Weight-Loss Triathlon Challenge - July 2009

COOL! I've got another Leg!!! It sure was hard work running with only one leg, but now I have an extra one to help me along!!! LOL WHOOO HOOO TWO RUNNING LEGS BOOOOYAAAAA!!!!! Currently 55.03 Miles Run & Power Walked this month!!
LOL Running Girl. Great job. I don't think I am going to get the biking done this month but I am going to try real hard to get the running part. I got shin splints from running last Saturday so I am waiting for them to heal. I might walk a little today and then run again later this week.

I swam 0.25 miles yesterday so I am done with the swimming part at least. I might even get another 2.4 miles in before the end of the month.

Totals to date
Swimming: 2.47 miles
Biking: 14.70 miles
Jogging: 8.20 miles
Swam 0.54 miles yesterday. Will run today for sure. I have to run with the kids at my church's sports camp. Will try to run with Fleet Feet again tomorrow if my shins aren't sore from today. On my way to the gym right now to bike a few miles.

Totals to date
Swimming: 3.01 miles
Biking: 14.70 miles
Jogging: 8.20 miles
Biked 3 miles yesterday for a warmup before going to run and play with the kids at sports camp. I ran at least 2 miles if not 3 but I will call it 2 to be safe.

Totals to date
Swimming: 3.01 miles
Biking: 17.70 miles
Jogging: 10.20 miles
Jogged 1.5 miles on Saturday.

Going to the pool this morning, maybe getting on the bike too. We'll see how my knee feels.

Totals to date
Swimming: 3.01 miles
Biking: 17.70 miles
Jogging: 11.70 miles
Three Running Legs!!!! EEE E E E E E Eheeheheeheheheheheee :D I think I can I think I can try for four legs this month. Equaling 105 Miles run for the month. So far 78.75 Miles run for this month.
Girl, you are living up to your name. Awesome job. I am quite impressed.

I did swim another 900 yards at the pool on Monday. So 0.51 miles. My knee was bothering me as usual so I stayed off the bike.

Totals to date
Swimming: 3.52 miles
Biking: 17.70 miles
Jogging: 11.70 miles
Swam 0.4 miles and jogged/walked 3 miles.

Totals to date
Swimming: 3.92 miles
Biking: 17.70 miles
Jogging: 14.70 miles
Had a fantastic workout this morning.
Swam 900 yards
Biked 14 miles
Jogged 2.30 miles

Totals to date
Swimming: 4.43 miles
Biking: 31.70 miles
Jogging: 17.00 miles
Swam 2000 yards yesterday in about 35 minutes. Was a good swim workout. Then I did Muay Thai last night and messed my toes up so I don't think I am going to get the marathon completed this month. :( I will try but it isn't looking good right now.

Totals to date
Swimming: 5.56 miles
Biking: 31.70 miles
Jogging: 17.00 miles
Aww Coincidence? I dropped my computer transformer on my big toe this morning, and it's bruised over. I went into a walk in clinic to get the pressure removed. Thankfully today is a rest day, BUT I am going to push my run for tomorrow.

It's soaking right now, I am on vacay, sorry for lateness, net was down. AND toe is killing me! It's like a headache down there. Actually I think it may be sprained. :( Here comes the weight.

Oh P.S. A lil over the four legs mark.
Well I did get in two miles of walking. Not going to get to 26.2 this month though.

Totals to date
Swimming: 5.56 miles
Biking: 31.70 miles
Jogging: 19.00 miles
So I made 111.22 Miles this month. Could have been more but I haven't run since July 27 and Hurt my toe July 28. That's It, That's All Folks! Thanks for The Challenge Derrick.
My latest and final totals for the month:

Swimming: 6.5 miles

Walking: 40.75 miles

It's been interesting, adding up the miles. Thanks for the challenge.
Well I finished up this morning since I didn't start counting until July 2nd. I did manage to run 3.1 miles this morning but I still came up short on the run part. Congratulations to Running Girl and Cord. Thank you both for participating. You both did better than I did. I am very impressed. Give me a day or two and I will post your hard earned stars. ;)

Totals for July
Swimming: 5.56 miles
Biking: 31.70 miles
Jogging: 22.10 miles