Views on the current state of political correctness?

Here in the UK, my form are making an assembly to show the rest of our grade. We are doing it on the extreme state of political correctness gone ott, in the UK. One of the sketches was basically showing the BA crucifix story, which was on the news last year. Basically a women was asked not to wear her cross over her shirt due to the fact it offended a muslim women. When she complained about it, she was threatened with the sack. The sketch we did was of a man who was wearing his highly valued cross. His collegues, and friends were wearing turbans. When he was told to take the cross off he complained saying "They can wear their turbans" and then my mate added a bit flip-paintly "yes, they are none Christian symbols", my teacher, at the ripe old age of 28, said "Stop, this is racist".

Would this have bothered her if it had been the other way around, a turban for crucifix, no. I've noticed people seem to be in fere of upsetting anybody who isn't a white caucasian. It's rediculous.
It's not political correctness, it's bias and yes, racism. A kind of "reverse-racism" towards non-whites and regular ol' racism to whites. How would you think they'd handle it if a white guy was a Sikh and had a turban? They'd probably tell him to take it off...Or well, I don't know. I get the feeling that a trend in The UK, if not most of Western Europe, is christophobic (no idea if this is real -- effectively, it's "Fear of Christ") from the people I talk to.

Look at France -- they've banned ALL religious symbols. Turbans, crosses, burkas...

What's with you, Europe?
Here in the UK, my form are making an assembly to show the rest of our grade. We are doing it on the extreme state of political correctness gone ott, in the UK. One of the sketches was basically showing the BA crucifix story, which was on the news last year. Basically a women was asked not to wear her cross over her shirt due to the fact it offended a muslim women. When she complained about it, she was threatened with the sack. The sketch we did was of a man who was wearing his highly valued cross. His collegues, and friends were wearing turbans. When he was told to take the cross off he complained saying "They can wear their turbans" and then my mate added a bit flip-paintly "yes, they are none Christian symbols", my teacher, at the ripe old age of 28, said "Stop, this is racist".

Would this have bothered her if it had been the other way around, a turban for crucifix, no. I've noticed people seem to be in fere of upsetting anybody who isn't a white caucasian. It's rediculous.

Isn't the turban more a cultural rather than a religious symbol? Are there any non-Sikhs who wear turbans?

It seems Christians and whites are being forced to endure some discrimination and prejudice by self-loathing or fearful types.
The reason though, is that because Christian whites are the majority. If they do make a comment about the unfairness they get branded as racist. So therefore unless they become the minority, they will have no say.
Racism doesn't deal with majorities or minorities. The only reason people feel like they can get away with it is because whites are the majority, but that doesn't make it any less racist.
We have gone mad on PC in the UK.

It is very difficult for everyone as everyone is too scared to give an idea or opinion. It seems that any opinion you have is wrong.
A lot of English think that all the Asians coming to live here sould "go home", and "get out of our country"

When people say this it makes me ashamed to be English. I dont think that people should stay in their country of ethnic origin. If we all did life would be rubbish.

If the french didnt go over to America there would be no Jazz. If nobody traveled our cultures would be rubbish.

Also i love the fact that people moan about whoes country it is. We have been invaded so many times that every one in england is ether Norwegen, French or Scottish.

I dont really care what happens to "my" country anyway, I'm trying to move to Oz.
First of all I would like to make one point. The turban is just a form of head dress often worn by Sikh's to control their hair as they are forbidden to cut it. The turban itself is not a symbol of the religion as such and shouldn't be treated as one. Many Christians and athiests in the UK also wear them.

It's because of this kind of ignorance that the UK is going PC crazy, the turban is always being used by racists as a way of identifying people to abuse so any innocent comment or well indended joke might be seen as an attack unless you know the turban wearer very well. If there were no racists in the world and people stopped attacking each other over symbols then there would be a need for all these rules over what you can and can't say.

I hate PC rules but I can see why they're there and to some extent I back them because so many people show that they're unable to be civil and decent to each other. Minorities in England spend their whole day recieving abuse and are therefore going to get very touchy about things that might have been said without any intended malice

Also, a side point, the church of England and the Vatican have both gone on record to say that the crucifix does not need to be worn, it's just a piece of jewelery (so is normally banned in UK schools anyway). In fact Pope John Paul the second went as far as to say it could even be anti-christian as it's a show of wealth when Christians are supposed to be humble. Can you really imagine JC walking around with Gold hanging round his neck?
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That is very sad to hear that people, of any religion, have lost their right to even wear a symbol of their deep held beliefs in the name of political correctness.

One thing I have noticed, is that there seems to be no fans of PC at all. If no one seems to like it, in any country, on any side of the political fence, then why in the world does it rule all of our lives so strongly?
Three Words - "The Court System." At least in the US.

A kid prays before lunch at school. Another kid mentions it to their parents. Kid #2's parents sue the school on the grounds that their child's education will be negatively effected.

Schools do not have the money to have a long drawn out court case. They just say, ok no praying on school property.

Legal precedence is set and it snowballs from their.

If judges would just dismiss all cases like that, "case suspended for stupidity" or something. The problem would not be here.

On the other side, seems to me that the child's education would be enriched, due to the exposure to different belief systems.

This is just one example. Could be a religious symbol someone has at work, anything really. Since it usually happens with people who do not have the time to deal with the problem, they just give in and get on with their daily lives.

Political Correctness can only foster hate and create cultural barriers. Exposure to other beliefs and cultures is what will make society better and more understanding. It is just another form of segregation really.
It wasn't just about turbans, Hijabs too. Well the performance has been cancelled. Anyone got any ideas of how to be really sarcastic, basically along freedom of speech lines? Not being racist though, racism is one thing I can't stand, there is a fine line between PC and racism.
They cancelled it? That just proves your point that PC has gone crazy.

You don't have to do a performance to illustrate the double-standards of political correctness. Appearantly, their behavior did it for you.
I like this thread a little better than the God thread.. Let's keep the topic, for the most part, political.
They cancelled it completely. Basically told us that we couldn't do it. It was actually frustrating, we could have just rewritten it, but no, the topic is not to be spoken about. Talk about freedom of speech!
I have to say I agree that the play you had planned should have been banned because it wasn't properly researched but I like the sound of the idea. I think a better subject to deal with might be the wearing of veils in schools, if you make sure your sympathetic to both sides you should be OK.

Do you have any minority groups in your class? If you do then you could put the idea forward as their idea and then the school would think twice about objecting or they might seem racist.

The problem with schools is they don't want their pupils to have free and independant thought, maybe they fear that they'll lose control of you if you do. All they want you to do is go up on stage and put on a nice play that shows why you should always try hard, listen to your elders and do good deeds.
Sod that, go up there and say what you think about subjects that are important to you
We have no black people in our year. Have one muslim whose not even bothered. Erm, couple of Jews, again aren't bothered.
I hate how some people play the dam "racist" card. I think there is a false since of racism here in the United States. Furtheremore, people don't relize that when you do things to try not to "insult" a minority, you end up insulting a majority. Here is an example. Target employees were told not to tell people "Merry Christmas" to people anymore because it was insulting the non-christians...Personally, if somone told me "have a happy Hanukkah" or "have a happy Kwaunza" i would just say thanks..
We have no black people in our year. Have one muslim whose not even bothered. Erm, couple of Jews, again aren't bothered.

So basically, the four or five people they were sooo worried about offending that they took away your freedom of speech weren't even offended in the first place.

gotta love that. :rolleyes:

Whether or not the play was accurately researched, etc is irrelevant. It wouldn't have mattered how factual it was, all that mattered was that free speech was trampled due to fear of potentially offending someone.
What about racial profiling? How do you guys feel about that? Like what if a cop pulls over a car full of mexicans cause he figures there's got to be something going on?

Or what if a waiter avoids trys to avoid waiting on black people cause 9 our of 10 times he'll get a 5% tip?

I hate how some people play the dam "racist" card. I think there is a false since of racism here in the United States. Furtheremore, people don't relize that when you do things to try not to "insult" a minority, you end up insulting a majority. Here is an example. Target employees were told not to tell people "Merry Christmas" to people anymore because it was insulting the non-christians...Personally, if somone told me "have a happy Hanukkah" or "have a happy Kwaunza" i would just say thanks..

I agree, I would never feel offended by someone celebrating their religious holidays, in fact I think I would quite like the fact that they were trying to spread happyness in my direction.

I think rules of political correctness started off with good intentions but tend to be made by people who have too much time on their hands.

But I go back to the point I made earlier, a lot of minorities spend a large proportion of their lives being victimised and abused. People who go though this in their everyday lives are more likely to become very sensitive about what people say about them and therefore it doesnt do any harm to think twice about what you say.
Take out the abuse and you eliminate the need be careful and then we'll be able to chuck the PC rulebook in the bin