Weight-Loss Truth about ACAI

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Steve, or anyone else in the know...

Wasn't there a study not so long ago on anti-oxidants that had to be stopped early because the patients' health was deteriorating quicker from having TOO much in their system?

I thought I had read that somewhere, but I may be wrong. I can't seem to dig the information up again.

And is this ACAI stuff just a super-potent anti-oxidant?
Yes it is the strogest antioxidant and also kills free radicals.
Here we go.

This is the article I was looking for...

Some quotes from that page:

During the 1990's, researchers began to conduct very large-scale studies (involving tens of thousands of participants) to determine the benefits of antioxidants in fairly high doses. The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene, and Cancer prevention study (ATBC), the Physicians' Health Study (PHS), the Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET), and the Skin Cancer Prevention Study (SCPS) were among these large-scale studies. One very unexpected result in several of these studies was the fact that antioxidant dietary supplements actually increased the risk of disease instead of lowering it.

The problem with thinking about antioxidants as "good guys" is that every antioxidant can become a prooxidant, i.e., it can reverse its role in our metabolism.

when an antioxidant gives away an electron, another problem occurs. The antioxidant itself becomes a radical, because it now has a leftover electron.

So anyway, a good balance of antioxidants is good for you... but oversaturating your body with them, through supplementation (this ACAI berry stuff you're talking about), could prove to be harmful.
Facts I said.

Stop preaching.

Effects of MonaVie Active on

Antioxidant Capacity in Humans

Gitte Jensen, Ph.D.

Research Director

Natural Immune Systems, Inc.

Larry Scherwitz, Ph.D.

Director of Clinical Services

AIBMR Life Sciences, Inc.


Alexander G. Schauss, PhD, FACN

Senior Director, Natural and Medicinal Products Research

AIBMR Life Sciences, Inc.

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that are associated with the degenerative aging process. Free
radicals steal electrons from healthy cells causing cellular damage. They are byproducts of normal
metabolic processes in the body and are produced by exposure to environmental pollutants including
cigarette smoke, smog, harmful chemicals, toxins, and sunlight. Antioxidants found in fruits and
vegetables help counter the effects of the damaging free radicals.

A study conducted by an independent laboratory in the United States commissioned by the Natural and
Medicinal Products Research division of AIBMR Life Sciences was performed to determine whether
drinking MonaVie Active affects antioxidant activity and or levels in human serum. The study began with a
pilot study that determined which assays and follow-up schedule to use.

The main study used two measures of antioxidant activity: 1) the Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances
(TBARS) assay, a well-established method for screening and monitoring of lipid peroxidation; and, 2) the
Reactive Oxygen Stress in Red Blood Cells (ROS RBC) assay that measures the ability of antioxidants to
enter into a living cell and protect it from damage.

Clinical Study

Methods. We employed a crossover study with twelve participants, all of whom took both MonaVie Active
and a placebo at two separate stages in the study. All participants were told they were consuming
MonaVie Active. Each treatment was separated by a seven-day washout period where the participants
did not consume MonaVie Active. The placebo consisted of two capsules of potato flakes dyed purple to
look like MonaVie Active. Blood samples were drawn from the subjects prior to consuming MonaVie
Active and placebo, and at one and two hours following consumption, to determine baseline antioxidant
levels. Subjects were randomized to receive either 4 ounces of MonaVie Active or placebo first. Results
were compared and contrasted on an individual basis and on a group basis.

Results. The TBARS measure of lipid peroxidation shows more antioxidant activity when the subjects
were consuming MonaVie than when consuming the placebo. An inspection of individual subjects
revealed that 83.3% of subjects had a decrease (relative to the placebo) in lipid peroxidation after taking
MonaVie. A treatment by repeated measures analysis of variance showed this positive effect to be
statistically significant at (p = 0.04).

Likewise, the ROS RBC cell-based assay revealed that when subjects consumed MonaVie Active they
had a rise in antioxidant activity at both one and two hours after consumption. An inspection of individual
results revealed that 82% of subjects had a small to moderate increase (relative to placebo) in antioxidant
activity within cells. A treatment by repeated measures analysis of variance showed this effect to be
statistically significant (p = 0.03).

In summary, MonaVie Active has not only shown experimentally to increase antioxidant activity in human
serum, leading to a decrease in lipid peroxidation in the blood stream, but there is also evidence that
MonaVie Active provided antioxidants that are able to penetrate cells. This study confirms that by drinking
four ounces of MonaVie Active containing Brazilian acai berry, the subjects had a significant increase in
their antioxidant capacity and inhibition in lipid peroxidation, which reduces the risk of cholesterol being
oxidized. Oxidized cholesterol has been shown to contribute to damage to the internal lining of the

It is important to note that this study was conducted in a relatively small number of healthy adults. Further
studies with larger sample sizes are needed before these results can be generalized to the population-at-
large. We expect complete and final results of this study to be published in scientific literature in 2008
after presentation of the findings at an international scientific nutritional symposium in the fall of 2007.

More Facts

University of Florida News - Brazilian berry destroys cancer cells in l...
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University of Florida News
Brazilian berry destroys cancer cells in lab, UF study shows
Filed under Research [ , Health
[ , Sciences
[ , Agriculture
[ on Thursday, January 12, 2006.
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — A Brazilian berry popular in health food contains antioxidants that
destroyed cultured human cancer cells in a recent University of Florida
[ study, one of the first to investigate the fruit’s purported
Published today in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry [<a href=] , the study
showed extracts from acai (ah-SAH’-ee) berries triggered a self-destruct response in up
to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested, said Stephen Talcott
[ , an assistant professor with UF’s Institute
of Food and Agricultural Sciences [ .
“Acai berries are already considered one of the richest fruit sources of antioxidants,”
Talcott said. “This study was an important step toward learning what people may gain
from using beverages, dietary supplements or other products made with the berries.”
He cautioned that the study, funded by UF sources, was not intended to show whether
compounds found in acai berries could prevent leukemia in people.
“This was only a cell-culture model and we don’t want to give anyone false hope,”
Talcott said. “We are encouraged by the findings, however. Compounds that show good
activity against cancer cells in a model system are most likely to have beneficial effects
in our bodies.”
Other fruits, including grapes, guavas and mangoes, contain antioxidants shown to kill
cancer cells in similar studies, he said. Experts are uncertain how much effect
antioxidants have on cancer cells in the human body, because factors such as nutrient
absorption, metabolism and the influence of other biochemical processes may influence
the antioxidants’ chemical activity.
Another UF study, slated to conclude in 2006, will investigate the effects of acai’s
antioxidants on healthy human subjects, Talcott said. The study will determine how
well the compounds are absorbed into the blood, and how they may affect blood
pressure, cholesterol levels and related health indicators. So far, only fundamental
research has been done on acai berries, which contain at least 50 to 75 as-yet
University of Florida News - Brazilian berry destroys cancer cells in l...
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unidentified compounds.
“One reason so little is known about acai berries is that they’re perishable and are
traditionally used immediately after picking,” he said. “Products made with processed
acai berries have only been available for about five years, so researchers in many parts
of the world have had little or no opportunity to study them.”
Talcott said UF is one of the first institutions outside Brazil with personnel studying acai
berries. Besides Talcott, UF’s acai research team includes Susan Percival
[ , a professor with the
food science and human nutrition department [ ,
David Del Pozo-Insfran, a doctoral student with the department and Susanne
Mertens-Talcott, a postdoctoral associate with the pharmaceutics department
[ of UF’s College of Pharmacy
[ .
Acai berries are produced by a palm tree known scientifically as Euterpe oleracea,
common in floodplain areas of the Amazon River, Talcott said. When ripe, the berries
are dark purple and about the size of a blueberry. They contain a thin layer of edible
pulp surrounding a large seed.
Historically, Brazilians have used acai berries to treat digestive disorders and skin
conditions, he said. Current marketing efforts by retail merchants and Internet
businesses suggest acai products can help consumers lose weight, lower cholesterol and
gain energy.
“A lot of claims are being made, but most of them haven’t been tested scientifically,”
Talcott said. “We are just beginning to understand the complexity of the acai berry and
its health-promoting effects.”
In the current UF study, six different chemical extracts were made from acai fruit pulp,
and each extract was prepared in seven concentrations.
Four of the extracts were shown to kill significant numbers of leukemia cells when
applied for 24 hours. Depending on the extract and concentration, anywhere from about
35 percent to 86 percent of the cells died.
The UF study demonstrates that research on foods not commonly consumed in the
United States is important, because it may lead to unexpected discoveries, said Joshua
Bomser [ , an
assistant professor of molecular nutrition and functional foods at The Ohio State
University [ in Columbus, Ohio.
But familiar produce items have plenty of health-giving qualities, he said.
“Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with decreased risk for
many diseases, including heart disease and cancer,” said Bomser, who researches the
effects of diet on chronic diseases. “Getting at least five servings a day of these items is
University of Florida News - Brazilian berry destroys cancer cells in l...
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still a good recommendation for promoting optimal health.”
om Nordlie, tnordlie@ifas.ufl.edu [mailto:tnordlie@ifas.ufl.edu] , (352) 392-0400,
ext. 276
Stephen Talcott, sttalcott@ifas.ufl.edu [mailto:sttalcott@ifas.ufl.edu] , (352)
392-1991, ext. 218
Joshua Bomser, jbomser@hec.ohio-state.edu [mailto:jbomser@hec.ohio-state.edu] ,
(614) 247-6622
Ok so now there are concrete facts. Or are the University of Florida and 3 other independent doctors not good enough? There are also many other facts out there if you choose to learn more about the product. Monavie is healthy for you and gives you more than enough servings of fruits and vegetables that most if not all of us are deficient in.
About the 19 Fruits in the Mona Vie Drink
Mona Vie Formula
Mona Vie is a potent new juice blend of 19 fruits with its main ingredient the Acai berry. Mona Vie comes in 2 different formulations -- Original containing the 19 fruits with the Acai berry, and Mona Vie Active which adds Glucosamine to help promote flexibility and joint health. Read our Frequently Asked Questions about Mona Vie nutritional acai juice.

Mona Vie is a 100% whole fruit blend, NOT made from concentrate. It contains NO artificial flavors or colors, and has no added sweeteners. By pureeing each fruit in its entirety -- flesh, skin and seed, the full complement of nutrients is captured. Fruits with the richest pigments and most intense colors were included for their peak levels of antioxidants and phyto-nutrients.

The Forgotten Fruits
The Mona Vie medical team realized full well that the world's population at large was sorely lacking in the life-changing nutrients that come from some of nature's most wondrous fruits. For most, their only fruit intake has become an occasional apple, banana or orange.

Cheaper, processed alternatives have replaced many of the Earth's most powerful resources for optimum health -- FRESH FRUITS from the richest soils of the world. Yet in this age of environmental pollution of air, water and food, the need for wholesome fruits has never been greater.

Knowing that proper intake of the RIGHT variety and balance of fruits could enormously benefit mankind, the Monarch scientific team declared its mission. Headed up by renowned scientist, Dr. Ralph Carson, they began their quest to identify and harness the potential of both everyday Forgotten Fruits and exotic fruits known only in remote locales to native populations.

One rule was paramount -- compromise in the quality of Mona Vie's ingredients was NOT an option. And regardless of cost, the formula MUST include a spectrum of fruits that would significantly impact the landscape of personal wellness and deliver SWIFT results. Delicious taste was also a firm requirement!

Mona Vie is a reconstituted puree from a proprietary blend of fruits from around the world described on this page. Click here to see the health benefits of Mona Vie's phytonutrients and antioxidants.

The crown jewel in the Mona Vie formula is the acai berry, found only high atop towering palm trees in the lush Amazon Rain Forest of South America. For centuries, the indigenous people of Brazil's Northern Amazon region have revered this legendary berry as an antidote for numerous ailments. Mona Vie's Acai is harvested in a responsible manner from Brazilian Amazon Rainforests.

Modern science has now validated the remarkable wellness benefits of the acai fruit. As a whole food by itself, the berry would provide a remarkable source of complete protein, healthy fats, and essential vitamins and minerals.

AÇAI Crown Jewel of the Mona Vie Blend
Among the reported benefits/features of this deep purple berry are: • High levels of dietary fiber • High levels of essential amino acids and trace minerals • High levels of plant sterols • Essential fatty acids ratio that resembles olive oil • Protein profile similar to eggs • Very low sugar content • High levels of antioxidants

Acerola thrives in the sandy soils. They are rich in both antioxidants and a range of important vitamins.
Apricots provide a rich assortment of antioxidants and are abundant with soluble fiber, beta-carotene, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, potassium and Vitamin C. They also include a natural salicylate.
ARONIA (Black Chokeberry)
Aronia juice contains very high levels of anthocyanins and flavonoids. Its beneficial nutrients include antioxidants, polyphenols, minerals and vitamins, as well as important trace minerals. Aronia has Polyphenols • Anthocyanidans • Quinic acid • Vitamins • Minerals • Flavinols.
Bananas are a common supermarket fruit and are often taken for granted (few realize the health benefits bananas bring to them). Bananas are the ONLY fruit that comes not from trees or bushes but from large plants that are giant herbs and are related to the lily and orchid family.
The Bilberry is a close relative of the blueberry and is noted for its phytonutrient content. Bilberry fruit and its extracts contain a number of biologically active components, including a class of compounds called anthocyanosides which are potent antioxidants.
Blueberries are an antioxidant powerhouse. They contain large amounts of health-promoting phytochemicals such as anthocyanins and phenolics, currently being studied for their antioxidant benefits. Besides antioxidants, blueberries contain condensed tannins, and they offer a great lineup of nutrients like potassium and iron, as well as being an excellent source of Vitamin C.
The Camu camu (Myrciaria dubia), also known as CamuCamu, Cacari, and Camocamo, is a small bushy river side tree from the Amazon Rainforest of Peru and Brazil, which bears a red/purple cherry like fruit.
Cranberries are rich in many phytonutrients and proanthocyanidins (PACs), including important tannins and Vitamin C. Cranberries contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals, organic acids and various other phytonutrients. Cranberries are a good source of vitamin A, C, B complex, Folic Acid and Fiber. Also included are the minerals Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium and Sulfur. But there is more to them than just vitamins. Cranberries contain important plant pigments called bioflavanoids.
GRAPES (purple/white)
The varying colors of grapes bring a spectrum of antioxidant protective power to this versatile fruit. Purple grapes contain resveratrol, the potent antioxidant found in red wine and other grape products that have been making headlines around the world.
Kiwi fruit contains abundant phytonutrients and has gained fame as a delicious source of ample amounts of vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, trace minerals and dietary fiber. Native to China.
The Lychee is native to the warmer forests of Southern China and probably Vietnam. It has been cultivated in China for well over a thousand years, and would no doubt have been a keenly sought after forest fruit in subtropical Sino-Vietnamese Asia. At 72mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of flesh, lychees are a very good source for this essential vitamin, as well as potassium and other nutrients.
Once reserved as a food to be served only to the wealthy and to Chinese nobles, Nashi pears have been grown, cultivated and eaten for centuries. Little is known about their origin...its estimated that they began appearing at least 3,000 years ago in China. Nashi pears are a great source of dietary fiber, and they’re also very high in potassium and other essential minerals. They contain nearly 10% of the USRDA for Vitamin C, and a high concentration of folates, which make up the Vitamin B complex group.
Passion fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, including: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulphur and B Vitamins. The legend of passion fruit dates back to Biblical time and rainforest natives have for generations used Passion fruit juice.
Pears have been revered throughout time. Their cultivation has been traced back 3,000 years in western Asia, and some speculate pears might have been discovered by people in the Stone Age. They were an exotic food item in the court of Louis XIV and were called the “gift of the gods” by Homer in his epic, The Odyssey. Pears have been linked to Antioxidant protection.
The pomegranate originated from Persia and has been cultivated in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean region for several millennia. Pomegranate juice is a popular drink in the Middle East, and is also used in Iranian and Indian cuisine; it began to be widely marketed in the United States in 2002

Prunes are dried plums, rich in minerals and phenols, plus they have an extremely high ORAC value.
For thousands of years in China, the Wolfberry has been known as “the herb of longevity.” It provides a powerful combination of antioxidants and polysaccharides. Wolfberry also provides eighteen amino acids and twenty-one trace minerals. Wolfberry, like açai, is known for the many health conditions that are helped by this fruit.
I hope the information I'm giving is helping those who are interested. Also there are people here that keep removing my email so if you want more information just reply and I will get it to you. I also would like to thank everyone who looks at the true facts and I hope it helps.

Drink It Feel It Share It
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According to the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition, the four most consumed plant foods (fruits or vegetables) in America are:

French fries, ketchup, pizza sauce and iceberg lettuce!

Is it any wonder that obesity has become an epidemic and that even children are now afflicted with many of the "lifestyle" diseases once reserved for older people?

Yes, we all know we should eat more fruits and vegetables. But lives are busy. Quick meals are often a necessity. Fresh produce is expensive in many locales. We tend to get bored with apples, bananas and oranges. Parents don't have time to enforce healthy eating habits upon their children.

Because of the powerful phytonutrients from the broad color spectrum of nutrient-dense fruits in MonaVie, here at last is a product that might well make up for many of the diet deficiencies in countries around the world. The fact that it tastes delicious is purely a bonus!

Set aside the slices of pepperoni for a moment, and look at a "Slice of Life" as it relates to the American diet. Unfortunately, there are parallels in other nations as well.



The 2005 USDA Food Guide Pyramid has increased the recommended servings of fruits to 2-4 daily and vegetables to 3-5 daily, spearheading the change with their "5 a day" campaign and noting that we are particularly deficient in consumption of fruits.

Current food consumption estimates for Americans

* Only 10% eat even 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables.
* Average fruit consumption is only 1.4 servings daily.
* Only 17% eat 2-4 fruits daily.
* Only 12% have what could be called a "good" diet.

Faculty members in the Harvard School of Public Health feel the revised government recommendations still fall short, are much too heavily influenced by powerful food lobby groups, and do not put into perspective the wealth of research conducted during the last ten years that has reshaped the definition of healthy eating. Their statement:

[If there's anything close to being "proved" in nutrition research, it's that eating lots of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of heart disease, some types of cancer, and other chronic diseases. The U.S. government's "5 a day" campaign makes five servings of fruits and vegetables look like a goal when it should actually be a lower limit.]


Phytonutrients have catapulted to the top of nutritional science research. "Phytonutrients Take Center Stage" was published in the December 1999 issue of Agricultural Research magazine.

Phytonutrients are a class of health-promoting, bio-active compounds with many sub-categories. By some counts, more than 100,000 phytonutrient compounds have already been identified and catalogued. Around the world, new discoveries are being continually made by health scientists. Some of the more common class names are Carotenoids and Flavonoids (Polyphenols).

Most known phytonutrients are strongly related to pigment. Dark red and blue pigmented flavonoids, with names like isoflavones, anthocyanins, flavinols, catechins and phenols are dominant in fruits. And richly colored fruits are considered the most potent source of anti-aging antioxidants of any commonly eaten foods!

(And no, this does not mean that drinking darker colored soft drinks is healthier than the lemon-lime varieties! We should banish them all from our diets!)

According to Dr. Ralph Carson, the company's Chief Science Officer and primary formulator of MonaVie, research shows free radicals may be largely responsible for chronic illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. Once the ORAC test (oxygen radical absorption capacity) was perfected, some companies touted high ORAC ratings to make their products appear better than others. Later research has shown that a higher ORAC value does not necessarily equate to better or more effective. On the contrary, too much of certain substances can have detrimental effects.

Perhaps most important to know about phytonutrients and fruits is that they appear to be far more beneficial and effective in promoting health when a combination of fruits (not just a single fruit) is consumed.



Unlike many products that are rushed to market because someone spots a trend and tries to quickly cash in on it, MonaVie's entry into the Wellness arena came slowly and meticulously. Its creators spent many long months formulating MonaVie and making it palatable -- knowing that only if it tasted good would people be likely to try it and thus discover its profound benefits.

The scientific team's efforts were based upon and supported by more than two decades of nutritional science evolution related to the role of antioxidants and more recent years of discoveries about phytonutrients and the crucial roles they play in health.

The Medical Advisory Board agreed that a product that addressed chronic inflammation was MUCH needed and concurred that the use of fruits, glucosamine and a proprietary blend of fatty acids could target what has become a global health issue of pandemic proportions.

Balance, Moderation and Variety--Keys to Effectiveness

Fruits are an abundant source of many thousands of phytonutrients as well as at least 8 Vitamins and minerals -- including Vitamin C which is known to be a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. According to Dr. Mary Ann Lila, University of Illinois, although the most publicized property of bioflavinoids is their antioxidant capacity, they also serve as anti-inflammatory agents.

Many of the 19 fruits selected for the MonaVie formula, starting with legendary Acai Berry from the Amazon Rainforest, have centuries-old traditions of being used as medicines by the indigenous people of their respective regions. More recent years of scientific research have validated the phytonutrient content and health benefits of these fruits. (Hippocrates was RIGHT!)

Because of the extremely powerful yet sensitive phytonutrients in the Acai Berry, MonaVie uses Acai as its headline ingredient--to keep intact all the health promoting characteristics of this wondrous fruit.

Most known phytonutrients are strongly linked to pigment, Mother Nature's way of protecting botanicals from intense sunlight and other harsh conditions. Health experts today agree it is best to consume a color spectrum VARIETY of fruits to gain greatest advantage from their respective phytonutrients.

The fruits of MonaVie give us this spectrum: Acai Berry, pomegranate, white grape, nashi pear, acerola, pear, aronia, purple grape, cranberry, passionfruit, banana, apricot, prune, kiwi, blueberry, bilberry, camu camu, wolfberry and lychee.
monavie, do you care to respond to the claim that antioxidant supplementation can be DANGEROUS for your health?
Here we go.

This is the article I was looking for...

Some quotes from that page:

So anyway, a good balance of antioxidants is good for you... but oversaturating your body with them, through supplementation (this ACAI berry stuff you're talking about), could prove to be harmful.

The artical you sent was from the 90's this is 2008 things have changed and technolegy has come along way. If you go to a few of the sites listen to the documetories about people with cancer and other health issues then tell me anti-oxidents and phyto-nutrientes arent good.
Just to clarify, the article I posted is not from the 90s. The studies in the footnotes are from the following years: 1996, 2000, 2002 (3), 2004, and 2005. As you can see, there is a single study from the 90s and the rest have been done within the last 8 years.

As far as what I said, I didn't say anti-oxidants weren't good. I said there were studies done on antioxidant supplementation and those studies had to be terminated early because of the negative health effects of said supplements. If you consume too many antioxidants it could throw your system out of balance, just as consuming too few will.

I'm not sure what sites you want me to look into, but I refuse to wade through your cut and paste job. If you want to show me peer reviewed scientific studies printed in a proper journal -- rather than case studies with no conclusive results -- then I'd like to see it. Just go ahead and post a link and I"ll read through it at my leisure.

I'm looking forward to being educated on the topic. Unfortunately, from what I've read and what I understand as of now, I don't believe ACAI berries to be the safest thing in the world. This is especially the case if people are getting a significant amount of other anti-oxidants in their diet, such as Vitamin C.
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I dont think you get how this works Monavie. If you post an article you have to post the source.

And, in order for something to be considered a fact it has to be proven beyond a resonable doubt. Those case studies you posted have only been done in a lab test. A controlled environment where the accuracy is pretty low due to all the controlled factors. They do that stuff in a perfect environment to see what COULD potentially happen.

I am not saying there is no evidence to support your claim, but it isnt fact. I think maybe you should stop trying to convince people. You posted more than enough bullshit for people to read and make their own decision. The more you post the more I think you want people to give you money. You sound like you are part of a pyramid scheme (like the apple pill diet or whatever it was).
Actually you can stop now.

This thread is closed. I think you've expressed your opinions clearly on the subject. People get it.

You also refused to show facts. Just preach about what 'drs' have said.

There was no peer-reviewed research presented even though the burden of proof is on you.
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