i wish i knew about FBWs instead of doing my crap body part split. And i wish i knew to eat more.
Same here. Good tihng I came to this forum.
Also I wish I knew that:
YOu shouldn't do hammer curls, db curls, barbell curls, reverse curls, and upright rows in 1 workout 3 times a week.
You shouldn't do bench, incline bench, military press, skull crushers, and tricep pulldowns 3 times a week.
You need to go at least parallel on squats.
You need to actually do squats
Dead lift= muy importante
Starving oneself while lifting does no lead to becoming a huge buff guy.
Having a curl day is the dumbest thing ever.
Football players at my school lie about their maxouts all the time. Therefore I shouldnt' feel bad when a 130 pound kid who can't pick up a 40 pound dumbbell in 1 hand tells me that he maxes out bench at 200.