Weight-Loss The coke challange



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:rolleyes: Alright... Its time to kick coke... coke is like my lover, I'm gonna miss it.. Who is in?? :)

Ok, so all my life i have drank coke, until recently its been alright but now i bought a 24 pack on Sunday and I'm down to 4 cans and today is Wednesday morning :eek:

My chalange is to completely kick coke from our daily routines. Coke Zero dosen't count but NO C2 no Diet nothing no Pepsi either :p I'm starting this after this last can of coke I'm drinking right now, no more coke. and you must be honest!
I kicked the coke habit last May - I originally was going to quit drinking all diet sodas, so I was going to switch to the full calorie version if I wanted one - only it boiled down to the fact that I never wanted to devote my calories to something I could drink - I'd rather have calories go for FOOD :D

I don't miss it - I really don't.

You'll get there!
I haven't had any form of pop since last May... never liked the full sugar stuff and i've read to much bad stuff abuot the diet variety - I'll stick to water and unsweetened iced tea... and my one cup of coffee a day :D

think of all the calories you'l save
at about 150 calories a can x 24 cans -thats about 3700 calories - that'd be good for a lot of really good tasting food :D

your teeth and skin will thank you for giving up that beverage :D
cutting down

I realised recently that I was drinking a lot of diet coke. Several big glasses a day, and often a bottle in the car.

So I have cut down to one small glass twice a day. After the first few days I don't miss the extra coke, in fact, I often only have one small glass a day. I only drink one coffee a day, and I think it was the caffeine in the coke that was making me crave it (the caffeine free version gives me bad headaches for some reason).

I'm carrying less back from the supermarket anyway now!
I found this post that was helpfull for me.

Firstly, decide why you’re doing this. Do you want to get off caffeine? Is it the carbonation? Is it just the sugar? If it’s just the caffeine, then there are tons of alternatives. The same is true for people who want to limit the carbonation or cut their sugar intake. Whatever your reasons for restricting these items are up to you, but it helps to know what your goals are.

Secondly, choose substitutes. If caffeine is the item you want to limit, you can choose other sodas such as Sprite and Root Beer. If sugar is the problem, you can choose from a wide variety of diet sodas. If carbonation is what you’re trying to avoid, there are tons of flavored waters and juices to choose from. When I was quitting, I was avoiding all of the above and I wanted to limit my intake of artificial sweeteners, so I just stuck with water and herbal tea.

The next step is preparation. If you are going off caffeine, you’re going to have caffeine withdrawals and you won’t have much to turn to. I had headaches for four days in a row and no pain reliever that I took relieved any pain. What you are going to need is time. Expect to be a little under the weather for a week. Treat it like a flu or a cold. When you are tired, sleep. Give yourself permission to sleep twelve hours if you need it. You’ve been hopped up on sugar and caffeine for so long that your body is going to need to remember what it’s like to be awake naturally.

One thing that helped me was a rice bed buddy. I bought this one at a craft mall, but you can make one yourself. I’ve also seen them sold at Walgreen’s drug stores made into various shapes like booties, eye masks and shoulder covers. Mine is a simple piece of fabric sewn into a rectangle. Inside it is dry rice: simple. I just put it into the microwave for two minutes, wrap a towel around it (it will be very hot when it comes out) and lie down with it over my face. It smells a little like rice and it’s warm on my aching head and temples. It helped me go to sleep when I had the caffeine withdrawal headaches.

The next step is to listen to your cravings. I found myself craving pop when I was thirsty. I didn’t realize I was thirsty, I just thought that I wanted a Diet Coke. I drank about a gallon of water a day the first week. I don’t know if I had been dehydrated and my body was catching up on the water it needed or if I just used the water as a crutch to get past that first week. Either way, listen to your body.

Finally, remember that this too will pass. Some have reported caffeine withdrawals for weeks, others are able to get past the worst of it in a few days. No matter how long it takes for you, remember, there is an end to it. There must be some reason you decided to go off pop in the first place, concentrate on those benefits and know that the negative effects will wear off. Be patient with yourself.

How to Quit Soda Quicklist
1. Decide why you are doing this.
2. Find appropriate substitutes.
3. Be prepared by giving yourself extra time for sleep.
4. Stock up on remedies and substitutes.
5. Listen to your cravings.
6. Be patient with yourself.

Remember, this advice is never more useful than the advice of your doctor. Please contact your doctor if you plan on doing anything drastic with yourself. I haven’t noticed any drastic effects of being off caffeine, carbonation and artificial sweeteners except that water is far less expensive than Diet Coke. Good Luck!
I agve up coke in 2003. I went on diet coke and it tasted disgusting at first. About four months later i was at my brothers house and he gave me a bacardi and diet coke. When i drank it i almost puked. It wasn't diet, it was normal and it tasted so disgusting. After basically drinking litres of it a day before, the taste of it then was nothing but YUCK. I tasted it over the christmas again and it was still just disgusting. Its amazing how when you get out of the habit of drinking it it starts tasting horrible when you do taste it again.

I think being addicted to coke was a major factor in me putting on weight. I literally drank it from morning to night. Good luck on giving it up. You'll never go back once you do. Best of luck :)
I say just put down the can of coke and pick up the bottle of water. It's really that easy, your body will adjust to it with a standing ovation.

I used to drink sodas all the time. I would buy cases of soda and they would be gone in no time at all. But it's a mental thing, if you can just say no to it, and say yes to water, it should really be that easy. If you have a withdrawl, it will only be for a short time and you will not miss it.
Im all in Seny.. but then again I dont drink pop at all :p the closest thing I get to pop is root beer, which is actually tea >.>

I love water... its the greatest
I say just put down the can of coke and pick up the bottle of water. It's really that easy, your body will adjust to it with a standing ovation.

Unfortunately its not that easy for me :( i have no self control. infact when i was on stage tonight doing security at the barenaked ladies i amost screamed and jumped them :p :p :p!!! I am drinking coke ZERO as of this friday at 5pm If i ever drink another coke may god slap me down. i am 100% commited to this.
I'm a total Diet Coke addict. Some days I drink six or seven cans! But I drink a lot of water too. I don't get why diet sodas are associated with not being able to lose weight. Do they make you hungry or is it just the cafiene?
Since starting this I have stopped drinking soda completely, and then I had a tummy ache yesterday so I was told to drink some sierra mist, sprite type of bev so I went and got like 2 swigs worth of soda from the bar and I took a sip and it tasted like pure sugar water to me...i'd rather go feeling like crap then drinking that stuff again....
I am starting today to stop my Diet Coke habit :(

I drink 3-4 in one day and sometimes up to 5-6

It is such a relief for me sometimes but I need to cut my weight
yeah i need to kick my coke habit.. its costing me too much i just love the stuff i might move onto something softer like some weed
I kicked my coke habit at Christmas, when I realised it was ALL I was drinking 24 hours a day. I have only had 4 occasions since Boxing Day when I've succumbed to coke.

By the way though, did you realise Coke Zero and Diet Coke were EXACTLY the same drink? Coke Zero was brought out because it was thought men didn't like to be seen drinking "women's" Diet Coke and needed a more butch alternative. :D They are both completely sugar free.
maybe i'm wrong but honestly if you crave it -then have a serving of it... just don't overdo it - if one serving is enough to satisfy your craving - then why not - just work it into your calories for the day...
I'm sort of in...I love it as a treat, so I don't want to cut it out 100%. But I'd like to get back to one a day. I went down to one can (or half a 600ml bottle) a day of regular pepsi, but when I switched to diet pepsi, I started drinking too much again.

So as of today, I'm cutting back again...Thanks for the kick in the butt. :)
By the way though, did you realise Coke Zero and Diet Coke were EXACTLY the same drink? Coke Zero was brought out because it was thought men didn't like to be seen drinking "women's" Diet Coke and needed a more butch alternative. :D They are both completely sugar free.

Coke Zero is Diet Coke that has been formulated to taste like full-fat Coke. Diet and Zero taste quite different from each other.

I haven't had pop for a year and four months. None at all. I feel great. I used to have heart palpitations which I credit to pop, only because I haven't had a single one since I quit drinking it.
Just juices and water for me!
Good luck all who want to eliminate coke or any other pop!