I'm gonna have to agree that it does not at all seem to be that. I mean on the other forums I am the paragon of perviness, and it really doesn't stop them at all. Most of them seem to like it. Sort of like a big slobbery dog licking your hand. At first you're like eww, but then you're like, d'awww, puppy!
Not really sure how people are confused about this, though: Lots of good stickies = not a whole lot of need to post, for those who actually bother to read them (and believe it or not, that would be the silent and landslide majority). Either it's a journaling community (which is still going reasonably strong, imo, just not in massive numbers, as most people of course can't be botehred), or it's a place for people who refuse to read or search to ask the same dumb questions over and over and over again, or it's a place for some of us to behave like children for our own amusement. Or maybe it's all 3.
I really don't know what streamline is talking about re: where everyone is. Places like this never have massive quantities of users "active" in our sense at the same time. That would be entirely redundant. As before, most people have "better" things to do.