
Metabolic Drive is $27.99 for ~31 servings. 2 Scoops you will need damn near a whole bottle of water to keep from burning up your blender it is so thick from the high casein content. When I did the V-Diet using the nitrean, I was putting in maybe 1 cup of water to try and thicken it up and it was still thin and not as filling. I love nitrean too and still use it, but when it runs out I will pay the extra money and stick to MD exclusively. The banana rocks and the strawberry is pretty damn good too. I was warned to stay away from the orange, but I got to see that for myself and I haven't tried vanilla or chocolate.
31 servings on the V diet would be about 6 days. My buddy was telling me his friend bought all the MD and then she quit after the first week.
So I measured out a 1/2 cup of raisin bran, no freaking way that will do any positive for hunger. I am moving the breakfast to two eggs with one piece of toast. Thats 240 calories and should provide a much better anti hunger agent.

Another college semester in the books!

Yesterday was a good workout.

Deadlift 3@315 3@315 2@315 1@315 3@295 3@295 8@245 6@245
Pullup 8,6,5
Supine Row 6
Back Extension 3x6@45
EZ Bar Curl 6@65
Lying Ham Curl 15@50 10@65

Deadlift was much better then last week.

My buddy is picking up my whey and casein protein tonight and Ill get it from him either Wed or Thurs. Then the V Diet craziness starts.
31 servings on the V diet would be about 6 days. My buddy was telling me his friend bought all the MD and then she quit after the first week.

Yea, you will need almost 10 tubs or so depending on your caloric intake as well as the transition of of the diet. Just make sure if you are getting whey and casein seperate, you will probably want to mix it 50/50 to start to make sure it sticks to you and fills you up. Best of luck to you. Keep me posted. I will probably be doing it again in another month or so, unless something else comes up like Lee's plan on his forum :D
I just found that the girl referred to above has most of the MD left over and my friend is trying to see if she willing to let it go for a nice discount. Hopefully I can get 1 or 2 tubs.
Article of the Day ~ TESTOSTERONE NATION - Top 10 Reader Tips

Just for the picture.

I think this article should be revisited.

So here is the food plan for the next 3 weeks. This starts tomorrow with breakfast each day and 1 additional meal per week.

FitDay.com - Diet and Fitness journal for tonymcclellan

I went and bought a second shaker cup yesterday and picked up my whey and casein. I am sure I will need another casein tub, but my buddy said V Shoppe only gets them 1 at a time. At $25*25% off I can wait it out.
Well that is right. I will be eating 2 eggs, 1 slice toast, some butter. The rest is whey/casein, flax seeds.

The Velocity Diet my friend.
Wow, velocity diet ...seems interesting, I don't like the idea of getting all your calories/nutrients from supplements though. Is this working for you Tony, what kind of progress have you made so far along this diet?
The only *real* food you ate today was 2 eggs, and how are you burning 2000 cals through exercise?

I don't how Tony does it, but I go for a 3-hour ride twice a week and that's probably over 2000C each time. Most serious triathletes in training probably burn 2000 calories 3 or 4 times a week, maybe more.
I don't how Tony does it, but I go for a 3-hour ride twice a week and that's probably over 2000C each time. Most serious triathletes in training probably burn 2000 calories 3 or 4 times a week, maybe more.

Thats pretty insane man, i'm sure you enjoy the ability to eat extra though .
So today was the first day. Woke up and had 2 eggs, 1 slice wheat toast, and butter around 7am. I took two shakes to work, half strawberry whey and half vanilla casein each. I had the first around 1130am I think. I wasnt really hungry and I had the second shake when I came home from work around 330pm. I then had a chocolate Nitrean shake which didnt taste so great for some reason. Ive had another strbry/van shake since. Two more to go and day 1 is over. Not hungry really which is amazing.

Test of will came when I walked into work and found a table with cookies and chocolates laying on it. I avoided them until around 1pm when I ate a small cookie. It was about the size of a half dollar. Also had about 3 pieces of KFC popcorn chicken while feeding my son. I discovered that pickles have about 5 calories per so I may eat one if I am feeling the need to chew something. I dont really like pickles though.

I am going to have a Blue Bunny Ice Cream Sandwich later though. Total calories for the day should be around 1600.
The thing I am most interested in is your poop. Do elaborate on consistency odour etc. Dont spare the dregs. This is something smithmachine would have been wondering as well no doubt.
It was just normal. It was only day one though. I will keep you updated on my bowel movements. lol

Just finished my eggs, toast, butter, and first shake for today.

Yesterday I actually missed my final shake (as in didnt drink it).
Good. I considered trying the velocity diet when I go onto a cut. The main thing I was wondering about was the old digestive system.
Well with the flax seeds you get about 20-30g of fiber each day. In addition I have one piece of double fiber bread for an extra 5g.

Today I went and bought some rice cakes and mini rice cakes, ranch flavor. Also bought some gum for chewing.

Weighed in this morning at 191, so that will be starting weight.

Im thinking of making breakfast a little bigger, since it was hard to actually get in the required amount of shakes for some reason. Though today I only have one more to go and that will be 6. I was off today though, at work I can easily forget to eat. Plus I only have two shaker cups.