Weight-Loss The Presidents Challenge

Nope, thankfully this isn't the President's Physical Phitness Campaign that caused me to hate PE all of grammar school...

The Presidential Champions program challenges you to see just how high you can raise your activity level. The guidelines are simple. You can choose from a variety of activities. We'll give you a personal activity log to help track your progress along the way. There's even a special option for performance athletes and others who train at more advanced levels.

Your goal is to see how many points you can earn by being active. You'll earn points for every activity you log. Points are based on the amount of energy each activity burns. So the more active you are, the more points you'll get.

The first goal to aim for is a Bronze award. Then you can keep going for a Silver or Gold.

1. Choose an activity.
Just about any physical activity where you're using large muscle groups and burning energy counts. Going running. Playing golf. Martial arts. They're all on the list of activities. You can take the Challenge by yourself, or together with friends and family.

2. Get active.
You'll earn points for every activity you log. Points are based on the amount of energy each activity burns. So the more active you are, the more points you'll get. This program has a 750-point daily cap to encourage staying active every day. Earning a Bronze award takes 20,000 points. For example, if you run 5 miles every day, you can reach that amount in about six weeks. More moderate activities will take a little longer.

3. Track your activity.
Our personal activity log makes it easy for you to track the time you spend on activities, right online. You can log your time as often as you want, in amounts as short as 5 minutes. Although you can't log time for activities you haven't done yet, you can go back up to 14 days to enter past activities.

4. Order your award.
When you reach your goal, your activity log will remind you that you've earned an award. You can order it right online or by mail. Then you can continue on in the Presidential Champions program for a Silver or Gold award.

That's all there is to it. The only thing left is to sign up and pick your first activity.

Join the Group:
Group Name: WeightLossForum
Group ID: 60032

It's a continuation of the WOman Challenge which ends this week - but it's open to all genders... challenge yourself to get and stay active
I'm in... I just signed up. I'm off to the gym tomorrow morning to start earning points!
I got 750 points today:jump: 65 minutes of moderate cardio and 1 hour of moderate weight traning.
Only 348 points today :mad: Had trouble with my asthma at the gym because of heat and humidity so I only got 40 minutes on the elliptical done.

I am totally liking this challenge. Its nice to have something to work towards besides fewer pounds... extra motivation rules.

Great job on your 750 points yesterday!

Hope you're feeling better and thank you. To keep cooler during the summer, I try to get up early in the morning to crack out everything at once, so that I won't find an excuse.. for instance, "It's too hot to workout" or "I'm too tired to do anything." haha I'm Ms. Excuses no doubt. haha 40 mins on the elliptical is still good, especially on a Sunday (rest day for most..)! You're doing a good job... :)

Hey Sheryl-

I've decided that I'm in need of such drastic measures that I can't have a built in day off... even if I only do 10 minutes in a day I have to do something. I am feeling much better. Once I got home and got my albuterol I was much better. I just have to remember to take my meds with me in the morning.

I did say to myself this morning its too hot and humid to go... I don't want to go. Then "Its not about my wants its about my needs" popped into my head and I went.

Good Lord it was a scorcher today! Ick! Unfortunately I slept in later than usual. haha Oops. I ended up taking my oscillating fan downstairs with me to workout. haha I didn't feel like passing out from exhaustion or dehydration, so I had to make sure everything was covered: water, fan, opened windows, chilled cantaloupe post workout.. etc haha Earned 696 points today. If the evening cools down, I may end up doing a bit of Pilates.

Jenna- I completely hear you there. On Sundays, I try to get in 60 mins of brisk walking with my husband or any type of cardio for that matter. I'm trying to instill the idea of "lifestyle change" as opposed to "Nanner nanner. It's a Sunday! I can slack off day!" By the way, I'm loving your motto. :) Keep up the good work, girl!

Mal- You want that bronze award for starters, huh? haha Well, with the amount of walking that you do (have read your online diary... talk about inspiration! :) ), I'm sure you'll achieve that soon. haha I'm working on baby steps here... "Work towards the bronze, Sheryl... The silver and the gold look awesome.. but BRONZE first.. Bronze!" haha You're doing amazing!

the competitive side of me loves the compare section :)

The 3,086 points you've earned put you in the
94 th percentile compared with 276 participants within your selections listed below.... that's when i selected all participants in my age group :) OK so I need to step it up a bit I suppose.. :D
368 points today... with only 40 minutes to get a workout into! I really want to get to that bronze. I love having something to work towards getting its a great motivator.

Mal -the compare section is a great tool... its just extra motivation... there can never be too much of that:jump:

Sheryl-Your lucky your husband will go with you... my b/f is soo tired from work on the weekends walking is the last thing he wants... he prefers me to drive him everywhere.

Great job getting those points!!!

It wasn't as hot as yesterday, but still.... it sucked. hahaaa I pushed through and earned 928 points! woohooo! Hope you both had a great day, Jenna and Mal. :)

Hi Sheryl and Mal ... Hope your both doing really well.

Wow Sheryl 928 points... That rocks!!!!

Today I got 827 points:)

Have a good day
Mal think of that bronze metal.... I really want that metal... I havn't particiapted in organized sports in 4 years and I have a hunger for a reward for physical output.

Welcome aboard Amy. Its a lot of fun and a great motivator.
Mal think of that bronze metal.... I really want that metal... I havn't particiapted in organized sports in 4 years and I have a hunger for a reward for physical output.
short of a corporate softball league that was more about drinking than it was about softball (and that was about 10 or so years ago) my last participation in organized sports was when i graduated from college - in 1986 - before you were even born I'd wager :D