AlwaysAt least I try hard ...
Why would it be against the rules to say what you like about Mccain? That isnt being negative. You dont have to say anything bad about anyone.
Theres rap stars etc such as P Diddy, encouraging people to vote for Obama.
Theyre only doing this because he's black.
Pop stars and artistic types tend to be fairly left wing though, you'll find the same thing over here with musicians and actors supporting the Labour party
I find the whole system a little screwy, most people end up voting for the same party every election regardless of leader or policies which means they haven't used sound judgement in making their decision
Because your "positive" will be someone else's "negative" and will in all likelihood lead to an argument which is exactly what we are trying to avoid here in this thread.
this thread is simply here to find out: who you are voting for. not why. we've had plenty of those disasters on here in the last few weeks.
Your probably right.
Round my area its primarily labour voters as thats the main party advertised.
Still though ill bet that most black people vote for Obama for the simple reason he's black.
I'm sure being black helps Obama with the rest of black population. But if Obama was white and Mccain was black I think most black people would still support the white Obama because they have had to deal with the Bush policies for the last 8 years.
Thats not true. They could say "I like Mccain because I think he'll handle terrorism better". Whats negative about that? I was just wondering couse most canadians seem to go for Obama. And I was wondering if they support Bush or not. I dont see why this would be an argument. If you cant ask questions what is the point of having the thread? Just have a poll.
What rock are you living under?
Why would it be against the rules to say what you like about Mccain? That isnt being negative. You dont have to say anything bad about anyone.
Because your "positive" will be someone else's "negative" and will in all likelihood lead to an argument which is exactly what we are trying to avoid here in this thread.
this thread is simply here to find out: who you are voting for. not why. we've had plenty of those disasters on here in the last few weeks.
Thats not true. They could say "I like Mccain because I think he'll handle terrorism better". Whats negative about that? I was just wondering couse most canadians seem to go for Obama. And I was wondering if they support Bush or not. I dont see why this would be an argument. If you cant ask questions what is the point of having the thread? Just have a poll.
Because it will turn into an argument. There's 2 or maybe 3 threads that have turned into name calling *****fests. So please, keep on topic with the thread. Introducing opinions about why you voted for someone is not why I started the thread. If you don't like it then you certainly do not need to participate in the thread.