Sport Too much water?

Sport Fitness
I never really worried about having too much water, until my cousin mentioned today asI was drowning down 3 glasses in a matter of minutes that she had read too much water is actually bad for you! Uh, call me crazy, but I don't buy it.... I'm not sure how much water I drink a day. At least a gallon but probably not more than two. Is that bad?
You'd need to drink a LOT of water to actually drown yourself. 3 glasses (3 x 16 oz i assume) is not a "too much" to drink at one time. If you're thirsty... drink.
If you down 3 glasses in 1 min right after you run for a long time it could hurt/shock you. Maybe that's what she ment.
In order to drink too much water, you'll really need to drink A LOT!. When I had my diet regime i drank 4 liters of water (about 130 oz) per day, every day and I was totally OK. If you drink more than 200 oz than might be too much. You can drink a lot of water and don't worry about it. I've heard only about 1 case when a person died due to drinking water and that was when a person participated in a college drinking game, and he drank a lot of water, and I mean a very high amount of water in a very short time.
Drinking too much water can lead to a potentially fatal condition called hyponatremia (pronounced hypo-nat-reem-ee-ah) — a disorder in fluid-electrolyte balance that results in low levels of sodium in the blood.

Dr. Tim Noakes, Professor of Exercise and Sports Science at the University of Cape Town, suggests that hyponatremia can be prevented by consuming no more than 900 milliliters of fluid per hour either at rest, during exercise, or during the post-exercise recovery period.
there was a girl here in the uk that died after drinking too much water (after taking an E). but i think she drank something like 8 litres in an hour! :eek:
Uh oh, I definitely drink more than 900 mL an hour. Maybe I should stop drinking so much... I don't want to be that stupid girl that "ODed on water"!!
It depends on the person - size, weight, sodium levels prior to drinking the water, etc.

From my personal experience (I work in the heat all day) don't chug a bunch of water all at once, take a couple swallows every 15-20 minutes when it get's truely hot outside (that means over 100 degrees). I consume a gallon a day over the coarse of about 8 hours and then more later. The only time I feel sick from water is when I chug a bunch all at once.
this is just a general idea not exactly ok:
for a 150IBS man you would need to drink over 15-18L a day or around 6-10L in an houre under resting conditions.
in gerneral I would not drink over 2-3 liters (L) in an houre
drinking up to 6 liters a day should be considered healthy.
-this is all in my opinion, and from what ive seen -
Your cousin doesn't know what shes talking about. 3 glasses in a few mins is nothing. You're fine as long as you eat something. My friend got kinda sick, I'm not sure what happened, but she had nothing but water that day. It won't kill you though.
thats not too much water that you are drinking
its ok and is within limits
infact the benefits of water are so much
well i can think that too much drniking water is troublesome as one has to go to pee often
just kidding
Your cousin probably read about that college student that died during a fraternity hazing incident, where they were forced to drink a couple gallons of water, and did suffer the fatal effects of hyponatremia.

I've seen a story where two men went out on a week long hunting trip into a swamp. They got lost, and also lost their container of salt because their boat capsized adn they lost two of their 3 backpacks. So as they sweat out all the electrolytes and replenished with only water, every muscle began cramping up, until they could not even walk. One died, the other was rescued.
I have read that drinking water too fast is inefficient. Meaning that you will just pee out the nutrients that water brings rather than storing it. So maybe your cousin was implying to slow down. What I do after a workout is consume a well balanced( portion sized) meal with a glass of water (10-20 oz.).

Side Note: During my wrestling season I found water to weigh me down the most, so what I did to minimize my water intake, was by drinking hot tea. Sure it's the same, but it's the temperature and taste that slowed my indulgence down. Also leaves room for more helpful antioxidants that decrease the time your muscle's need to repair :)
there is no nutrients in water. if your urinating it out that means it's in your bloodstream. tea is a good choice I drink it most of the time the more natural the better. I use actually tea leaves and then strain it out.
if you aren't drinking soft water, then there are trace minerals in drinking water...but no macros like protein, fat or carbs.

and yeah, its better to drink throughout the day. it doesn't work to slam a half gallon before working out and right after, then stay dry the rest of the day.

Think of the body like a steam engine on an old train. YOu wanna keep it runnign at a steady pace. every so often you add fuel (food) to the fire, and top off the water in the boiler. too much fuel, the fire smothers, not enuf, and it dies out. without enuf water, no amount of fire will move you.
Yeah I drink tea too, but mostly water. I don't know why I just have to be drinking something almost every waking minute. The way I see it, there are worse things I could be doing for my body!

I've done one of those water drinking competitions

20 cups of water in about 30 minutes..


you will feel sick - very sick

and.. you can die.
I always drink at least a gallon of water a day (I am 6'3 and 215 lbs). Two or three if I do cardio that day. In order to be over hydrated I think it would take a small inactive person who is not used to fluids 5 or 6 gallons a day over a week or so before it became a problem. Feel good. your doing something good for yourself. The "others" will always look in at us healthy people and knitpick to feel somehow superior and remind us that our bodys need fats so eat a cheezeburger and too much exercise can be hurtful so sit on the couch for a couple weeks and so fourth. You did the right thing asking around.
A lethal dose of water is 6 gallons in two hours if I recall, they had a thing about it on the news after a bunch of retards decided it a good idea to take like 8 hits of ecstacy and drowned themselfs in there own fluids. No human not under the influence of something will kill themselfs by drinking to much water, provided they don't have some sort of weird disease or condition like abear mentioned earlier.
I am just getting back into eating healthy and attempting to exercise regulary (trying to get my 6'0" 215 pound body back down to around 170 pounds), part of my diet is ensuring that I drink 144 oz of water daily. I've only reached this goal 1 day so far (yesterday) but I plan to be able to continue it from here on out. My biggest problem is that I find myself hauling to the bathroom every 20 or 30 minutes to make room for more water. I'm struggling to just get down 144 oz. a day (which I assume is not nearly enough to be fatal ;)), so I don't see how someone could reasonably drink so much more than that, at least not so much that they could rationally drink until they die.