Knowing the damage
So today, I'm going to grant as my cheat day. I did pretty good until we went out. I'm kind of dissappointed in myself, because lately, I've been doing really well, even if we do go out.
Not today. I had a strawberries and creme frap from starbucks, and a taco salad from green burrito.
I consumed almost 3000 calories today, as opposed to the 1200-1300 that I had been consuming.
But at the same time. It's Not THAT bad. I do allow myself one cheat meal, and one cheat snack every week. Otherwise, I'll just quit. As the cravings subside, I'll be reducing that.
I think I'm going to go for a walk now. My stomache really hurts from eating that much food, and that many carbs.
My tummy is getting used to protein!