True or False Game

True (my mutt Chomps)

The person below me has traveled outside of North America.
True. I've changed my stance on lower ab flab removal. Yes, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Next: Has visited Redtube.
oh yuck! Randy, you have just ruined my innocence! I dumbly typed it in to see what it I guess its offically "true" although I'm forever changed, lol

the person below me thinks T2 is nuts, lol
false but as it's my son's favorite song there is lots of barking in the car;)

The person below me is eying some easter goodies but going to stay strong!!!
oh yuck! Randy, you have just ruined my innocence! I dumbly typed it in to see what it I guess its offically "true" although I'm forever changed, lol

the person below me thinks T2 is nuts, lol

I did the same thing!!! haha - so you are not the only one :)


I allow myself a small piece of chocolate a day, no need to change that on Easter ;)

The person below me worked out today.
False. Haven't eyed any candy that I want yet - but I still have grocery shopping to do :O

The person below me is a college graduate.
Photocrazed, since we posted at the same time, I'll answer yours.


Here is mine again...

The person below me worked out today.
False. Even though I so want to...

The person below me is thinking of a special way to commerate reaching their goal weight.
False. I'm past the fanfare of weight loss. The consistency mastering would be worth a salutation, in my world perhaps.

Next: Still pines for an old/ex lover though very happy in present relationship.
False.... though now that I have lost weight I want strut by just to let them know what they missed out on! pure evil!

The person below has been bungee jumping!
true... when I was 15. Dad went first to make sure it didn't hurt...

the person below once got so drunk they tried to climb inside a dryer to sleep (or was that me?).
False, although I did pass out hanging over my friend passed out in my bed, boy was that a surprise when my husband came home...

The person below me likes Meatloaf (the performer, not the entree).
But I won't do that.

True. True. True. So true, I saw him last year. He didn't look well but he rawked us all.

Next: Tried three different fad diets (minimum).

the person below went Easter Egg hunting today? (or with kids)