The Journey - A day in the life of LV

What’s up everyone? I figured I start a journal as well and I’ll be logging my Diet and Training here on the regular so you can ask questions or throw in any personal input you might have. This will be an everything on the table, no bull**** zone for me so I’ll also be logging my thoughts and feelings throughout my journey. My current stats are 5’9, 220lbs and not sure the BF but somewhere high like 15-18%ish. My goal in the next 4-5 months is to keep as much lean tissue as possible and drop down into single digit BF. I’ll be tracking my progress mainly by the mirror and scale as well as BF measurements.

I’ll start with yesterdays training session….

Monday 3/17/09

• Flat Bench Presses: 5 Sets x 8 Reps
135x8 - 185x8 - 225x8 - 225x8 - 225x8

• Incline Dumbbell Presses: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
75x8 - 95x8 - 95x8 - 95x8

• Flat Dumbbell Flyes: 3 Sets x 8 Reps
50x8 - 50x8 - 50x8

• Close Grip Bench Presses: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
185x8 - 185x8 - 185x8 - 185x8

• Straight Barbell Curls: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
85x8 - 85x8 - 85x8 - 85x8

• Close EZ Bar Curls: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
100x8 - 100x8 - 100x8 - 100x8

• Incline D-bell curls: 4 sets x 8 reps
40x8 - 40x8 - 40x8 - 40x8

• Standing Calf Raises: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
210x12 - 210x12 - 210x12 - 210x12

• Seated Calf Raises: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
90x8 - 90x8 - 90x8 - 90x8

1 Stimerex-ES fat burner & 500mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine 30 min prior
6:30 AM – 45 min fasted cardio - 4 scoops X-tend BCAA’s sipped during

Meal 1 – 8AM
•12 Egg whites
•2 tbsp natural PB
•2 Fish oil caps
•1 Animal Pak Multi

Meal 2 – 10:30AM
•2 scoops Whey
•1 tbsp flax oil

(1 Stimerex-ES fat burner & 500mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine 30 min prior)
Meal 3 – 1PM
•8oz Chicken breast
•1.5 cups broccoli
•2 fish oil caps
•1.5oz Gorgonzola cheese

Meal 4 – 3:45PM
•2 scoops Whey
•1 tbsp flax oil

1 Stimerex-ES fat burner & 500mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine 30 min prior
5:15PM – Weight Training - 4 scoops X-tend BCAA’s sipped during

Meal 5 - 6:30PM - Post Workout Shake
•1.5 Scoops Why
•2 Scoops Waxy Maize
•5g Creatine Ethyl Ester

Meal 6 - 8PM
•8oz Chicken breast
•1.5 cups broccoli
•2 fish oil caps
•2 tbsp natural PB
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Wow you`re alot bigger than i thought:D

Good luck
About friggen' time! :)

A beast is about to be released!

Last but certainly not least, I wish you the best in your new journal!

Best regards,

You're a big mofo, Lee ;) I thought my BF was thick at 5'8" 195lbs.

How do you like the Stimerex? Do you really think it works?
For years I thought I was always thought I was 5'10 until one day a friend of mine called me out and said there's no way I was 5'10 because he is and he was slightly taller than me. So we broke out the measure tape and sure enough, I wasn't 5'10 anymore haha. I'm actaully 5'9 1/2.

In regards to the Stimerex or any "fat burner" for that matter, the only reason I use them when dieting down is to suppress my huge appetite as well as give me a bit more energy. We all know how energy levels can deplete when in a caloric deficit. I wouldn't go as far as to say that fat burners actually burn fat but I will say that yes, they do help burn an additional small amount of calories during the day, and yes, some have ingredients in them to help transport fatty acids to the blood stream to be used for energy. So some do aid in the fat burning process from that perspective, but as you know, in the end, it all comes down to diet. That's the deciding factor in appearance, hands down.
So there is kind of a short story behind why I decided to start a journal and finally get to where I want to be with bodybuilding. Kind of depressing story but I'll tell it anyway....

For about a week now I've been thinking about death. Thinking that one day we will be no more and what/how will we feel when we get to that point. We are never going to get this time back and I won't let this life pass me by without at least steeping on stage for a competition at least once. Anything can happen at anytime and none of us know how long we have left on this earth. Personally, thinking about that scares the **** outta me but what it also does is now look at life from a different perspective. The little things we take for granted are so so so important in this life. Things like telling a loved one how much they mean to you or even better, showing them by kind gestures. Things like appreciating waking up in the morning and even having these hands to type to you guys right now. All of that seemed to have slipped thru the cracks at some point in my life and im not sure where or how.

So in closing, as weird or strange or depressing as it may seem, I'm always thinking that at some point im going to die whether it be today, tomorrow, next year or 50 years from now, it's gonna happen and believe it or not, it makes me take action on all those little things some of us may take advantage of as I stated before. It makes me tell and show my loved ones how much they mean to me. It makes me get up in the morning and appreciate the fact I have all my limbs to be able to get up outta bed and drive my ass to the gym at 6AM to do cardio. And lastly, it sure as hell makes me appreciate to have the opportunity to change my body to whatever I want it to look like.

Sorry if this is depressing for some, but these are my thoughts for the day and my advice is to appreciate everything around you. There is always someone worse off than you think you are. Take advantage of nothing but the ability to reach your goals.....

Here is my training and diet for today:

Tuesday 3/18/09
Tuesday: Legs/Abs

• Squats: 5 Sets x 8 Reps
185x8 - 225x8 -225x8 -225x8 -225x8

• Leg Presses: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
270x 8 - 360x8 - 360x8 - 360x8

• Stiff-Legged Deadlifts: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
135x8 - 185x8 - 185x8 - 185x8

• Leg Extensions: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
110x8 - 110x8 - 110x8 - 110x8

• Leg Curls: 4 Sets x 8 Reps
110x8 - 110x8 - 110x8 - 110x8

• Rope crunches: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Bent Knee Leg Lifts: 4 Sets x 12 Reps
• Crunch Machine: 4 Sets x 12 Reps

1 Stimerex-ES fat burner & 500mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine 30 min prior
6:30 AM – 45 min fasted cardio - 4 scoops X-tend BCAA’s sipped during

Meal 1 – 8AM
•12 Egg whites
•2 tbsp natural PB
•2 Fish oil caps
•1 Animal Pak Multi

Meal 2 – 10:30AM
•2 scoops Whey
•1 tbsp flax oil

(1 Stimerex-ES fat burner & 500mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine 30 min prior)
Meal 3 – 1PM
•8oz Chicken breast
•1.5 cups broccoli
•2 fish oil caps
•1.5oz Gorgonzola cheese

Meal 4 – 3:45PM
•2 scoops Whey
•1 tbsp flax oil

1 Stimerex-ES fat burner & 500mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine 30 min prior
5:15PM – Weight Training - 4 scoops X-tend BCAA’s sipped during

Meal 5 - 6:30PM - Post Workout Shake
•1.5 Scoops Whey
•2 Scoops Waxy Maize
•5g Creatine Ethyl Ester

Meal 6 - 8PM
•8oz Chicken breast
•1.5 cups broccoli
•2 fish oil caps
•2 tbsp natural PB
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Interesting perspective on death for someone so young (20's?). I have a similar perspective, having had to sign the authorization papers prior to open heart surgery and seeing in bold letters ... one possible outcome of surgery is death... so I view life as something to be cherished and try to enjoy, within reason, every one of our limited days.
Interesting perspective on death for someone so young (20's?). I have a similar perspective, having had to sign the authorization papers prior to open heart surgery and seeing in bold letters ... one possible outcome of surgery is death... so I view life as something to be cherished and try to enjoy, within reason, every one of our limited days.

I actually turned 30 in October.

I think it's be hitting me more and more after my bday. I had no idea you had open heart surgery. That's some serious business and I'm glad your ok. I think the best thing we can do is take that fear and turn it into motivation. That's my plan.
Nice to see another journal LV, ill be interested!

I ask this quite regulary in people's journals, any chance of posting up a few numbers for your lifts? ;)
Sorry if this is depressing for some, but these are my thoughts for the day and my advice is to appreciate everything around you. There is always someone worse off than you think you are. Take advantage of nothing but the ability to reach your goals.....

Instead of depressing, I find it very inspiring. That is something we all need to remember. Why float through life just being average when we can be extraordinary? Good luck on your journey.
Wow, you workout #'s are similiar enough to mine. Will be keeping track of this log and scoping out the competition. :)

Good luck man and btw, you start shrinking as you get older. Maybe you were 5'10'' awhile back but now you are just and old old man and shrank. j.k. Good luck bro.