The smell of smoke.


New member
Last night I went to the bar with my old friends from high school. Being on a fairly strict diet, I offered to be designated driver and had one delicious Yeungling. :) After four hours of 'hanging out', the guys were ridiculously drunk and obnoxious and I proceeded to drag them out of there, bribing them with a trip to Wendy's.

After four hours in a smokey bar, I felt nothing but disgusting. But waking up the next morning is the worst part for me. I feel worse if I've went to a smoke filled bar and barely drank than I would if I would've went elsewhere and gotten drunk. I call it a smoke hangover. Does this happen to anyone else?

I immediatley have to get out of bed, shower (even though I go to the gym in the mornings and have to reshower after), wash my pillowcases/sheets/blankets, and wash every article of clothing I wore to the bar. Mind you, this was all by 7:30 this morning. Then I feel somewhat better, even though I washed my hair twice, I still feel like I can smell a hint of smoke.

Maybe I'm crazy? Hey, aren't we all to some extent.

I have no problem with people that smoke, that's there decision, and some of my friends do. But smoke-free bars are just so non-smoker friendly, however, Pennsylvania bars are not all smoke-free, unfortunately for me.

Just a little rant. Don't take it personally if you smoke.
:iagree:Okay, as a fellow nonsmoker, I find the smell to be TOTALLY DISGUSTING!:ack2: I hear you, pal.

To all smokers:
Please quit! You are worth it. You know your lungs and wallet (and nonsmoking friends) will thank you for it!!! hee hee


*ps: This nonsmoking ad is strictly based on the opinions of ABBAgirl, and is not intended to offend or educate you or anyone else old enough to read or purchase cigarettes.
*ps: This nonsmoking ad is strictly based on the opinions of ABBAgirl, and is not intended to offend or educate you or anyone else old enough to read or purchase cigarettes.

I love that you put that on there. I don't smoke either and I get really sick when I am around cigg smoke. I don't allow it in my house or cars. My son has asthma really bad and we can't go anywhere that allows smoking in an enclosed area like restraunts because he will have an attack. If yall want to smoke in your own house thats fine but the next time I see someone throw a lit butt down if front of where I'm walking I swear I'm gonna pick it up and throw it in there hair. If I offended any of you smokers out there good. Think about the rest of the world instead of just your selfish ass.
I smoke cigars on special occasions. And whenever I do, I get the smoke hangover as well. But I don't mind it :D Just part of the experience I guess.
Well for heaven's sake, don't drop your butt in front of her - she will throw it in your hair! :willy_nilly:LOLOL

Hey, congrats on your *PHENOM* weight loss!!:hurray:

I hate the smell of cigarettes. I hate the smoke. I hate smokey bars.

When I was in gradeschool I worked bingo at my school and the white parts of my jacket would be yellow by the end of the night.

If you are gonna smoke something, smoke something good, and don't smoke it, vaporize it! Its better for you and makes it last longer.
Sorry about that. I had just gotten home and some stupid asshole threw his butt down right if front of my son and my husband had to pull me back because I was gonna go to jail. Probably not jail but definetly would have caused a scene. I don't understand why anyone on this earth would think that that would be something that you could do.
I hate the smell of cigarettes. I hate the smoke. I hate smokey bars.

When I was in gradeschool I worked bingo at my school and the white parts of my jacket would be yellow by the end of the night.

If you are gonna smoke something, smoke something good, and don't smoke it, vaporize it! Its better for you and makes it last longer.

Are you talking about the gonj? :D hahaha.

I agree, smoking stinks and is disgusting and FOR GOD SAKE'S I WISH I COULD STOP!!

I definately feel the smoke hangover, I love that Minnesota is smoke-free indoors. Even when I wasn't smoking, I would feel like shit just from drinking in a smokey bar - or even if I wasn't drinking.
It's gross.

I need to quit. :(
Last night I went to the bar with my old friends from high school. Being on a fairly strict diet, I offered to be designated driver and had one delicious Yeungling. :) After four hours of 'hanging out', the guys were ridiculously drunk and obnoxious and I proceeded to drag them out of there, bribing them with a trip to Wendy's.

After four hours in a smokey bar, I felt nothing but disgusting. But waking up the next morning is the worst part for me. I feel worse if I've went to a smoke filled bar and barely drank than I would if I would've went elsewhere and gotten drunk. I call it a smoke hangover. Does this happen to anyone else?

I immediatley have to get out of bed, shower (even though I go to the gym in the mornings and have to reshower after), wash my pillowcases/sheets/blankets, and wash every article of clothing I wore to the bar. Mind you, this was all by 7:30 this morning. Then I feel somewhat better, even though I washed my hair twice, I still feel like I can smell a hint of smoke.

Maybe I'm crazy? Hey, aren't we all to some extent.

I have no problem with people that smoke, that's there decision, and some of my friends do. But smoke-free bars are just so non-smoker friendly, however, Pennsylvania bars are not all smoke-free, unfortunately for me.

Just a little rant. Don't take it personally if you smoke.

I've always felt the same way. Both of my parents smoke and, when I was growing up, it would always make ME smell like I smoked. I've never smoked in my life, but I would still have the gross smell all over me. I hated it.

My ex-girlfriend started smoking while we were dating and I fucking hated it. She smelled like shit, her breathe was just awful and kissing her was absolutely disgusting. The worst part about it was how she would get mad if I wouldn't kiss her after she smoked. Like, why would I WANT to? If I had chunks of dog poop in my teeth, would it make sense for me to get mad if somebody didn't want to kiss me? No, it wouldn't, so I don't get why people who smoke can justifiably get upset about it.

I don't know, it's just really gross and I don't get why people do it.

FYI - I don't know why I would have chunks of dog poop in my teeth. Just go with it.
You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?

(lmao, just saw HG)

"......NO? ........I......*walks away*"

For what it's worth, I quit smoking about two months ago. I don't miss it all that much, but I don't really have any way to look totally cool and awesome any more. I also didn't withdrawal at all, which was basically the only reason I kept smoking to begin with, to avoid withdrawing. So it all worked out.

But I do firmly believe that people who not only don't smoke but also feel the need to preach to everyone about it need to kindly shut up. What gives you the right to complain? Smokers are so selfish for crudding up your clean air, I know. There they are, minding their own business in a spot they had first, but now I'm here and I want them to stop smoking! Do they think it's all about them? How can it be? It's all about me! And how dare they blow that second-hand smoke over here that will absolutely, positively not harm me in any way, shape or form! Filthy bastards, why are they so stupid that they don't know smoking is unhealthy? I should tell them, because there's no chance they've ever been told this ever in their life ever.

(That's what you go through every day as a smoker. Stop it.)

Here in Ohio you can't smoke indoors at all. Needless to say, there is now no nightlife in this city and businesses suffered greatly or even closed down altogether. It's funny, you can always spot an out-of-stater by their utter confusion at not being able to smoke indoors.
people are still allowed to smoke in bars?

that's really what I miss most about bars... oooh blessed cigarettes... perfect with a cold beer...
I don't preach to anyone about it. Hell, people can smoke all they want for all I care. I just feel that I should be able to go somewhere without coming home and smelling like I rolled in an ash tray.

And yes Mal, in Pennsylvania, people are allowed to smoke it bars. There are some smoke free bars around here, but the majority of bars aren't smoke free. It has to deal with the percentage of food sales vs alcohol sales...I'm not sure how it works though.
"......NO? ........I......*walks away*"

For what it's worth, I quit smoking about two months ago. I don't miss it all that much, but I don't really have any way to look totally cool and awesome any more. I also didn't withdrawal at all, which was basically the only reason I kept smoking to begin with, to avoid withdrawing. So it all worked out.

But I do firmly believe that people who not only don't smoke but also feel the need to preach to everyone about it need to kindly shut up. What gives you the right to complain? Smokers are so selfish for crudding up your clean air, I know. There they are, minding their own business in a spot they had first, but now I'm here and I want them to stop smoking! Do they think it's all about them? How can it be? It's all about me! And how dare they blow that second-hand smoke over here that will absolutely, positively not harm me in any way, shape or form! Filthy bastards, why are they so stupid that they don't know smoking is unhealthy? I should tell them, because there's no chance they've ever been told this ever in their life ever.

(That's what you go through every day as a smoker. Stop it.)

Here in Ohio you can't smoke indoors at all. Needless to say, there is now no nightlife in this city and businesses suffered greatly or even closed down altogether. It's funny, you can always spot an out-of-stater by their utter confusion at not being able to smoke indoors.

Your smoking in no way shape or form affects anyone else around you? I don't know if you say that out of ignorance or what but just a few FACTS
How. How in the world could you make such an ignorant claim when you are on the internet.

Now, I know health organizations spread around misinformation about the health risks of certain activities, but second hand smoke has been shown again and again to increase the risk of cancer (not by a semi-professional withou the benefit of any studies BUT real professionals who have extensive research to back them up). Even people who do not live in a home with a smoker have had cancer attributed to second hand smoke (not including people who work in restaurants and bars).

It is really bad for you. It is really bad for people around you. Do what you want (really, I don't believe in limiting people "for their own good" cause thats BS), but just walk away from other people when you do it. It is not difficult. If someone blows smoke in my face I would expect an apology. Even if it was harmless, it is still rude.
How. How in the world could you make such an ignorant claim when you are on the internet.

Now, I know health organizations spread around misinformation about the health risks of certain activities, but second hand smoke has been shown again and again to increase the risk of cancer (not by a semi-professional withou the benefit of any studies BUT real professionals who have extensive research to back them up). Even people who do not live in a home with a smoker have had cancer attributed to second hand smoke (not including people who work in restaurants and bars).

It is really bad for you. It is really bad for people around you. Do what you want (really, I don't believe in limiting people "for their own good" cause thats BS), but just walk away from other people when you do it. It is not difficult. If someone blows smoke in my face I would expect an apology. Even if it was harmless, it is still rude.

I totally agree. I was trying to figure out a way to say that without sounding like a complete bitch so I just put up the link. God some people really don't think before they type.

But I do firmly believe that people who not only don't smoke but also feel the need to preach to everyone about it need to kindly shut up. What gives you the right to complain? Smokers are so selfish for crudding up your clean air, I know. There they are, minding their own business in a spot they had first, but now I'm here and I want them to stop smoking! Do they think it's all about them? How can it be? It's all about me! And how dare they blow that second-hand smoke over here that will absolutely, positively not harm me in any way, shape or form! Filthy bastards, why are they so stupid that they don't know smoking is unhealthy? I should tell them, because there's no chance they've ever been told this ever in their life ever.

(That's what you go through every day as a smoker. Stop it.)
I continue to be amazed by the animosity displayed on this forum when any one person dares to share an opinion that differs from any other person. Why is it not possible for people to POLITELY disagree? Call me an overly-polite Canadian, but I just would never cuss another person out or anything even like it. In the North, that is just plain rude. :toetap05:
Supersize me?

Has anyone seen Supersize Me? It's funny that we would get into a discussion about smoking on a weight loss forum, because it makes me think of a portion of that documentary that I wanted to share with everyone. Here's my paraphrase of the good doctor's commentary on obesity in America and the relation to smoking:

Obesity, in a way, spreads. If you are fat, you are more likely to have fat friends, not because "birds of a feather" but because your habits/ideas on acceptable eating, etc. often pass along to the people in your social circle. Hence the term obesity epidemic. Last year, behind smoking, heart disease was the number two cause of preventable deaths in America (heart disease most often related to high cholesteral/obesity, etc.) Over the last few decades it has become more politically correct to openly berate smokers- "you're disgusting, you're raising the cost of health care with your health problems, you should be ashamed." However, when will it become publicly acceptable to berate fat people in the same way?

Disclaimer- I saw the documentary about a month ago, so that was a loose paraphrase and I am not, nor have not ever been, a smoker. I just thought it was interesting that people are willing to use such ugly words related to smokers when so many would probably be willing to direct them to people who are overweight. Food for thought...
You can make a comparison between two things, but that does not make it accurate or logical.

Second hand smoke can directly negatively impact innocent bystanders. Obesity can only if you fall on the bystander.

I guess you could have a diabetic emergency and pass out while driving too and run over a group of school children. In that way, the obese are like mass murderers. Or you could exceed the maximun weight of some structure causing it to collpase and injure and kill a bunch of people, you know, like terrorist do.