Weight-Loss The Lenten Challenge: A suggestion

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it starts tomorrow... all ya'll ready?
It can be anyhtign right - ok for me my biggest problem is swearing and my youngest 2.5 years old swears and tells everyone to fuck off - lol - I need to stop swearing and I want to stop eating fast food - and I just mean fast food - Mcdonalds and such _ I will allow myself to have subway and eat out but no fast food
i'm going to do my best to give up negative self talk -

and commit to spending 30 minutes every other day on strength training - right now it's an after thought after cardio but that'll change.

I thought about giving up coffee but that's not fair to the rest of the population.
I'm ready! I'm ready!!

alright so 100 oz of water
be nice!
also I'm adding a new one.. no weighing in for 40 days! I don't want the scale to run my life so I'm going to do without it for 40 days. I'll still of course eat right and exercise.
Things I am going to are:

All types of candies. I have a weakness for Gummie Worms:p I love them with all my heart and that will be a challange. Especailly my Resse's peanut cups :eek: It's only 41 days right, I can so do this.

All Fast foods. The other day my husband and I were talking about how much money we spend on resturants. Boy oh Boy, this will be a challenge to not go out and eat. So no more excuses for us and we went out and bought tons of food to make at home. Plus it will save us some money:D

All negative talk. Just like Maleficent. I need to stop thinking and talking negative about myself. So for now on I am going to think and speek positive of myself.
Hey everyone!!! How was the fisrt day for ya'll??? So good so far, Yesterday I almost made a Negative comment about myself. I had my arm up and I started to say "My arms are so..."Then I pinched it and stopped myself. I just let it go and started to do some push-ups:p I am so proud of myself. And as far as the candy.. Did not have any. My duaghter has a bag full from valentines day and I passed on by.

Well ya'll have a wonderful day and stay positive!!! Don't forget to drink your WATER!!!
My first and second day went great. I've been pushing myself on the Leslie Sansone indoor walking workouts lately and I'm really looking forward to them every day now. Induction is going well and I've actually lost 6 lbs in two days (granted, it's all probably water weight from my Fat Tuesday activities :D )

I'm really excited and so glad to hear about everyone else's plans for the 40 days.

Good Luck everyone!
Day 4 and going strong! Hope everyone is keeping well with their program.

Weight loss has stopped today. Kinda expected it. I know if I keep strong it will start up again :D

Hope everyone is being kind to themselves and drinking their water and good luck!

I hope its not to late to join yall challenge. I to also decided to give something up for lent this year. Im glad i came across this challenge because i gave up sodawaters and its hasnt even been a week and i feel like an addict.I guess its knowing that i cant have it makes me want it more. I know i can do it, because my aunt and i gave it up twice a couple of years ago,and i will. Its only 40 days and completeing it will help me relize that i have more control of my urges.
i was doing great until this morning - when a series of unfortunate events just smacked me upside the head - I'm almost over it... i'll do three novenas or 3 miles on the treadmill.. whichever comes first )

rah lent :D (sister eleanor would be so proud of me :)
Yeah! I did it! I didn't step on the scale like I promised! I gave up weighing myself everyweek which would be on Tuesdays. One week down 6 to go!
(((Mal))) Sorry about the setback, but as you said you're back on track now and that's all that matters.

Congrats on the lack of scaleage Ehinata.

One week down and had a few wobbles but basically on track so I'm happy!

Thanks so much for putting this challenge together, it's really focusing me right now.
I try and write a post it with my goals on it every day and a reminder of how far I've come since August when I started on Atkins.

One thing I do is try and write one positive thing that I've noticed lately. ie: getting facial features back, pants fitting better etc. to keep me in a positive frame of mind.

I'm not sure if it will help for you Mal, but maybe every time you say something negative you put up something positive with a post it it will help reinforce the habit.

I look at your weight loss and think of you as an inspiration of where I have to go. I started at 297 and am celebrating 235 today, I hope someday to be posting the weight loss you are!
We had my brother's 50th birthday party last night and I slipped. :( Gained 2 lbs overnight too.

*shaking fist at scale* *shrug* Tomorrow will be another day!

Back on track and doing well again! Hope everyone is chugging along. Only three more weeks!
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