Weight-Loss Tired Of Your Arm "FLUBBER" Try This!



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So, the past few days some people have asked me how to do 2 things:

1. Get that "flubber" under their arms gone

2. Get Slimmer and More Tone Arms

SOOOOOOO......what I want to do is just give you some tips that if you follow will really work. So, if you are ready to work, lets get started!

Tone Arms Tip #1:

The first thing we want to do is get a plan together thats going to work. To get tone arms we need to really work them hard! Here is a plan i have givin some of my clients!

** Exercise **

50 push-ups

50 dumbell/resistance bands curls

50 tricep kickbacks

I know I know...you think Im crazy but I will put this together and make it easy and make it work!

** Heres How To Do It **

Start by doing 5 push ups...Then WITHOUT REST stand up and do 5 bicep curls....The WITHOUT REST do 5 tricep kick backs.....

Now...Take a 45 second to a 1 minute break and repeat 9 more times.

This is going to do a few things for you...It will help burn fat, increase lean muscle, and get your heart pumping!

I know it may sound crazy but I promise this will work. It burns, but give it a try!

Tone Arms Tip #2:

Don't hate me....Your diet has to change, and I know its hard to give up sweets and fun food, but if you want to have lean and tone arms you have to begin eating healthy.

Now, im not saying eat super perfect, what I want you to try is starting to practice concious eating. Just think about eating for fuel, not until your super full....Try and eat good clean food throughout the week and then cheat a little on the weekends!

Lets Sum It Up!

Ok, so if you do that particular exercise 2 times a week I promise you will feel and see a huge difference. I know its hard, but you have to fix your diet a bit and begin to eat a little healthier!

I know you can do it!

If you have any questions please post them and I will answer as fast as I can!
oh my god - however did we live without you -

you must be sent from heaven or something

I had started with 10 push-ups a day from 5-Jan-2009 and I'm to 12 now..

BUT I'm definitely doing this TODAY at the gym even though I worked on my arms on Friday and it was suppose to be my "legs-day".

Love it when I'm spoon-fed a routine! :)

Thank you! :)
I just did this and lost all the fat on my arm. In ONE WORKOUT!!! Thank you thank you thank you. I always knew there were secrets I didn't know about!

No seriously - My arms are killing me today but it was a great routine!
I'm going to do this twice a week and see how it goes!
Yea, mine are killing me too. And we all know that muscle soreness is a sign of workout efficacy!!!!11

Score for us. :hifive:
Are you serious?

Would you throw some light on what's not right about it please?
With all the crazy information available these days its difficult to know what right and what's not.

The original poster assumes we're able to preferentially reduce fat levels in specific areas on our bodies with targeted exercise.

That's inaccurate.
Would you throw some light on what's not right about it please?
With all the crazy information available these days its difficult to know what right and what's not.


People who do ab work, don't instantly get abs.
People who lower their bodyfat percent as well as workout have better chances.

Doing pushups till your blue in the face wont give you lean arms, they'll build strength.
Lowering your over all bodyfat will help reduce arm flab.

Bodyfat. Lose of fat on the body. That's what needs to be done.
Quite frankly I assumed that the routine that the 'original poster' put up was to be done after the usual cardio that one does. I don't think he/she meant that you go to the gym, go crazy with the arms and go home.

At least thats not how I understood it cuz I did my 1 hour cardio and then I usually work on one body part a day... so I did the routine specified for the arms which like I said did almost kill me but it felt good.

Any better suggestions for the arms workout?

Thanks a lot in advance for the replies.
The OP was specifically talking about toning the arms, specifically the flubber under your arms, with specific, targeted exercises.

I made fun of the thread b/c:

a) he was putting himself out there as an expert in a field he obviously knows very little about and

b) was completely wrong, which I pointed out now. It has nothing to do with cardio. It has everything to do with incorrect statements.
Quite frankly I assumed that the routine that the 'original poster' put up was to be done after the usual cardio that one does. I don't think he/she meant that you go to the gym, go crazy with the arms and go home.

At least thats not how I understood it cuz I did my 1 hour cardio and then I usually work on one body part a day... so I did the routine specified for the arms which like I said did almost kill me but it felt good.

Any better suggestions for the arms workout?

Thanks a lot in advance for the replies.

There are a lot of people tho, who wont assume that. And because of that fact, if someone shells out advice like that, they should specify that you need to do more than what's been outlined. :)
OK. I have nothing to do with the OP so it's not like I need to defend him/her in anyway.

Steve - I had to clarify the reason for which you thought what he wrote was wrong. Thanks for that.

PaperAirPlanes - Agreed. Thanks again.

Arm chub is a total asshole.

Genetics determine where fat is going, for one thing. Losing fat all over has to happen, and that shit takes TIME. Lots of hard work and time. And yeah, you could be doing this routine every day--but if you're stuffing your face, the flub will remain.

This is a sore spot for me, because chub "likes" to stick around this part of me.....:cuss:

I noticed 9 hours of Yoga per week and getting down to a 22-ish BMI significantly improved the appearance of arm chub for me, heh heh, but that shit took lots of time and effort........
Thanks chrisg, I reached my Goal!



Sheeeshhh :rolleyes:
..Thank goodness for the 'real experts' around here with knowledge and experience.

The original post reminds of those damn 'fat burner' commercials that are so full of poopie..