Weight-Loss Veggies, ugh! What if I just don't like 'em?

Well im not very fond of vegetables either and hardly touch a spoon in my soup if they r just simply boiled to be cooked, must add some more ingredients such as meat, other vegetables that make up a delicious soup. If i have to eat boiled vegetable, i must have some tasty sauces which r made of soybean with it. Often, i try making some salad with beef, salad, tomatoes and lemon. Sometimes carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, salad, egg... Not bad.
When I'm eating badly I don't want to bother with vegetables and don't find them interesting. When I'm doing well I love them. At the turn around point I have to push myself to just have some, or one - just a little of whatever vegetable is the easiest and most attractive to me. It helps a lot to push me in the direction of controlling the rest of what I eat. If you are like me in finding that you are slowed down when you have a lot of sugary/starchy food at once, then the extra effort to increase the vegetables in your diet could be helpful in this way, as well as for the other health benefits you mentioned.

I sympathise with the "don't like them" aspect - our taste is an individual thing - apparently there are substances in some foods that some people taste as bitter whereas others don't, and this is a genetic difference. However, most people come to enjoy more flavours with more time and more exposure, so maybe adding more veges despite your dislike will help you to gradually enjoy them more.

Anything I eat when I'm really hungry usually tastes heaps better than it does normally. If you would like to try and give your taste buds a push, maybe you could try eating a vegetable first, when you are really hungry and that will help it start tasting better to you?
One thing you could do is mince the veggies up real fine, add them to your food and cook. Ive used that trick on my 3 year old daughter who hates most veggies lol
Hello Jeepers,
I love veggies raw or cooked, i am not keen on cereals with milk its the soggy look and taste i dont like but you know what i am having them all this week but only the clusters they seem ok. Think of me this week trying to conquer my soggy mindset, mmmmmmmmm i do like cereals i do! i do! i do!
Have to say :newbie:

I cant stand veg either, and it sucks because they are "good" for you and would help to fill you up. :cry:

The diet works for me because If i'm not allowed to eat cool stuff, I only eat stuff I dont really like which is also "better" for me..and I eat less of it because I dont really like it. Hey presto - less calorie intake. Once you get over the first 2-3 weeks its not as hard after that.:nopity:

Ok so I cant cope with cauliflower:ack2: ..and definately not celery the smell alone makes me feel sick. Same for garden peas *ugh*

Could not eat them raw takes too long to chew it -perhaps I am immature but have you noticed that the things that taste the best arent as "good" as the ones that dont?

For example I can eat broccoli (with cream cheese on preferably), Spinach is good with salted fish, tomatos are ok (but I avoid tomato soup as its clearly calorific!) Sweetcorn is fantastic, carrots are ok..pumpkins are good as are squash etc. Mange tout is good to..

One tip to make yourself eat them... a little tip from being a kid "eat the worst first, save the best til last". Just make sure that A) you wont have to share your best with anyone and b) that you portion control because you could end up eating loads.. or best case scenario you'll be too full on good stuff ..to eat the less healthy stuff :)
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Since you like pasta, have you considered making a pasta salad ? Something with some grated carrots and some spinach, with a vinaigrette with balsamic. I didn't see tomatoes on any of your lists, do you eat them ? Diced tomatoes are good on just about anything especially in a pasta salad. You like peas, so buy them frozen, they are very close to fresh and use them in salads. Have you tried snow peas or sugar snap peas ? There are over 300 different varieties of fruits and vegetables available from around the world, you know what you don't like, try some variety of what you do like to increase your selection.

One other suggestion, purchase a good digital scale for your kitchen and weigh your portions. You can still eat healthy foods but if you eat too much, unknowingly, you still can't lose weight. Barilla whole grain pasta has a serving size of 2 ozs, most pastas do. Over eating pasta is quite easy. It is quite simple to add up the calories of what you eat once you know how much you are eating. A book listing calories and nutritional information for just about anything, including restaurants, is $20.

Putting together a diet and meal plan seems daunting when you first begin, but it becomes easier every day that you stick to it.
Eat them anyways. I was the same way with a lot of the foods I was eating, but the more I ate them the more I got used to the taste and even started to enjoy the foods I was eating. Chances are you will adjust if you try to.