The Glad Game...

going out for ice cream makes me glad...

however, after i eat it, i'm not so glad anymore. fail.
-having strangers complement me on my singing when I'm at wal-mart
-remembering all the words to my favorite songs
-waking up to messages from my friends on messenger especially one specific person
-getting all my kids to go to bed at 9
- The sound of a circular saw cutting through some wood
- The Todd from Scrubs
- When you turn on Sonic the Hedgehog and you hear ""

hahaha when i hear that sound it always reminds me of when my 20 yr old was about 3 or 4 as it was wayyyyyy back when before nintendo wiis & xbox 360s when he had a mega drive i think?? think hes still got it somewhere...anyway i can see him just as a little boy ahhhhhh...he used to just watch everyone & wouldn't play until he knew exactly what he was doing...hes still like that now with everything...very practical/very careful...

finn on the otherhand my youngest...just dives right in to games without any tips/instructions etc & plays really really well too...finn has autism & when he was younger he used to be off in his own little world quite a bit...he first laughed out loud watching my son & his friends playing games...think he was about 5 & he just suddenly grabbed a controller & started playing...for the first time ever...& he was that good...that for once a roomful of teenagers were left speechless :smilielol5::smilielol5:
up until that laugh he'd took no notice of them playing...or so we thought...
What makes me glad?


-- getting up in the morning and not being in pain
-- checking my bank account and having more money than I thought
-- getting through a full day without thinking 'I can't do this anymore'
-- getting an email from a friend
-- having a moment all to myself
-- sunshine, blue sky and warmth
-- listening to *my* music without being told it's crap
-Washing your hair after getting fake nails put on
-Getting another piercing
-taking your first drink of water when you are really really thirsty.
Those two don't have any they?

- Watching WrestleMania
- Boobies
- The thought that tomorrow I'll be on my way to getting sexified

Lol no not particualrily...:leaving: