Weight-Loss The Reindeers!!

I think the only "weigh-in" we have for the group challenges is at the end (Dec 21), but you can weigh in as often as you like on your own journal. Speaking of which, I don't think I've ever noticed your journal here! You should start one. Its wonderfully egocentric, and everyone does it! Just talk about yourself and your progress, or even your feelings about dieting or whatever!

Although, we do need your starting weight, so you should do a weigh in right away so we know how much you lost!
Well good luck to everyone over this holiday season. Just stick to that plan of yours and everyone will do fine.
Thanks Beagle.

Journal sounds like a good idea. I do a written one every night anyway, so I suppose I should do an online version too! :)

My starting weight is 148, but I don't know how I do one of those cool scale things like you have on the bottom of your post?
the ticker? go to tickerfactory.com, and make one, then copy the bbc code and paste it in your sig!
According to the website, they have custom tickers for menstrual cycles, count down to birth, baby's age, weight loss, birthday, anniversary, vacation, and event. So basically anything you can count up to or down to :)
hey sorry girls I'm back! Everyone seems to happy! I'm ready for the holiday season and to keep away the holiday pounds. I know you girls will do it too, because you're just awesome like that. :) So anywho! I love seeing all the little reindeer in the signatures lol it's great. :) I'll check in again later this afternoon when I should have more time. I don't want to get voted off the island! AHHH LOL Or the team :)
Good morning Ladies!! Well, I've been doing well on my eating but my excercising has sucked! Just when excercise is a mini challenge! Everytime I get ready to get into it, something comes up. I have been doing my walking everyday, but that's about it. Hope everyone else is staying active! I'm plenty active just not enough actual "excercise". Emms, I'm glad your back and I hope your wrist isn't hurting too bad.
Glad to hear everyone is well! April,dont worry about the excersize, the mini challenge isnt' over with till thursday! Believe me, I'm not going to win! lol But I am trying and thats all that counts :)
Wow! Tickerfactory is so cool! Thats awesome.:)
I hope you guys are all going good. Unfortunately it was my partner who hurt his wrist, but luckily both of my wrists are good! :)
My exercise is going pretty good. The weather has been pretty crappy here, so I always struggle with motivation when its raining outside. No excuses though, I can always wear a rain coat.

I am new to these forums and I feel like I keep typing the wrong thing?! Should I be sharing more thoughts and feelings, or just offering support to each of my team members? (Sorry to be such a geek! :rolleyes: )
Your doing fine. The more comfortable you feel here, the more you'll post. I always like to read others diaries and if they are down, I try to help out a bit. You don't seem to type much about yourself..how your day was diet wise, or other wise.
Hey everbody, hope you're all doing better than me. My leg is much better, but this afternoon I started getting sick. Couldn't drive the afternoon run because I couldn't stay away from the toilet that long! Hopefully I just ate something that didn't agree, but I don' know what it could be. I did walk some earlier but my plans for situps got cancelled! I didn't feel like eating but I did manage a bowl of maltomeal. Sorry, guys I guess I'm not really helping the group much! It's just the first few days, so I'm gonna work on making up for it!
Good afternoon, Reindeer! How's everyone doing? I'm doing well myself, although the last few days of class are always the most boring! Got a weird kink in my neck from sleeping in that last class, lol.

I have such a jonesing for pizza... its a good thing I left my money at home this morning!
Well, I woke up this morning still sick but I am starting to feel better. Also started TOM today so it's just been yucky all day! Tomorrow it's supposed to get cold and I have to take daughter to get her braces on so I don't know how the day's gonna go. I think I'll make a pot of chili for dinner! Depends on how my stomach feels!
Mmm I love chili! Save some for me, okay? ;)

Its already really cold here, was about -20C today (thats around... 0F? Cold anyways), but hopefully it should warm back up by next week. I really dislike winter, as soon as it starts, I can't wait for it to end.
I HATE COLD!!! I can't imagine living anywhere that gets down to single digit or negative numbers! I would like to see a white Christmas though! Grew up in North Texas where there was snow, but just enough to slide down hills and build a snowman! Well, I'm not doing so good with excercise but my food has been okay and I snuck a peek on the scale and I'll just say I'm not unhappy! Hey, where is Coastergirl?:confused:
I'm right here silly! LOL :p Yeah it's cold and snowy here. The snow is pretty and all but by about the 3rd snow I'm usually ready for it to be gone. LOL! I'm just more of a summer person...can't play softball in the winter.

So my diet is going well for the most part...exercise is still a bit tough to get in. By the way, way to go Korrie, I'm so proud of you! All of you!

I'll make it a point to get on and post more...I'm sure you all know how busy this time of year is. With work and Greg getting ready to leave, plus trying to buy presents. Any free time I have is filled trying to get my cross stitch done for my grandma. Oh yeah and I'm doing a Care Bear latch hook rug now too! It's going to take a while but I have to hurry and try to get it done...it's for the baby's room (my bro and sis in law are due for their first child Jan 5)
THANKYOU!! Oh, boy your a busy girl! You'll be burning right through those cals!