Kick his ass James.
Stair Climber lady -
OK so she's using the stair climber which is better than I do (the height of that thing scares me) But she's using it -with her upper body completely draped over the handlebars... and her legs are barely moving up and down the stairs- I'm guessing she had the resistance set too high and had to use too much strength to get the stairs to move..
but dangitall - stand up straight and use it properly - draping over the machine does not give you a workout..
Oh yah and this was the same woman who was wandering around the locker room talking on her phone without a stitch of clothing on the lower half of her body... I almost went blind at the site of her pasty white behind.. .
So maybe I'm missing something - draping one's self over the stair climber seems to be the trend in using it... I was always told that to get an effective workout... you stood up straight - every person i've seen on those machines -has done the draping thing...
I think a lot of people are adverse to discomfort which is why you see so many people at the gym who look the same month after month after month...
Hey I'd be one of those people...
Go ask if you can either join in or work in. Either way should be cool.
So, just noticing this. My new type of people I get annoyed with at the gym. The young couples who workout out together and then proceed to full on make out while sitting on the machine you need.... It's happened twice now people...
That is gross. I work out with my husband but we would NEVER do that. We did get into a bit of a fight yesterday at the bench and then I felt like a retard..but whatever. I know there are a lot of couples at our gym, I think nearly everyone in there has someone with them but I have never seen anyone making out. Ick.
Maybe they are trying to decide if its safe to flirt with you.