Weight-Loss The Lenten Challenge: A suggestion

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February 20th is Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Tuesday or Fat Tuesday - the day before Ash Wednesday which begins the Lenten Season... now growing up Catholic (and still recovering from it) it meant we had to give up something for 40 days - until easter - however, also being Irish - there were loopholes - like you had st patricks day off if you chose to give up booze (personally i think my mother made up that rule but i've heard them from other people as well :D

So how about a non-demoninational - non religious Lenten style challenge.

Beginning February 21 - you choose to give up 1 thing (or more) for the next 40 days - it takes 28 days to build a habit so this will be a giant leap forward in that habit..

Maybe you want to give up -not exercising :D or something..

How about? got 40 days? wanna be challenged? :D

you'll get 1 free day in those 40 going by my mother's rules... :D
sounds fun and tough!! i am up for it!! good idea!!
I'm a reformed Catholic myself. I'm game. I just need to decide what to give up. Uh...suggestions anyone?
Hmmmm :D and these aren't directed at you but are on my list of things:

negative talk
making excuses
Schadenfreude (but that's my hobby)
not having fruit or vegetables at every meal

or do something for lent...
walk 5000+ steps a day
The Paddy's Day rule is most definitely true!

I'm going to think about it, and then decide what I'm giving up.
it can be giving up something - or perhaps doing something - weight loss/exercise related or personal growth related - but after 40 days it will be a habit built :D and you don't have to reveal what your give up/do is

you can keep it a secret
Hi Maleficent, :)
Having a grounding in Catholic theology, I understand where you are coming from; but I just wanted to ask if our 40 days was consecutive, or do we have Sunday's off, like religious Lenten practice? Just want to make sure I am doing this correctly.

Elizabeth-Rose :)
Hi Maleficent, :)
Having a grounding in Catholic theology, I understand where you are coming from; but I just wanted to ask if our 40 days was consecutive, or do we have Sunday's off, like religious Lenten practice? Just want to make sure I am doing this correctly.

Elizabeth-Rose :)

when I was a kid during lent, eating meat wasn't allowed during lent - except on sundays (and i swear i thought that was my mother's rule and not a church rule - like st patricks day :D ) If you want to have one free day a week during the challenge that's fine...

the idea behind the challenge was just 40 days of doing or not doing something :D and since lent is approaching - it seemed like a good theme :D
i LOVe this idea =) I'm actually in Divinity School right now - and always thinking about religious practices - but religious or not, it is a great idea!!!

The Sunday thing is totally true - they are feast days not fast days... if you count the days from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, you have to leave off the Sundays for it to add up to 40 days =)

That being said, I think my challenge will be to really implement the program I've been trying to get going. I really want to work out 5 days a week... and eat healthy (no more binge eating or fast food!)... and drink my water!!! While that seems like alot - I'm doing it in bits and pieces already, and I just need to really dedicate myself to it =) like you said, it only takes 28 days to build a habit.

And I think a case could be made that the practice of Lent is about forming a better healthier you (in a spiritual/physical/mental sense). It' a time of preparation and renouncing of old ways and putting on of the new =)

and it can be give up something - or committing to do something (I had a priest when I was a youngin' who said Lent should be about m aking you a better person... )
I think I might give up diet pepsi. hmm....I'll think more about it but that's my really bad habit that I could give up completely. I'd give up chips or chocolate or something but I still like to treat myself occasionally so giving up diet pepsi might not be as hard on me :)
I am soo in!! I have to really commit myself to do so. I was just thinking about my bad habbits and what I nee d to STOP doing :D I am defintelly giving up all candies and something else.. gotta thinnk. Well I 'll be back. See ya'll on Feb.21!!! Don't forget to drink your WATER in the mean time!!!
Hi all, :)
Without going into details; there is something in my life which needs to change. I am going to use this Lenten Challenge to sort this out. I am going to follow the usual Lenten timeline, so I have Sunday to fall back on if I am having a moment of weakness.
Best wishes to you all. May you all achieve your respective objectives.

i am going to go to bed earlier and drink a glass of water before and during every meal :D
cos i really dont drink enough at all
and aparently the people who sleep for longer have the higher metabolisms
Well I already gave up caffine and diet pop while I was sick sooo I want to start the long and painful treck of giving up fast food...
Alrighty, i dont think i have anything i need to give up...but just for the heck of it, no chocolate, and I am goin to try to do tae bo at least 3 times a week :)
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