too much protein?

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Train 12 hrs a day every day every month for yrs under extreme conditions while travelling, working raising a baby on your own, studying and researching for a PhD in Anthrapology aand give up every opportuntity yoU get to cash in on your work and looks on a lesser moral and tell mEe about it!...

ah this is funny. cause if you are training 12 hours a day, with 8 hours fo sleep, that leaves you with about 4 hours to tend to your child, work, and research anthropology

...i hear child services knocking on your door right now
The reason that I didn't immediately recognise the term is because I'm from AUSTRalia!!..

Easy tiger, dont tar us all with the same brush. I'm from New Zealand, I'm quite new to the whole nutrition and fitness thing, and I'm aware of the term PWO and most other tech terms and acronyms used on this forum.
P.s. My last bujinkan ninutsu instructor had trained for 15 + yrs.. we sparred and I landed death blows first lesson...doesn't impress me ;)

He must have been angry that you killed him so soon. How many "bujinkan ninutsu" instructors do you go through a month? Do you kill them all on the first lesson?
Thats quite funny actually.. he offered me a fight - i said no and that was it. didn't go back and 'll never even tell ya who it was.
but no.. i'm not trying to claim any kind of shmitle or lable.. i'm just saying I've trainined ninjutsu and thats what happened..

AS for the PWO term.. sweet.. i was in a rush ..didn't click and i'll wear it.. not the end of the world ( blush blush and so forth ..oh the shame :/)..

As far as the tewllve hr daily regime goes.. i'm not even going to tryy to have ay of you believe me.. you will or you wont.. but if you stay open ..maybe you'll learn someting and maybe you wont.

crazy days.. and no i don't still have my daughter with me, no I wouldn't do it any other way or regret what i've had to do or where its taking us, and no i didn't get 8 hrs sleep a night.. and yes I am hanging out to get back to a good 8-12..

whatever anyway.. thanks for bringing it up ..apparently you have looads of experts here to steer yas right anyway.


Blooming Lotus.

P.s. to Malkore for the infraction PM.. re spelling of anthrapology in ight of PhD claim.. firstly spelling is probably not always my main concern and typos happen ..whatever .. happens to the best of us and if thats all you have to think about well nuff said - whatever.. if you can focus on the actual information and be busy enough to oonly focus on that you'll usually be fine.. as for the PhD title.. anthropology is a convenient way to explain was atually in zen and eastern philosophy but I get sick of explaining that because ppl don't understand until i present the whole paper.. which i 'm not going to .. forget I spoke if you like but at the end of the day we're all godknows who at the end of a keyboard and I personally highjly recommend you dbl and triple check aany information you plan to take on board regardless of where you get it;).


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Kind of had a private tanty thinking about the "lies" accusation last night and I decided that all I can do about that is advise anyone saying these things that unless you're preapared to actually try to recreate the regime for yourselves and compare results ( which clearly is reeeally unlikely to happen and as far as scientificly proving or disproving something goes the only clinically failsafe defining way too do so), then you're opinion means nothing (and sounds like I'm an ignorant whiney knowall expert without needing to try aany of it extrapolting egotistical dip who Ii think compared my own regular regime,workout half as*edly).;).

P.s. for anyone who iis prepared to actually try it on ( the food plan aand the training regime).. would be stoked to hear how you go and am definately available to clarify the rules :) l-).

Blooming Lotus

P.S. BL is fml.;)

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yea, hate to say it, but bad spelling does pull a lot of credit away. If it was just mindless chit-chat, then no one would care ... but, trying to give advice and throw out your knowledge looks pretty sloppy. Doesn't take that much effort to t y p e s l o w e r a n d be sure that you are spelling things at least remotely close to how they should be spelled.
Hey LeiYunFat.. that's funny :).. infraction notice PM aside I didn't even notice..:)..

yea, hate to say it, but bad spelling does pull a lot of credit away. If it was just mindless chit-chat, then no one would care ... but, trying to give advice and throw out your knowledge looks pretty sloppy. Doesn't take that much effort to t y p e s l o w e r a n d be sure that you are spelling things at least remotely close to how they should be spelled.

I think you hit the nail on the head here.. compared to the dissertation hearing panel and Harvard schooling agencies I hope and exPEct to my kick my as*..essment and evaluation papers directly in the direction they need to go.. that and a little educational fun is kindof alot what this iis to me .. I'm sorry ..sometimes those few rushed moments between half a dozen other discussions is all I have:/.... can't be helped.. DOo wanna chat, because that also helps mee out .. but sometimes i just have to let ppl tease me and think I'm stuipid.. whaddya do??

P.s. that logo is stiill all that comes up!.. if only I had time to care enough to google who tripod are:/.. point taken;).

Blooming Lotus

p.p.s.. how about adding a serving size to your "how I eat" link.. like what siize egg..and what siiize coffee serving ??..see how that helps?
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The English language surrenders.

Thread closed because no one is even on topic anymore, and if BL is allowed to keep posting they're going to cross the line of no return.
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