This place sucks now (where is everyone?)

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Don't take it the wrong way, because it's not a knock on you guys, it's just that everyone for one reason or another seems to have left. There's like 5 regular posters on here now and absolutely nothing interesting to talk about (as evidenced by the members lounge discussion). I have no idea how some of you have managed to rack up 1000's of posts, because frankly, i don't think i could even reach 2000 by the end of the year if i tried. Ahhhh, i could go on, but only about 3 people will read this, so i won't bother.
I know what you mean. I get on here and there's only like 3 or 4 threads to look at.
Yea this is usually the time of year where a lot of forums slow down. It usually picks back up in Oct/Nov. A lot of people are on vacation this time of year as well.
It seems like some people are posting, asking questions and not getting responses. Maybe its true, people could just be on vacation. I know for myself I've posted questions and comments with the hope of getting feedback and I've got nothing. But I'll keep trying (for the meantime anyway). I am glad someone is thinking the same way.
I'm not sure if I'm considered a "regular" but if I am,I have been away with medical issues and preparing kids return to school....
:cook::valintines::animal::party::angry3::costumed1:<----------How can anyone be bored here with all thse cool new icons?!
Okay, so you all have real good excuses. Its all good!! And yes, we can't possibly be bored with all the new icons. I'm presently not working and have some time but have been a full time working mom in the past. Kids are in high school now which gives me a little more personal time, but trust me, I do get it. Anyway nice chatting, good luck to all!
I must instruct that has never sucked.

Pppleaaase......shuck the mental air this mode of thought is disorderly in conduct......


We are fine......always have been and will always be.


Best wishes to ALL on the tough brotha and sista's

I've noticed people keeping to their journals a little bit more, but it does seem that some, not all, of the discussions pertaining to training are not happening.

I've toned down the posts lately because of starting school and a new job, but I'll come on every once in a while, and since I'm not as much, I try to have all my posts contribute something that I personally feel worthy of giving my opinion to.
School + Football + Work + Homework + Finding Time to workout + Eating =

No time to post.

Of course I had time the past 2 days cuz I'm suspended.
There's like 5 regular posters on here now and absolutely nothing interesting to talk about

Why don't you start a thread w/ a topic you are interested in talking about? I mean besides complaining about no one else doing it. I agree w/ you that there hasn't been much lately.

Disclamier: Don't take this as rude or mean. I'm being serious!
Don't take it the wrong way, because it's not a knock on you guys, it's just that everyone for one reason or another seems to have left. There's like 5 regular posters on here now and absolutely nothing interesting to talk about (as evidenced by the members lounge discussion). I have no idea how some of you have managed to rack up 1000's of posts, because frankly, i don't think i could even reach 2000 by the end of the year if i tried. Ahhhh, i could go on, but only about 3 people will read this, so i won't bother.

I think it's because school has started here.

And because I'm a boring twit.
I've been here for a year, I believe. It used to be that I've helped a lot of new people coming on the forum with questions. But now, I find that I rarely help posts. You people corrupted me!

But yeah, so like what sort of interesting topics do you have in mind?
Just log in, see if there is something interesting for you to comment on, or help with the things that you know and if there isn't any, log out...when there is someone like you posting a thread like this one, i'm sorry to tell you, i find it really disappointing. You see, there are a lot of people who are looking for forums like this one, people who really need some help, and comments like yours are not helping at all, especially when someone new is reading it. So i would keep this kind of comments to myself mate.
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