The Zero Sugar Club


New member
Basically I am embarking on a zero sugar diet. I've done it before and it worked well. I lost about 40 lbs and got into great shape.

What I am going to do is simply end all sugar intake except for natural sugars. That doesn't really leave a lot to eat. Also, I am cutting out Dairy, and anything fried. The list really gets short now and makes choices harder.
If one cuts out all sugar. What is left to eat is: Eggs, Meat, Fish, Vegetables, Fruit. That's about it.

The last time I did this was about 5 years ago.

Also, I am limiting my eating hours to 8. Whenever I eat breakfast....8 hours later...fasting until breakfast.

It is a real simple concept. Incredibly difficult...because practically everything I love to eat is not on that list.
Here is the list of things I love to eat:
Crackers and cheese...
Corn Dogs....
Chips especially Fritos..

This is some huge sacrificing. No sugar in my sugar in my sugar!

I am determined! I Can do this! I Will do this! I'm sick and tired of being fat! I picked out a Turkey for Christmas last was huge...25 lbs. I'm thinking...good wonder I'm so tired...I'm carrying that stupid Turkey around everywhere I go 24/7. I'm done with all of that! I can't even get into my freaking fat jeans! Size 38. I have a closet full of 32s and that is where I'm headed.
My goal: To fit into my 32 waist jeans and tuck in my t-shirt with zero fat surrounding that waist! That is my goal...I can do it and I will!

Today I weigh 221 lbs.
My plan is to post here every day...what I ate...what my starting weight for the day is.
My Target Date is April 1st....Target Weight 189 lbs.
Starting weight...naked
219 lb

coffee black
bowl of fruit:
.25 cup grapefruit
.25 cup mangos
.25 cup strawberries
1 banana small
Total calories: 162

coffee black
bowl of fruit:
.25 cup grapefruit
.25 cup mangos
.25 cup strawberries
1 banana small
.25 cup grapes
Total calories: 170
Yogurt 170
blackberries 16

Calories: 186

Salad 1360

Calories 1360

Total calories 1/14/2018:

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Zero sugar has worked for me, also Keto has improved not only my weight loss, but my overall energy levels and so on. Here is a great article on the science of a ketogenic diet and where to begin.

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Breakfast: 541 c
Oat bran with yogurt, fruit, and a couple of bites of crust from Rustic Italian Bread crust.
And a banana.

Lunch: 550 c
A small piece of grilled salmon. A serving of Yogurt.

Dinner: 399 c
A serving of Navy Beans
2 boiled eggs

Total Calories: 1490

I still have 500 c left....probably won't eat anything else today though...but I am soooo full! I am guessing my weight will increase for tomorrows weigh-in....we'll see.
January 17, 2018

generic - milk 2% milk, 0.3 cup 41 c
banama - whole, 101 grams 100 c
egg - egg, 1 egg 72 c
2% plain - yogurt, 0.3 cup 105 c
generic raw - oat bran, 0.3 cup 113 c
grapefruit, 0.3 cups 6 c
strawberry - sliced, 0.3 cup 16 c
Breakfast Calories Total:
453 c

generic - milk 2% milk, 0.3 cup 41 c
banama - whole, 101 grams 100 c
egg - egg, 1 egg 72 c
2% plain - yogurt, 0.3 cup 105 c
generic raw - oat bran, 0.3 cup 113 c
grapefruit, 0.3 cups 6 c
strawberry - sliced, 0.3 cup 16 c
Lunch Calorie Total:
453 c

grilled atlantic - salmon, 100 grams 206 c
cooked - navy beans, 1 cup 255 c
sliced - mango, 0.5 cup 50 c
iceberg - lettuce, 2 cup 16 c
romo - tomatoe, 1 cup 35 c
2% plain no - yogurt, 0.3 cup 105 c
sliced - Cantoloupe, 0.3 cup 18 c
brown - flaxseed, 1 tablespoon 148 c
Dinner Calorie Total:
833 c

Total Calories For Today:
1800 c


Carbs Goal: 50%
Carbs Today: 45%

Fat Goal: 30%
Fat Today: 27%

Protein Goal: 20%
Protein Goal: 28%

Potassium goal: 3500g
Potassium Today: 3447g

Sodium Goal: 2300g
Sodium Today: 1528

Vitamin A 110%
Vitamin C 119%
Calcium: 388%
Iron: 53%

Bordens - half n half, 2 tablespoon 40 c
raw unfiltered - honey, 2 tablespoon 128 c
generic - milk 2% milk, 0.3 cup 41 c
banana - whole, 101 grams 100 c
egg - egg, 1 egg 72 c
generic raw - oat bran, 0.3 cup 113 c
grapefruit, 0.3 cups 6 c
sliced - Cantoloup, 0.3 cup 18 c

Total Calories Breakfast:
518 c


Generic - Generic Fried Chicken Breast, 4 oz 506 c

Total Calories Lunch:
506 c


pepper jack - cheese, 23 grams 90 c
Pompeian - Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 1 tbsp 120 c
sliced - mango, 0.5 cup 50 c
iceberg - lettuce, 2 cup 16 c
grilled atlantic - salmon, 100 grams 206 c
grapefruit, 0.3 cups 6 c
egg - egg, 1 egg 72 c

Total calories Dinner:
560 c

TOTAL: 1,584 c

Carbs 28%/50%
Fat 46%/30%
Protein 26%/20%

Fiber 4/30g
Sugars 65/75g
Fat 82/66 g
Saturated 24/22 g
Cholesterol 414/300 mg
Sodium 437/2300 mg
Potassium 1109/3500 mg
Vitamin A 65/100%
vitamin C 59/100%
Iron 11/100%
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January 19, 2018
Waking Nakey Weight: