Unpopular Foods

Usually people get pretty disgused by the fact that I catch fish or kill a deer or wild turkey to eat it. So I guess that can be classified as weird.

That would be classified as poaching depending on which part of the world you lived in. :)

I tend to eat alot of fish: Talapia, Crappie (self caught), and salmon, and my entire family complains when it bakes, and when I am devouring the goodness.

I have a family of fish haters :(

Best wishes to all!


I know the feeling or rather the smell as I luv mackerel.
ugh,kimchi There is an intenational market near me so my father-in-law asked us to bring him some kimchi. It was in a sealed jar but my car stunk for 3 days
Duck, lamb, bison, beets, cauliflower, frog legs, crawdads, cabbage. I LOVE boiled cabbage. Had boiled dinners every Sunday growing up. I can't even cook it now unless my family goes away. The smell of it makes my wife and daughter sick. :mad:
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They have certain weeks out of the year that you are allowed to hunt different animals and you have to pay a lot for special tags, otherwise it is poaching. If you don't follow by the DNR's rules the Do Nothing Rangers give you a pretty big fine. Unless you hit it with your vehicle, then they let you take it home for dinner. :D
They have certain weeks out of the year that you are allowed to hunt different animals and you have to pay a lot for special tags, otherwise it is poaching. If you don't follow by the DNR's rules the Do Nothing Rangers give you a pretty big fine. Unless you hit it with your vehicle, then they let you take it home for dinner. :D

too funny. I hunt so I must be doing something illegal.

Rest assured PETA that I am taking game by lawful and ethical methods and am very dedicated to preserving that tradition for the next generation.

I'm not some back woods hick that steps out of my trailer and shoots an animal when it happens to venture into range. LOL
I like all forms of spinach, even the 50 cent cans of spinach. Can't stand lima beans or okra except in New Orleans gumbo. I also like Spanish Mackeral, a fish I catch in Tampa Bay, but others consider it to be a trash fish.
Except that poaching is when hunting is illegal, and there's no reason to think that it is illegal in michigan.

Sorry, I didn't mean it as a lecture, from this quote it sounded like you didn't think it was illegal ever. Some people don't know anything about hunting, I was just trying to be informative.

I eat kangaroo about 3 times a week - it has been said that it is one of the leanest & highest protein meats on earth... it tastes lovely too...

Before anyone starts getting stuck into me about eating my national symbol - they are a pest in the outback so if farmers can make some money (we are in drought) by killing them and us humans get an extremely low fat and high protein meal out of them - everyone is happy.

* 44grams of protein in a 200gram serve
* 2 grams of fat in a 200 gram serve.

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I eat kangaroo about 3 times a week - it has been said that it is one of the leanest & highest protein meats on earth... it tastes lovely too...

Before anyone starts getting stuck into me about eating my national symbol - they are a pest in the outback so if farmers can make some money (we are in drought) by killing them and us humans get an extremely low fat and high protein meal out of them - everyone is happy.

* 44grams of protein in a 200gram serve
* 2 grams of fat in a 200 gram serve.


Thats awesome, pity my national animal is a Kiwi and they wouldnt make much of a meal, also they are pretty few in number being on the endangered species list and all.
This is not an "unpopular food" exactly, but today I went to my friends house and had Deer tenderloin, from a deer he shot in december. It was incredible. As an appetizer we had deer sausage with cheese and jalapenos. Also incredible.