in place of veggie oils in baking.I like the subtle coconut flavor it adds. It also makes muffins much denser and more moist than normal You can also let a little spoonful melt on plain pasta in place of sauce or butter and it was really yummy! A little different at first, but really good. I also also put a little on my chapped lips the other night before bed, and they were completely healed and moisturized the next morning.