The Longest Time To Hear Back From Asking Someone Out?

There is an amazing girl who I work with who was flirting with me, because its work I didn't want things to be brought out into the work so I asked her out. She seemed really pleased and even thanked me. She said she would think about and come back to me which is fine. But its now been 2 weeks. We still chat and get on as if I never asked her out. I do trust her but its really starting to hurt and depress me and I dont know what to do.
Next time your chatting just say, "So have you given any consideration to what I asked you a while back?"

She might be relieved that you finally broke the tension.
If you bring it up, and it turns out she wanted you to forget, you make more tension.

If you don't bring it up, and it turns out she wanted you to, you're missing out.

Solution: Hack her email and see what she's been telling her friends.

If you're too much of a whuss to do that, then take a leap of faith and ask her ;)
Whoa, that was Phate's 666 post.

Anyhow, what Phate said could be true but there will be some sort of tension forever until it's put to bed, I'd think, if for no other reason than he'll be awkward.

Like a band-aid, just rip it off. Put it out there and end the pain. It might be uncomfortable for her if she doesn't want to have to say 'no', but she might just be too shy to say 'yes'. You'll never know if you don't ask.
Karky, I don't think you've considered all of the options. I mean, if he's not technologically proficient, there's always stalking.
maybe if there are other girls at your work or even guys that she talks to that your mates with ask them about it. my idea is basically like karkys but more straightforward :)
The thing is though that I was VERY shy around her and she encouraged me to ask her out. I want her to know that I respect and I'll give her all the time she wants and I dont want to rush her. As if she will tell me when she is good and ready.

Its getting me depressed. When I asked her out it well so well, I told her I thought she was incredible and asked her out to dinner.
After two weeks it could be one of two things. She's either in to you and really shy, too shy to say yes. Maybe I can understand that. Or, she's just not interested and she's hoping the subject doesn't come up. I think this is the case. If she were really in to you she wouldn't be able to wait to go out with you. Actions speak louder than words, if she isn't acting like she wants to go out with you, like not answering your question in a timely manner, then she probably doesn't want it. I've been through this kind of thing with guys before. I'll sit there and worry and wonder. If you need to put it to rest, ask her again and be assertive about it. Not negative though. Just make it clear that you really like her and want to get to know her better. If she doesn't respond to a sincere request like that, then it's probably time to move on.
The thing is the week after I asked her out I had a very stressful week at work, my workload basically doubled. The girl I asked out asked someone I work with how I was. So she must be concerned about me.

She either:
1. has a time frame
2. wants me to do something else
3. is playing mind-bending games with me that could her her into trouble.
Be a gentleman. Be patient. Be yourself.

Let the question hang for the time being. Usually a delayed response isnt good; however, not giving you a direct response (sometime in the near future) I would consider rude, as it is giving you the answer--indirectly. And, this by itself shows a little about her.

Wait it out just a tad longer. If it moves to another week, pick an appropriate time and ask her again.

Be true to her and to yourself, and whether its this girl or the next you will be enjoying each others heart:

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Be a gentleman. Be patient. Be yourself.

Let the question hang for the time being. Usually a delayed response isnt good; however, not giving you a direct response (sometime in the near future) I would consider rude, as it is giving you the answer--indirectly. And, this by itself shows a little about her.

Wait it out just a tad longer. If it moves to another week, pick an appropriate time and ask her again.

Be true to her and to yourself, and whether its this girl or the next you will be enjoying each others heart:


Your right, my head and my heart sais I should be more patient.
Women are weird like that, just because they flirt doesn't mean they are interested in a relationship..pisses me off though..they give so many false symbols...
I think the most important thing is, whatever the outcome, that you don't take whatever she says/does personally. Don;t make excuses for yourself, and don't blame yourself if she isn't nice to you or just isn't interested. It's a reflection of her and not you. You seem like a very sweet and sincere guy, a lot of girls would be flattered and elated to be asked out by you. If this girl isn't one of them, go find one, it won't be hard. :)
Whatever you do try not to be cheesy lol. Just casually say when your flirting etc. "so when are you gunna go out with me then?"

The best thing you can do is be confident. AND MAKE SURE YOU DONT BREAK EYE CONTACT. Itl put the pressure on here hehe.
This worked for me when approaching Derwyddon...

I had asked her out and she was acting coy and shy. So after a couple of days I just asserted my authority by hitting her and knocking her out with a mammoth size turkey leg bone, grabbed her by her hair, and dragged her off to my cave.

We've been happy ever since.

As an aside, you can always bring it up passing-"I'm gonna grab some coffee from the evil, corporate Starbucks that enslaves migrate workers. Would you like to come?"

"Some friends of mine are going to go see a movie that has a lot of unadulterated sex and an over-abundance of violence that has a lot of demeaning scenes towards women. Would you like to come? You can bring some of your friends so I'll have more to flirt with."

I think either one of those lines would work great. It shows you're thoughtful, sensitive, and looking after here interest.
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This worked for me when approaching Derwyddon...

I had asked her out and she was acting coy and shy. So after a couple of days I just asserted my authority, grabbed her by her hair, and dragged her off to my cave.

We've been happy ever since.

Vintage EVO.

As an aside, you can always bring it up passing-"I'm gonna grab some coffee from the evil, corporate Starbucks that enslaves migrate workers. Would you like to come?"

"Some friends of mine are going to go see a movie that has a lot of unadulterated sex and an over-abundance of violence that has a lot of demeaning scenes towards women. Would you like to come? You can bring some of your friends so I'll have more to flirt with."

I think either one of those lines would work great. It shows you're thoughtful, sensitive, and looking after here interest.

I think that if steddie did this it'd be slightly out of character:D
Just dont let this happen to you, Brotha! :)
