I know the Chillen thread is closed, but I have to set stuff right between some people:
I was given rep for my previous post by Chillen:
Name calling and childishness isn't going to get you anywhere, Chillen. Because I don't take your side I am narrow minded? Because I can see things from a different perspective? Don't get me wrong, I think you're a great guy, but please. Don't even come at me with that.
My case is in my point. When I was given this frivilous rep, my points went up by FOUR. I had an additional added green box.
PB, your point was actually refuted by he whom you protect. I was given positive rep for a post that was probably not that helpful because no one seemed to get the question I was asking...or just didn't want to admit something. Again, it was frivilous rep. Given on a whim, so to speak.
I guess since the mods added the rep system, it must have some sort of real use, and cannot be used for fun at all. IE, Mreik and his red rep, Sara and her "neg rep only", Merciless and I repping eachother for ****s
You can write tons of helpful posts and never get repped. You can write one or two posts that aren't necessarily helpful and get repped by someone like Chillen and suddenly have a lot of rep power.
I was given rep for my previous post by Chillen:
You deserve a rep for the narrow minded path you have chosen, Brotha
Name calling and childishness isn't going to get you anywhere, Chillen. Because I don't take your side I am narrow minded? Because I can see things from a different perspective? Don't get me wrong, I think you're a great guy, but please. Don't even come at me with that.
My case is in my point. When I was given this frivilous rep, my points went up by FOUR. I had an additional added green box.
PB, your point was actually refuted by he whom you protect. I was given positive rep for a post that was probably not that helpful because no one seemed to get the question I was asking...or just didn't want to admit something. Again, it was frivilous rep. Given on a whim, so to speak.
I guess since the mods added the rep system, it must have some sort of real use, and cannot be used for fun at all. IE, Mreik and his red rep, Sara and her "neg rep only", Merciless and I repping eachother for ****s
You can write tons of helpful posts and never get repped. You can write one or two posts that aren't necessarily helpful and get repped by someone like Chillen and suddenly have a lot of rep power.