Things you wish you knew when you started

1. Diet is 75% of everything.

2. You will plateau, speed/explosive training is a great way to progress.

Add what you think should be here, this might be a good read for noobs. Or it might just be fun lol..
- I'd actually bump that diet % up to around 85%.

- You need fat in your diet

- Your body needs rest in order for you to see optimal results.

These were some misconceptions of mine when I started way back when.
If you eat 1/2 a large pizza and drink a gallon of beer once a week... and over-eat 2-3 other times durring the week... over the course of 7 years will cause you to gain 100 pounds... and you have to not pay attention to the enourmous mass of fat growing on your stomach!


- At first your body rejects excercise(for those who became sedentary)... you feel like garbage... then after you get over the initial freak out of your body... a week or so... it makes you feel GREAT!!!!!!

- I wish I new how great the sauna makes me feel.

- You don't always run as hard as you can for as long as you can... IE... going for a 3 mile run... you don't always try to run it as fast as you can... sometimes you try to run at a relaxed pace... one you can still talk at...

- follow a hard day of running with an easy day...

- What active stretching is..

- Second only to desire... shoes are your most important running tool!

- All cotton shirts make my nipples get sore when running.

- Excersize & diet promotes subcutaneous fat loss where diet alone... internal fat is lost more

- Hotdogs are 80% fat! DOH no wonder I like them soooo much!
- you need to eat fat to burn fat :]

- eating 5-6 meals a day is healthier then eating 2-3 meals a day.

- getting fit TAKES "dedication" no whining!
Soreness is not an indicator of a good workout.

Don't ever do dips with bad form after you've worked your pecs till failure

Don't ever go home after that and hit the bag.
-overtraining is a real thing

-stretching needs to be as important as lifting in your routine

-PWO Meal is not to be taken lightly
- Gaining 50 pounds of fat and neglecting your legs is bad, even though your bench press goes up. I would rather weigh 200 pounds @ 12% body fat and bench press 275 pounds than weigh 250 pounds @ 25% body fat and bench press 400 pounds.

- Full squats and deadlifts are THE best exercises and should be the core of your workout

- do as many bent rows as you do bench presses, balanced development is what counts

- stretching and strengthening the joints will prevent sports and lifting injuries
deschain said:
That just b/c I worked out, doesn't mean I earned a doughnut and a cigarette.

We have a doughnut shop next door to our gym. It's an ongoing joke to say we are going to the doughnut shop when we leave the gym.
Eating more can actually get you to your goals.

Eating less will make you FAT

Most roadblocks to a new fitness level are mental

Some butts jiggle a lot when they run

The scale lies...a lot

You can actually learn to crave health food!

Take pride if the front desk people learn your name out of thousands of members there.
The eccentric movement is just as important as the concentric.

Squat up on the heels, not the toes!