The japanese personality test

You are in a desert. You have five animals with you:

· Lion

· Monkey

· Sheep

· Cow

· Horse

To escape the desert you are going to have to get rid of all of the animals – one at a time…In what order do you “drop” the animals?

Each of these five animals represent a Japanese Archetype – and the desert represents hardship.

What each of the animals represent is here.. don't peak until you've decided what order to drop the animals...
The animals represent . . .
Lion - Pride

Monkey - Your Children

Sheep - Friendship

Cow - Basic Needs

Horse - Your Passion
So, in the face of hardship, you will sacrifice each of these things in turn. Your last animal represents that thing which you cling to at the expense of all others.
My order would be:


For the reasons that lions scare me, I really don't like monkeys, the sheep would be good food, the cow would provide milk to a certain point and the horse goes last because i could ride it to safety...
I don't agree with this, because I'd fight til the death for my daughter forget about pride, passion and anything else.

My order was similar to Mal's and my reasons were too:


Figured the monkey was of no use to me in a desert, the sheep's wool could keep me warm at night, the cow because by now I'd be hungry and thirsty. I kept the lion so long because he protected me, but had to keep the horse for last so that I could ride him out of there...I'm lazy, too much walking makes my butt hurt. :eek: :p
My order was
Sheep - cause they smell
Horse - cause I like cows better
Cow - cause the lion always represents something meaningful
Lion - because I only had two choices left
Monkey- because they look like little people!!

Actually - this holds pretty true for me, I'd have to let go of a friend before I'd let go of my passion, but I wouldn't choose my passion over my basic needs (food, water, sleep) I can't seem to ever let got of my pride and if I had kids I fight to the death for them.

*shrugs* Kind of intresting.
probably the Canadian in me talkin but I'd eat em.... try out the meat, and you've got food for a very long time! Lots of skins for blankets, bones for making tools. tanning the hides is a bit gross, but it's possible :)

but if I must play the game, I didn;t look at the results before hand but I would have gotten rid of the following

Well I suppose I was being logical... my order was based on what would be the most valuable to me in the meantime.

Lion - big and no use to me
Monkey - no real use to me
Sheep - smaller, not so much work; also could eat it if desperate
Cow - would provide me with nutrition
Horse - could ride it out of the desert
LOL, our reasons are so funny!

Lion---Eat or be eaten right?
Cow---Slow moving.
Sheep---Gotta eat!
Horse---Can ride him for almost the entire journey
Monkey---An animal with human traits that could entertain me while traipsing through the hot desert.
This is mine...

Lion... Have you ever heard of domesticated lions? I didn't think so. Gotta get rid of it before they get rid of me. :eek:
Monkey... I just generally hate monkeys. It'd have been first to go except the whole lion-sharp teeth thing. :p
Cow... Mmm. Cow. Good eats.
Sheep... Also Mmm. Plus will keep me warm.
Horse... A dessert is really big. In order to travel through it, I need the horse or I'll be stuck there forever!

You know what I wish I really had though... A CAMEL! :D :p :D
Monkey - Small and useless.
Lion - Mean, Serves no use to me anymore. Now it's meat is cookin' and it's fur is my clothing / blanket.
Sheep - Small, Outlived it's purpose. Now, I'm butchering it up and it's meat is being stored in the water so it doesn't spoil as quickly and it's wool is clothing.
Horse - A cow can be ridden just as easily and is more useful, It faces the same fate as the lion and the sheep.
Cow - Gave me milk during my journey and something to ride after I killed the horse. Now it's dinner.
Okay, here is my order and the reasons behind it:

1. Monkey-what purpous does it surve other than a burden? it is just gonna want to sit on my shoulder. This is kinda odd since I don't want to have children, kinda for the same reasons. Now that doesn't mean I don't like kids. it is just something my husband and I have decided not to do. All you Mom's and Dad's, I really respect you!

2. Sheep-Again not much of a purpose. It can keep you warm, but so can all the other animals. I'd rather just eat this one.

3. Lion- why did I keep this one so long? Well nothing is going to try to attack me if I have a lion with me. He is my safety gaurd, and who knows, maybe in some day dream I could taim him to hunt food for me :)

4. Cow-I'd keep this one a long time because It would provide food (milk) and it would Keep me warm at night because of it's massive size.

5. I'd keep the horse until last. This is so odd, but horses are so human to me, kind of like dogs. Plus I could ride it as far as possible to save my self from having to walk the whole time. (yeah, i guess i am a lazy butt :) )

It is funny that I probably would give up those things in that order too.

1. Children-I don't have any and don't really want any. (If they were my neices it my be a different story.)
2. Friends-I am kind of a loner, and am usually dissapointed in people so I don't have a lot of friends.
3. Pride-I have a lot of pride, and wouldn't give it up first off, but I would eventually give it up if I had to.
4. Basic Needs-of course I'd hang on to those for a long time.
5. My passion-I am very passionate. The two things I'm most passionate about are my husband and my singing. These are two things I would never give up.

Very fun stuff!
I put without looking:

1. Cow
2. Monkey
3. Sheep
5. Horse

Why?? I randomly chose without reason because they had to be rid of eventually, so what did it matter, the sooner I'm rid of them, the better.

In real life: None...heck what's so bad about the desert??? :p
In real life: None...heck what's so bad about the desert???
Well if Las Vegas is the dessert in question, it's kinda dirty and smelly... but a Sahara style dessert- it's hot and there's not m uch water or shade... :D
Monkey was last for me

I choose the monkey last because I thought the monkey would be the best company for my time in the desert.
Choose cow first because the cow would slow us down and we could use the food.
Anyway I liked the quiz and I liked my order.
Just wished the losing would be easy to put in order.
lion- so I dont end up as dinner!
monkey- no need for a monkey right?
sheep- it is the smallest of what I have left- plus I can't ride a sheep and it is too warm to use the wool
horse-because the I can still ride the cow and have milk?
cow :)
Well I picked the
Sheep because they are so slow
Then the lion, I didn’t see any reason to keep it
I picked the monkey 3rd because it could have rode on the horse with me
Cow, I kept it for the milk
And the horse, to ride out of there.
I didn’t think of killing any of them but once I read everyone’s response it seemed reasonable … guess I didn’t think I was going to be there that long lol.

I think its all crap but its fun, thanks mal.
This was my order....

Lion- Don't want it to eat the other animals before I could :p heh
Monkey- What's the point in having it....
Sheep- Food....
Cow- Milk and more food...
Horse- I can ride it

I don't agree with their meaning though....
My order would be
Monkey – of no use
Sheep – eat when hungry
Cow - milk
Horse – ride, hoping that the lion would chase us making the horse going even faster !!!! just kidding
Lion – don’t know, I just loved the Lion King
my order would be the lion, then the cow, then the horse , then the sheep then the monkey. I dont have any kids though I just did them in order of which one is more dangerous

I chose:

1) Monkey---it would annoy the hell out of me, irony has it they would be my children if I ever had any.

2)Lion---I don't wanna keep this guy around too long he might get a lil feisty and eat me..or my other animals that I would need for fuel. I've given up my pride a few times b4...guess it's alright

3)Sheep---just never liked them. HAHA Friends...yea them too. I go through those quicker than you can say: Taco's Chips and Candy Sticks! lol

4) Cow---I'm still scared of both horses and cattle, I like a horse better, and I could ride him longer, although I'd be without milk. So I've held onto my basic needs for a good while by this time. Even though it's my foundation in some ways. I am willing to let go maybe.

5)Horse---Ride Em Home. It's my passion. I can get real excited from time to time about my "passions"

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