Tic's Reflection


warmed up to burn off 108 calories.

Flat BB bench
265x5x5 (the fourth set did 270 lbs)

inclince hammer

seated machine flies

Tricep cable machine

dips machine
max setting x 12x3

rev grip

cable upward flies
downward flies

time from 6:20-7:45 am.
yoga for 1 hour.

diet so far:
oatmeal = 160 cal
whey = 120 cal
footlong tuna = 1,100 cal
1 scope of whey + creatine = 130 cal

Weigh w/ clothes before eating 178, after postworkout meal = 180 lbs.
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Glad someone stuck to their guns. :) I was naughty but it was all good since I had good days just prior. Um, it is really not my business but why are you not breaking up your cal intake into more even increments? That tuna sub was a big ole hunk of calories in one go, wasn't it? I try to keep things even myself because I have been told that is easier for the body to make use of then one big meal in one go. The body is going to put some of that in the fat store I would think. :) I could be wrong and whatever works for you.

Good job on the workout!
You are right Mel, I should have split that tuna sandwich and ate 6 inches. Then waited another 2-3 hrs then eat the other 6 inches. Why did I eat it all? Because I want my cake and eat it too. Just kidding. It's because I wanted to make sure that my body is getting and replenishing all the glycogen cells and fuel so that they will build muscle. This whole bulking phase makes me feel fat and I just want to get it over with already. LoL. Yes, I am whinning that I have to EAT and EAT and EAT.

I am determined to get to 185 lbs and then diet like a madman for 2-3 weeks and then do a more moderate diet after that. Normally, I spread my meals out very well and eat 5-7 meals a day. Force myself to eat more is something that I am not used to. Btw, you caught me there cheating on that BIG meal but then I did mown the lawn in the afternoon. :)

Thanks for the critic, I always enjoy inputs and criticism and advice. All is welcome.
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Leg routine today at 1:20 pm until 3 pm.

warmup for 100 calories

315x6 (followed by x 4)

Okay, I cannot and should not try to do 20 squats before going heavy, it's too much. The 315 sets were hard and some forms where sacrficed, need to focus more on forms next time without doing 225x16 prior.

Weigh 175 lbs post workout (barely hydrated) and 180 lbs before bed after eating and fully hydrated.

Seated calf raise

Leg press single leg
Calf raise, leg press machine

Leg curl (hammy) alternating singles

Leg abductor (inward)
190x8x3 (last set was 200 lbs)
leg adductor (outward)

played with seated flat calf extension for awhile. Then stretched out for 15-20 minutes.
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Rest day

:rofl:1/4/09 Sunday

Today is rest day and going to eat every 2-3 hours on the nose with lots of protein consumption, did the carb loading yesterday.

So much for rest. Went and played some have court basketball from 3 until 4:45 with minimal resting in beteween games. Probably burned 1,000 calories if not more. It was a blast to get outside and play again; gosh, I love living in San Diego. I can definitely feel the extra body mass that I am carrying around though; quickness was an issue. Good thing the other guys were out of shape as well but dang, cannot stop on a dime and reverse direction like I used to. Food for thought, bigger muslce or lean out like I used to look in the avatar when I had decent speed and quickness. Hmm, either or gonna stick to this mass gain until mid-end Janaury and then go on weight loss diet.

Today's reflection will be on those around us. I am soo guilty of wanting to help people around me diet and cannot stand that pot-belly look that people get in the winter time. Just because it's winter does not mean that you should turn into a bear and hibernate. They develope what I call a pika-boo pend / ****y; where you have to lift up the belly to see the sex organs. Pika-boo, I see you. :rofl:

The more that I say it, the worst of a belly they get. Then somewhere in march they begin their diet / excercise again to get to mid-20's bf % and the cycle repeat next year. Someone I know even had the doctor told him to drop the weight or else he will develop diabetes. Well, he did last year and went from 230 to 180 lbs but right back to 220 again now. Nice, whatever. He will not listen to me and so be it, let him to his yo-yo diet.

So, today's lesson is "God helps those who helps themselves." If someone does not seek the help, no matter how hard you force the issue they will not keep the change permanent. Once they decide to change internally, then we can hope to guilde them with information and encouragement to where they want to go themself. Until then, keep your words and thoughts to yourself. Silence is golden and if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Here to me shutting up my mouth to those around me until I forget to stick my nose out of other people's bussiness.
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Full of it!!!

Apparently, I am full of crap. It's not what you think. After basketball and maybe eating something kinda bad, I had a natural "flushing" that occurred and I weighed myself this morning AFTER eating a big breakfast with lots of water. My weight was 175.8!!! I am guessing that without the food and water, I would be 174 if I was somewhat dihydrated. Almost makes me want to go on 1-2 days of hard cardio and weigh myself afterward (maybe, I will do this on Wednesday before my rest day and at the end of my 3 days of lifting).

I've been having trouble falling asleep the past few weeks and I think I found the reason why, I've been trying to eat cottage cheese before going to bed. I think I will need to shift that to 2 hours before my bedtime. It's just my body but if I eat, I cannot fall asleep for the next 2-3 hours even though I am tired.

Since I feel a little sick and still pretty sore, I am going to take another rest day. GASSPP... 2 rest days in a row? wtf, this has not happened in months for me. About time though. Plus, yesterday's basketball could technically is not a "rest" day but I will consider it as that.

Since I don't have any real reflection today, I will refer back to THE GOLDEN RULE: TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WANTED TO BE TREATED.
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Chest + tri

Flat BB bench
265x5 (rev pyramid back to 135)

Incline Smith machine bench

Seated Machine flies
Dips Machine Max weight
12, 15, 12, reps
Seated Tricep ext

Tricep Cable ext
Rev Grip downard ext

One arm cable ext

Upward flies (hold and squeeze)
Doward Flies (hold and squeeze)

Today's effort will be to setup next week's diet routine.. yes i am cutting the bulking phase a littel short but I am excite about my new program which will be mirroring of the Ultimate Diet 2 program for weight loss.
New Workout program for next week

This is a work in progress and will Fix it to look prettier later!!!

Training Diet
M/TU: Depletion Low-carb/low-calorie (1,500 cal)
W/TH AM: Cardio Low-carb/low-calorie (1,500 cal)
TH PM: High intensity Begin carb-load (~1,500 cal)
F: No training Carb-load (~3,500)
SAT: Power workout (cut 10-20% cal)
SUN: No training/cardio PM (cut 10-20% cal)

M-Tu: Depletion Training

Monday Tuesday
Leg press: 3X15 (7 plates = 630) Leg press: 3X15
Single Leg curl: 3X15 ( 75lbs) Leg curl: 3X15
Chest press: 3X15 (185lbs) Incline bench: 3X15
Row: 3X15 (70 lbs) Pulldown: 3X15
Lateral raise: 2-3X15 (22.5) Lateral raise: 2-3X15
Calf raise: 3X15 (215) Calf raise: 3X15
BB Biceps curl: 2X15 (80) Biceps curl: 2X15
Triceps pushdown: 2X15 (70) Triceps Pushdown: 2X15
Repeat twice Repeat twice

Weight will be 60% of 1 max rep
Rest will be 60-90 sec btw sets
30-60 minutes of cardio after workout, if I can handle it

Caffeine before working out is alright
6 x (1g of fish oil or flax oil) for dietary fat
Low carbs, so less than 20% of calories in carb
Protein is 1-1.5 g per (lbs of lean muscle mass)
Aiming to cut 50% of maintaince calorie so intake = 1,500 calories

Wednesday: Rest
Cardio in the morning before yoga.
Possible cardio in afternoon (not likely)
Diet is the same as M-Tu (low carbs and about 1,500 cal)

Thursday AM:
Morning cardio session (moderate pace) (excellent time)
Low carb diet (60% of normal total calorie) = 800 cal

Thursday Afternoon worout: Full body
*Take a 25-30 g of crabs with 15g of protein 30-60 minutes before working out.
*Heavy Duty / High Intensity workout (2-4 sets per bodypart with goal of 6-12 reps per set)
*1-2 minutes rest btw sets.
*Weight should be 70-80% of 1 rpm, stop 1 rep short of failure.

--Thursday Workout
Leg press: 2X6-12 (950)
Single Leg curl: 2X6-12 (90)
Single Leg extension: 1-2X6-12 (45)
Seated leg curl: 1-2X6-12 (45)
Calf raise: 3-4X6-12 (235)
Bench press or chest press machine: 2X6-12 (245)
Cable or machine row: 2X6-12 (180)
Incline bench press: 1-2X6-12 (220)
Pulldown or chin: 1-2X6-12 (230)
Lateral raise: 2-3X6-12 (27.5)
Biceps curl: 2X6-12 (90-100)
Triceps pushdown: 2X6-12 (90-100)

Thursday PM afterworkout and Friday: Carb loading

*5.46-7.27(g of carb) / (lb of lean body mass, LBM)
Mine : 176 lbs * (0.86=saying bf is 14%) = 151.4 lbs
6*151.4 = 908.4 grams of carbs
*protein = 1 gram per LBM = 151.4 g of protein.
* keep dietary fat low to moderate at 15% = 50 g
*avoid large amount of sucrose and frutose carbs
*starch is great here (bagels, milk, pasta)
*each meal should be 100-150g of carbs
*post workout shake = 150g of carbs + 50g of protein+5g of creatine.
*Make sure to consume 908 g of carbs + 151g of protein by the end of Friday night.
*Take 2g of Glutamine at night
*Drink a lot of water
*Friday is Rest + Eat+ Drink tons of water.

Saturday: Full Body, Heavy Lifting via Althernate Supersetting

*eat at least 1 meal w/ moderate amt of carbs+protein 2-3 hrs before working out
*Caffeine 1 hour before
*30 minutes before working out, take 30g of carbs + 15grams of protein + some creatine.
*While working out, sipping on dilute carb drink(30-60g of carbs with 32 oz water + some protein while working out)

Sample Saturday Workout
Exercise Sets Reps Rest period Wts
A1. Squat or deadlift: 2-3 3-6 2 minutes 315
A2. Calf raise 2-3 3-6 2 minutes 250
B1. Flat bench 2-3 3-6 2 minutes 265
B2. Bent over row 2-3 3-6 2 minutes 80
C1. Incline bench 1-3 3-6 2 minutes 230
C2. Pulldown or chin 1-3 3-6 2 minutes 300
D. Front squat or leg press 1-3 3-6 3 minutes 225 (4plat+25lbs)
E1. Shoulder press 2-3 3-6 2 minutes max set
E2. Rear lateral 2-3 3-6 2 minutes 170
F1. Barbell curl 1-2 3-6 2 minutes 100
F2. Close grip bench 1-2 3-6 2 minutes
F2 Tricep Ext Cable (mod) 1-2 3-6 2 minutes 100

*rest btw 3-5 minutes btw sets
*we can do 5x5 training here

-Diet is Maintaince: 60% carbs, 25% protein, 15% fat for calorie.
- 4-5g of carbs per kg of LBM
- 1 g / lbs of protein
- Maximal fat loss, cut calorie by 10-20% but limit growth.

Sunday: Rest
-- Maximal growth, eat maintaince calories but cut carbs to 2-3g / kg of LBM, protein is 1g/lb of LBM
--Maximal fat lost, cut calories by 10-20% (or more) and return to low carbs in evening.
-Cardio session in evening is okay but will impair recovery but setting up the body for next cycle.
-Take Glutamine before bed.
Workout part of Diet program

M-Tu: Depletion Training

Leg press: 3X15 (7 plates = 630)
Single Leg curl: 3X15 ( 75lbs)
Chest press: 3X15 (185lbs)
Row: 3X15 (70 lbs)
Lateral raise: 2-3X15 (22.5)
Calf raise: 3X15 (215)
BB Biceps curl: 2X15 (80)
Triceps pushdown: 2X15 (70)
(rest a few minutes) Repeat twice

Leg press: 3X15
Leg curl: 3X15
Incline bench: 3X15
Pulldown: 3X15
Lateral raise: 2-3X15
Calf raise: 3X15
Biceps curl: 2X15
Triceps Pushdown: 2X15
Repeat twice

*15 reps actually means 12-15
*Weight will be 60% of 1 max rep
*Rest will be 60-90 sec btw sets
*monday 30-60 minutes of cardio then 1 hour of yoga in morning
*30-60 minutes of cardio after workout, on tu

*30-60 minutes of cardio then 1 hour of yoga in morning.
*rest day

Thursday Workout: full body
Leg press: 2X6-12 (950lbs)
Single Leg curl: 2X6-12 (90lbs)
Single Leg extension: 1-2X6-12 (45 lbs)
Seated leg curl: 1-2X6-12 (45)
Calf raise: 3-4X6-12 (235)
Bench press or chest press machine: 2X6-12 (245)
Cable or machine row: 2X6-12 (180)
Incline bench press: 1-2X6-12 (220)
Pulldown or chin: 1-2X6-12 (230)
Lateral raise: 2-3X6-12 (27.5)
Biceps curl: 2X6-12 (90-100)
Triceps pushdown: 2X6-12 (90-100lbs)

*Take a 25-30 g of crabs with 15g of protein 30-60 minutes before working out.
*Heavy Duty / High Intensity workout (2-4 sets per bodypart with goal of 6-12 reps per set)
*1-2 minutes rest btw sets.
*Weight should be 70-80% of 1 rpm, stop 1 rep short of failure.

*30-60 minutes of cardio then 1 hour of yoga in morning.
*rest day

Saturday: Full Body, Heavy Lifting via Althernate Supersetting

Sample Saturday Workout
Exercise Sets Reps Rest period Wts
A1. Squat or deadlift: 2-3 3-6 2 minutes 315
A2. Calf raise 2-3 3-6 2 minutes 250
B1. Flat bench 2-3 3-6 2 minutes 265
B2. Bent over row 2-3 3-6 2 minutes 80
C1. Incline bench 1-3 3-6 2 minutes 230
C2. Pulldown or chin 1-3 3-6 2 minutes 300
D. Front squat or leg press 1-3 3-6 3 minutes 225 (4plat+25lbs)
E1. Shoulder press 2-3 3-6 2 minutes max set
E2. Rear lateral 2-3 3-6 2 minutes 170
F1. Barbell curl 1-2 3-6 2 minutes 100
F2. Close grip bench 1-2 3-6 2 minutes
F2 Tricep Ext Cable (mod) 1-2 3-6 2 minutes 100
*rest btw 3-5 minutes btw sets
*we can do 5x5 training here

*eat at least 1 meal w/ moderate amt of carbs+protein 2-3 hrs before working out
*Caffeine 1 hour before
*30 minutes before working out, take 30g of carbs + 15grams of protein + some creatine.
*While working out, sipping on dilute carb drink(30-60g of carbs with 32 oz water + some protein while working out)

*rest day in the morning with maintaince calories intake
* Afternoon basketball OR cardio session
* after cardio is low carb diet again.
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Diet Portion

a few formula with my data

1) BMR (excercising 3+ times per week = 12 multipler)
BMR = 176 lbs x 12 = 2112 calorie.

2)Total energy expenditure = BMR + TEA + TEF + NEAT

* BMR = basic metabolic rate
*thermic effect of activity (TEA) = excercise
*thermic effect of food (TEF).
*NEAT (nonexercise activity thermogenesis)

The TEA + NEAT are variable that will change from day to day. Going to ignore the TEF.

3) Lean Body Mass (LBM)
LBM = 176 x (1-.14) = 151.4 lbs (assuming 14% bf)

4) Intake Nutriuents

protein = LBM x 1 = 151 g of protein daily
carbs (on low carb diet) = 20% of total calorie intake ~ 300-400 cal
at 300-400 cal = 75-100 g of carbs per day
fat = from fish / flax oil.

Nice website for food nutrition and calorie activity calculator
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This is very detailed, but a lot of this is over my head on the diet stuff. I will take a look at that website though - I hate to be the person who asks a questions when the information is already provided.

Does this mean you are done with the 20 Squats for a while?
Hey bud, excellent info. provided. You're very focused on this, I'm thoroughly impressed. You're a bit more thorough with everything when you're serious than when I get serious. ;P

One thing I don't like is the fact that you keep changing rep amounts, and therein you got from using type I muscle fibres to type IIa fibres. Shouldn't this hinder the development of the muscle? I think of it almost as if you're telling the muscle to grow and to endure, and its getting confused.

I'm assuming you're rationale behind the higher reps is to burn more calories because taking from the information you've supplied of your diet and caloric depletion you're looking to cut what fat you have. However, straining the muscles to this degree won't promote muscular cell growth to the extent that you want.

And if you're looking to get your bench up (which I know you are), you should be focused on training your type IIx muscle fibres, which again you're not really doing. Not really concerned about the way you bench though, you can put up your bench even with the reps you're doing.
Hey bud, excellent info. provided. You're very focused on this, I'm thoroughly impressed. You're a bit more thorough with everything when you're serious than when I get serious. ;P

One thing I don't like is the fact that you keep changing rep amounts, and therein you got from using type I muscle fibres to type IIa fibres. Shouldn't this hinder the development of the muscle? I think of it almost as if you're telling the muscle to grow and to endure, and its getting confused.

I'm assuming you're rationale behind the higher reps is to burn more calories because taking from the information you've supplied of your diet and caloric depletion you're looking to cut what fat you have. However, straining the muscles to this degree won't promote muscular cell growth to the extent that you want.

And if you're looking to get your bench up (which I know you are), you should be focused on training your type IIx muscle fibres, which again you're not really doing. Not really concerned about the way you bench though, you can put up your bench even with the reps you're doing.

I will probably still do the 20 squat routine but at 225 lbs only to develope better form and to help burn the muscle. Not going for gains here, just trying to trim the fat with this diet / excercise. I miss my SIX-PACK. Just hoping not not lose too much muscle if any.

Nobody, you are DEAD on right bud with all your comments. Yes, I am trying to confuse the muscle and I am slowing down my bench press gain to lose some bodyfat weight. Would be nice to superset / supercomposition the muscle so that it over retain energy so that when I go heavy again, the gain will be much faster. The idea of this diet is to lose weight mostly without muscle lost and not really develop muscle. Trying to move back to 165-170 lbs range again.

I saw on another forum of a guy tearing his tendon from flat benching only 350 lbs. Then it remind me of someone else that I knew in real life wayy back that did the same.. made me to think, should I go that heavy? going for 350 will be a side-goal though. I can do 2x my body weight if I drop to your weight, NOBody.

Btw, this is REST DAY, that and I feel slightly sick. It's amazing how I feel ALL of my nagging injuries when I am sick: Right shoulder / shoulder blade, right wrist, both ankles, right knee, upper neck, lower back. Thanks for the feedback... The pain will begin Sunday evening when I prep my body for the diet; actually have already been doing that but really cutting back on carbs starting sunday evening to zero carbs. Going shopping tomorrow to buy "different" type of food for this diet.
On being sick... Most people fear and dread being sick. Personally, it's a reminder for me on how well my life was before I was sick. Reminding myself that it's a blessing to be able to eat (and keep the food down), breathe (with being clogged up), and sleep without too much effort at all. Sometimes, I forget how wonderful life is and wish for this and that... Which will lead me no where but jealous and envy, instead I should be focusing on what I have and

"Do not take for granted what you have and appreciate it. Don't wait until you lose it before you appreciate what you have (life, family, spouse, friends, health, etc).
On being sick... Most people fear and dread being sick. Personally, it's a reminder for me on how well my life was before I was sick. Reminding myself that it's a blessing to be able to eat (and keep the food down), breathe (with being clogged up), and sleep without too much effort at all. Sometimes, I forget how wonderful life is and wish for this and that... Which will lead me no where but jealous and envy, instead I should be focusing on what I have and

"Do not take for granted what you have and appreciate it. Don't wait until you lose it before you appreciate what you have (life, family, spouse, friends, health, etc).

That's a beautiful thought and one that I easily forget. Very good.
Last Upperbody workout b4 diet

diet some serious abs work for 30 minutes and then yoga this morning.

Seated ab crunch machine:
200x5, 180 x 5
170x10, 150x 5

Seated Capt. leg raise
15reps x 3 sets
Plank hold for 1+ minutes


This is probably my last really power workout for a while and boy was it FUN.

Decline bench:
275x6, 5, 6
275x 5, 225x7, 135x10
225x8... Yes its over kill but fun.

One arm machine row:
205x8, x6

BB EZ bar curl:
DB twist / non-twist alternate:
45x10, x 8, x 8
35x10 (swinging a little at end)

One armed preacher seated:
70x6, 40x5

Forearm rolling thingie (normal and rev):

Seated machine shoudler raise:
95x10x2 ( did really feel anything doing it for kicks)

Tricep ext:
60x8 ( abs hurt too much from morning and called it a day)

Cranking up the intensity was FUN and catching my breathe was tough. I was the big bad wolf, hoof and puffing all the time. Brother (my workout partner) was just dying, trying to keep up the pace... LoL, it was funny. His ego will not let him think that he is weaker than I am atm so he was baffled as to why I was lifting slightly heavier and going faster pace as well... It was fun.
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I will probably still do the 20 squat routine but at 225 lbs only to develope better form and to help burn the muscle.

Haha I love that you said this. You're a true squat pro. Even after most would consider you a "pro", you're still at it. Impressed.

Nobody, you are DEAD on right bud with all your comments.

Well I try. ;P But I heard of confusing the muscle to stimulate growth by changing exercises frequently, but never the rep amounts. This is interesting.

I saw on another forum of a guy tearing his tendon from flat benching only 350 lbs. Then it remind me of someone else that I knew in real life wayy back that did the same..

Why would you tell me this? Wow you may have seriously stunted my potential bench press growth. THANKS bud.

made me to think, should I go that heavy? going for 350 will be a side-goal though. I can do 2x my body weight if I drop to your weight, NOBody.

Well, I guess it doesn't really matter. It depends on what you want right? If you want a beautiful physique, then you probably won't be powerlifting much. =P

And if I saw you just doing all those ab exercises in the gym, I swear I would've thought you a n00b. =P