Here in the UK, my form are making an assembly to show the rest of our grade. We are doing it on the extreme state of political correctness gone ott, in the UK. One of the sketches was basically showing the BA crucifix story, which was on the news last year. Basically a women was asked not to wear her cross over her shirt due to the fact it offended a muslim women. When she complained about it, she was threatened with the sack. The sketch we did was of a man who was wearing his highly valued cross. His collegues, and friends were wearing turbans. When he was told to take the cross off he complained saying "They can wear their turbans" and then my mate added a bit flip-paintly "yes, they are none Christian symbols", my teacher, at the ripe old age of 28, said "Stop, this is racist".
Would this have bothered her if it had been the other way around, a turban for crucifix, no. I've noticed people seem to be in fere of upsetting anybody who isn't a white caucasian. It's rediculous.
Would this have bothered her if it had been the other way around, a turban for crucifix, no. I've noticed people seem to be in fere of upsetting anybody who isn't a white caucasian. It's rediculous.