The ChillOut Log

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Heya Chillen hows it going??

Jackie x

Its going well.

I had to tend to medical issues with my spouse the last couple of days. But, all is going okay. Man, she is a tough. If persons had a tenth of the strength she has, this world would be a different planet. :)

How are you, young lady! :)

How is your diet and training plan coming.......what have you decided?

On a side note, lol. I was in walgreens yesterday (getting a prescription for my wife), and I was wearing a tank top, and blue jeans, and caught a younger (probably 25 or so) checking my rear end Well, normally this wouldnt amuse me, but it was the look on her face. Its hard to describe......LOL. Considering Im going to be 47, I found it funny....Any hoot, LOL.

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Hey chillen, just thought I'd let you know that I had a gym session today where I kind of felt like you. For some reason when I was in the gym, I thought of all those crazy posts about motivation and stuff you put up all the time. The reason being: I showed up at the gym very tired. I chewed a piece of caffeine gum (1 piece= 1/2 a cup of coffee) like 15 minutes before lifted, but that didn't do anything. I am doing Fat Loss 2 of NROL, and this specific workout was 6 lifts of 3 supersets, with only 30 seconds in between each lift. About 1/3 through my routine I just got this fire inside that just pushed me through the whole workout.

Crazy....motivational posts :eek: :(

When one is---there own caffiene pill-----and when one externally consumes caffiene, one can get pretty friggen wired up, baby!

I like be wired up, baby! GREAT THINGS HAPPEN!


Put your own your friggen music:

Hear Your Internal Music!

No one can see it. But you can feel it.
No one can hear it. But you can listen to it.
No one can touch it. But you can sense it.
No one can smell it. But you can sniff it.
No one can taste it. But you can savor it.



But since there is such short rest time the workout was a little less than a half an hour. So I headed over to the elliptical. With my energy still pumping, I didn't want to quit, so for the first time ever I did a HIIT session after lifting. Wasn't sure how it would work out, but I ended up running for about 20 minutes, with 15 of that being solid HIIT. I am so tired, but feel so good. I would have put this in my journal but I kind of abandoned it so I decided to come here.

Have a good day!

Have you figured out your dietary problems within your environment, yet? Come on, there IS a solution to nearly everything. If you THINK you tried everything,,,,,,,,,,,BUH,,,,,,you havent tried the one that works yet!!!!!

KEEP ROCKEN YOURSELF......YES........ROCKET yourself off of the launch pad, BABY!

Good to hear from you, AMP. :) :)

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Spicy Pumkin:

My post will be forthcoming.

But, I want to forewarn you.

Its going to be blunt, a little more "hard love" toned than what you are used to from me.

If you want the truth, its time for you to start handling it.

Best wishes,

April 1, 2008: Thoughts for the day

Good morning everyone, hope this day finds you well.

No unhappy faces today! :)

I just cant believe its about 8 weeks shy of one year that the COL has been running.

First post was June 16th, 2007. Prior to this I was making new threads every day, for about one week, lol. :)

It is absolutely amazing! :)

WAKE UP each day and be proud of yourselves! Work hard and EDUCATE yourselves with something! :)

Good to hear, SHH (Spicy Health Hen). Just wanted to prepare my friend.

Yes, SHH, I do care whether you are succesful. And, sometimes a "hard love" approach is the way to go. Lei is right in what he posted in "some" of his comments, especially his very last post in your log. Yes, young lady, I have been reading it.

UP and at em baby!

Its 6AM here in Lawrence, Kansas (GO KU!, He, he, FINAL FOUR! :)).

I have a 12 hour work day ahead of me, but I am up read to rock and roll. Today is my lower workout day, and its time to get on it before work.


When you wake up in the morning and throughout the day, you BREATHE:

A brand new commitment to PERSONAL EXCELLENCE:

(by Chillen)

1. Courage

To erase the inconsistency of the past, one has to be consistent with the goals of the present. One has to exercise internal courage to experience growth of courage: Visionary Courage.

2. Dedication

There is valueable information inside. Make room for only one tyrant: YOU. Your inner voice: A powerful stimulant with unlimited potential. It will give you the ultimate thrill, sizzle you hot, create self-reliance, and send a internal message to your five senses that you are totally committed: Stimulated Dedication.

3. Persistence

Enthusiastic resistence. Realizing through your own eyes, that the real prize are supplies that are inside; distinguishes the strong from the weak; the twin sister of dedication. Cutting edge of action and results: Persistent Resistance

4. Determination

All-in-one sowing seed of the human-will.

Determination delegates the rules, to deliver the results, while demanding the your personal best and can be designed to sell: Amazing results. Superpower of the human-will

5. Heart

The human survival-Kit: If you fall down get up an infinate and unconditional amount of times that it takes to endure and ensure your unlimited personal potential.

6. Create your Internal Music

Remove the "mental fences" around the "five senses":

No one can see it. But you can feel it.
No one can hear it. But you can listen to it.
No one can touch it. But you can sense it.
No one can smell it. But you can sniff it.
No one can taste it. But you can savor it.

The 6 Takes:

Take action
Take charge
Take control
Take one moment and Take the challenge
and you Take the lead


True Power is Mastering yourself.

Stand and Deliver Today! And, kiss the past negatives goodbye.

Spread some love to someone you care about today. Let them KNOW YOU CARE!

Best wishes

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April 1, 2008: Thoughts for the day! (2)

Is there a super sandwich? Lets see, he, he. :)

Is there a great sandwhich?

(by Chillen)

Yes, there is:

The human brain wedged between 2 slices of toasted education and knowledge application; topped with a splash of motivation sensation animation.

Is there hot sauce on this sandwhich?

Yes, there is:

Nothing neater than a heater in the personal want-o-meter

Stomach boiling hot because of the hot sauce?


The Pain Reliever: The believer with a fierce personal achiever receiver

To Reach Your Goal: One must pay the toll and pull it in their soul.


Best wishes,

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Its going well.

I had to tend to medical issues with my spouse the last couple of days. But, all is going okay. Man, she is a tough. If persons had a tenth of the strength she has, this world would be a different planet. :)

How are you, young lady! :)

How is your diet and training plan coming.......what have you decided?

On a side note, lol. I was in walgreens yesterday (getting a prescription for my wife), and I was wearing a tank top, and blue jeans, and caught a younger (probably 25 or so) checking my rear end Well, normally this wouldnt amuse me, but it was the look on her face. Its hard to describe......LOL. Considering Im going to be 47, I found it funny....Any hoot, LOL.


heya sorry ive been busy, i went to london today with my dad and brother - it was good. Im glad your ok. I hope your wife is too.

The person checking you out- were they male or female lol

I havent been able to do my training all week cause of situations at home- im seriously thinking of moving out. Hopefully i will be able to get back on it tomorrow.

My diets been ok. i havent had enough fruit/veg today dammit

Jackie xxx

btw i liked your post about courage n fears n stuff, i realised not that long ago that im living in fear alot, there are a few things i really need to get over in order to live a better life - i know i can do it
I dont base my emotion or feelings on other perceptions of my body (including my wifes. Speaking of which, doesnt like the fact I have defined ab core, but I pressed on during the time in my goal path because it was for me, and no one else), and this is either accepted or not (dont care which).

Its accepted (not necessarily liked) by her because its makes me happy and because the core of love is REAL, and in the end makes her happy because I am doing something that makes me happy as well as healthy. :)

Best wishes to all!

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I was actually thinking of doing that.

I could give myself a "cheat day" once a week that would actually help me along in the weight department.

It could also damage and clog my arteries, but I've got a healthy heart and low blood pressure. I think I can handle it.

Panda Express, Here I come...

Hey spicypumpkin..........just embrace John Berardi's ' 10% rule ' when it comes to " cheat meals " and you should be fine.

For your info, from Dr, John Berardi......

Rule 4: Get a Cheating Ritual

No, this isn't some adultery ceremony. This is the preferred method for eating never-have foods without blowing the plan.

Now, my general rule on cheating is this: make sure that no more than 10% of your meals are missed or cheat meals.

So if you’re eating six meals a day, seven days a week (for a total of 42 meals per week), then no more than four of those meals should be misses or cheats. If you can achieve 90% adherence — and anyone can, it doesn’t require "Spartan" discipline — you can get the results you want.

The catch, however, is that the 10% rule allows you to eat unplanned cheat
meals. You know how that goes: "Well, that pizza does look good, but I should stick to the plan and eat the chicken salad . . . oh what the hell, gimme the pizza! I’ll just consider it a cheat meal."

Now, this isn't necessarily a problem. If you have the discipline to keep your cheat meals to under about four per week, you can have them whenever you want. The problem arises when you allow a spontaneous, unplanned cheat meal to set off a chain of events (first pizza, then dessert, then fast food, etc.) that ends up in a nutritional derailment. Unfortunately, this happens more often than people care to admit, particularly in the early stages of a new plan.

It's better to plan your cheat meals. And even better would be to plan them around a social event (like a weekly get-together with the crew, a weekly restaurant night with your significant other, etc.), and ideally with social support (i.e., like-minded people to whom this event means as much as it does to you).

Enjoy ! :)
Good morning everyone.

I will be posting the thoughts for the day. I have been extremely busy again this week with some employee personnel issues and server complications. But managed really well. I am off work today :).

It's good to see Trevor (Silent) posting again. Additionally, I noticed that AZNDAVE has posted to his journal after several months. It was good to hear from him. He posted that he had been in a vehicle accident. It would do him good to hear from you. So if you get a chance post something to his journal and welcome him again.



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April 7th, 2008: Thoughts for the day (1)

Success is a Pattern Not an Outcome

(Article by Dr. Susan Rempel)

I am always fascinated by how people choose to respond to various situations. Quite often, an individual’s response gives me a clue about who the person really is, and what that person thinks about himself or herself.

I was quite interested in the response that I received concerning the "success stories" column in the Pinnacle Perspective (The Pinnacle Perspective Motivational Newsletter). For the past few weeks, I have made it a point to ask each new subscriber to send me his or her own personal success story. I also posted a notice in the previous edition of the newsletter asking for people to send me success stories. I received quite a few responses, but they all seemed to indicate that the writer did not think of himself or herself as "successful."

These responses reminded me that many people view success as something that will occur in the future. It is something that will be bestowed upon them after reaching their ultimate goal. Such a definition of success is self-defeating. It requires that a person postpone a positive definition of the self for years and sometimes decades.

If you think that you are someone who will be successful at some time in the future, then by necessity a small part of you must think that you are unsuccessful at this time. This is not true! The way that you should view success is as a process that you engage in throughout your life, not as a singular outcome that will happen in the future. That process is the road of success that you travel upon while climbing toward your Personal Pinnacle of Success.* Allow me to point out a few aspects of success and being successful which will reinforce the notion that success is a life pattern rather than an outcome of achieving a singular goal:

In actuality, you are successful at this very moment. If you examine your life history, you will be able to identify many moments during which you felt successful. Each of these moments were what I refer to as "experiences of success" or "successful experiences." Additionally, each of these moments adds to sum of the successes that you experience during your lifetime.

Your definition of what it means to be successful will change over time. With each successful experience, there will come an adjustment of your definition of success. Most successful people will set a new, and higher, goal for themselves immediately after achieving a previously desired goal. You may sometimes forget how successful you have become because you have lost sight of all of your past experiences of success.

Becoming successful is a gradual process. Each new successful experience in your life increases the total of your successful experiences. It is easy to forget how far you have traveled along the road toward your Personal Pinnacle of Success* unless you take the time to write a performance evaluation for yourself that encompasses the past five to ten years. This exercise is well worth the time and effort because it will help you to see the success that you have experienced, and thereby enhance your confidence level and the probability of experiencing future successes. It will also help you to develop a list of achievable goals for the next five to ten years of your life.

Your next successful experience is often hiding just behind the roadblock that you think stands before you at this moment. Developing creative strategies to solve a current problem will often result in an avalanche of positive unintended consequences. Some of the best ideas in human history have been developed in the face of adversity.

Your next successful experience may also result from assuming a flexible or adaptive stance in response to a roadblock. As the old saying goes, "When life gives you lemons, you must make lemonade!"

You must begin to intrinsically think of yourself as a success in order to become more successful in the future. If you adopt a mindset that you cannot achieve something or are ultimately doomed to failure, you will fail. If you decide that you will find some how or some way to achieve your goals, then you will move forward in your life and experience a large number of successes.

The pattern of success in your life directly results from your own dogged determination and will to overcome any obstacle. Time Magazine’s recent article about exceptional students** noted that a key quality of many talented students is persistence. They set high goals for themselves. They keep working at a project until they are satisfied with the results. Their drive inevitably propels them toward a future filled with successful experiences. Those same qualities are clearly visible in most successful adults.

Successful experiences will occur in different areas of your life at different times in your life. So many people limit their definition of success to the area of work. As I noted in "The Personal Pinnacle of Success: Defining Success and Climbing the Mountain on Your Own Terms" , there are five key areas in your life. If you develop each area fully, you will have successful experiences in each area. However, it is unlikely that you will be highly successful in each area at the same time. Therefore, when you feel that you are not making progress in one area at the break neck speed that you desire, consider the progress that you are making in other areas. Allow yourself to savor successful experiences in each area of your life, rather than over-focusing on your career.

Success comes to those who seek it. Your future experience of success is, in part, determined by the road map that you develop. If you travel through life without an action plan, it is almost assured that you will experience frustration and a sense of failure. In order to achieve the success that you desire, you must determine where it is that you want to go and how you will get there.

Success is a pattern in your life rather than an outcome of it. If success was determined merely by reaching a single goal, then why would you continue on in life after you have reached that goal? Living a full and successful life is a process of setting, achieving, and setting new goals in each of the five key areas of life. In that you can never achieve perfection in any area of life, there will always be something to work on, something new to achieve, and new experiences to enjoy!

Today is the day to begin viewing yourself as a successful person. Consider your past experiences of success. Savor your present successful experiences. Develop a plan to expand your life to include more success in the days to come. The challenge for every human being is to make the most of the time that has been granted to him or her. There will never be another opportunity to rewind your life and experience it again. You cannot correct past mistakes or opportunities that have been lost, but you can decide to use them as stepping stones to future successes. You can also make the decision that you will begin to view yourself as a successful person. You can also challenge yourself to live a full, satisfying, and exciting life in the years to come.

How to Start Believing in Yourself

(By Lily Woods)

A socially-empowered person achieves so much greatness, basically because of the people that catapult him to success. He earns the trust and all-out support of the people, whom he had helped before. He never runs out of help. He can do anything with the plethora of people behind him. All because he knows he maximizes his social potential!

Isn't it funny? We look at other people, envy them for looking so outrageously perfect and wish we could trade places with them, while they look at us and thinks of the same thing. We are insecure of other people who themselves are insecure of us. We suffer from low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and lose hope in self improvement because we are enveloped in quiet desperation.

So how do you unleash your creative thinking? Well, the first thing is to become a human leech. No, we're not talking about just sucking the blood out of every living being available, we're saying that you should take in as much knowledge and learning you can find. Read everything available -- good and bad, and keep your mind open to the infinite possibilities of the universe. The more you know, the more you'll want to know, and the more your faculty of wonder will be exercised. Prepare to be amazed at little facts that add a bit of color into your life.

One key to self improvement is to LISTEN and TALK to a trusted friend. Find someone who you find comfort in opening up with even the most gentle topics you want to discuss. Ask questions like "do you think I am ill-mannered?", "Do I always sound so argumentative?", "Do I talk too loud?", "Does my breath smell?", "Do I ever bore you when were together?". In this way, the other person will obviously know that you are interested in the process of self improvement. Lend her your ears for comments and criticisms and don't give her answers like "Don't exaggerate! That's just the way I am!" Open up your mind and heart as well. And in return, you may want to help your friend with constructive criticism that will also help her improve herself.

You also can start believing in yourself if you can help others. You don't have to do a John Rockefeller and blow your savings to charity. Little acts of kindness matters the most and this can be as simple as giving someone a surprise you-take-care card or helping an elderly cross the street. When we were kindergarten students, kindness was taught to us and greatly practiced. Now is the time to revive the good deeds and this time, let them stay for good.

Get motivated every day.

Zig Ziglar was once confronted about being a “motivational speaker.” The guy said to him, “You guys come and get people hyped up and then you leave and the motivation goes away. It doesn’t last, and then you have to get motivated again.” Zig reminded the gentleman that baths are the same way but we think it is a good idea to take a bath every day!

It is true that motivation doesn’t last. We have to renew it each and every day. That is okay. It doesn’t make motivation a bad thing. We simply have to realize that if we want to stay motivated over the long term, it is something we will have to apply to ourselves each and every day.

Have a vision for your life.

The root word of motivation is “motive.” The definition of motive is, “A reason to act.” This is the cognitive or rational side of motivation. It is your vision. You have to have a vision that is big enough to motivate you. If you are making $50,000 a year, it isn’t going to motivate you to set your goal at $52,000 a year. You just won’t get motivated for that because the reward isn’t enough. Maybe $70,000 a year would work for you. Set out a vision and a strategy for getting there. Have a plan and work the plan.

Fuel your passion.

Much of motivation is emotional. I don’t know quite how it works but I do know THAT it works. Emotion is a powerful force in getting us going. Passion is an emotion, so fuel your passion. “Well, I like to work on logic,” you may say. Great, now work on your passion. Set yourself on a course to have a consuming desire for your goal, whatever it is. Do whatever you can to feel the emotion and use it to your advantage!

Work hard enough to get results.

You can build on your motivation by getting results. The harder you work, the more results you will get and the more results you get, the more you will be motivated to get more. These things all build on one another. If you want to lose weight, then lose the first few pounds. When the belt moves to the next notch you will get fired up to get it to the notch beyond that!

Put good materials into your mind.

I can’t say this enough – listen to tapes. I still listen to tapes regularly. I buy tape clubs from other speakers and I learn and grow. Their successes motivate me to get my own successes! Read good books. Read books that teach you new ideas and skills. Read books that tell the stories of successful people. Buy them, read them, and get motivated! Buy great music and listen to it. I just did a spinning class at the club today. Whenever a good song came on I was actually able to get motivated to ride faster! It gets you going and motivates you!

Ride the momentum when it comes.

Sometimes you will just be clicking and sometimes you won’t. That is okay. It is the cycle of life. When you aren’t clicking, plug away. When you are clicking, pour it on because momentum will help you get larger gains in a shorter period of time with less energy. That is the Momentum Equation! When you are feeling good about how your work is going, ride the momentum and get as much out of it as you can!
These are the top six ways to stay motivated:
Get motivated every day.

1. Have a vision for your life.

2. Fuel your passion.

3. Work hard enough to get results.

4. Put good materials into your mind.

5. Ride the momentum when it comes.

These are simple principles, that when you put them to work regularly, will change your life by keeping you motivated all the time! Get going!


Article of the day:

1. 20 Mental strategies for body building success: - Nick Nilsson - 20 Mental Strategies For Bodybuilding Success!


Much happiness and joy to ALL!

Hope the day went well for you!

April 7th, 2008: Thoughts for the day (2)

The Power Of Your Thoughts

The greatest power we ever got is the power of our thoughts.

There is an Intelligence inside us that can elevate our life
at the highest level. FIND IT! USE IT.........and be the BEST YOU CAN BE!

Own Your Power

(by Martin Brofman, Ph.D.)

Owning your power, your power to be real, to be who you really are, is really about owning your freedom. Consider how your reasons for
not being yourself may have been to get the love or approval of others. Then, you have given others the power to decide your way of being, and thus keeping yourself from being free. In many ways, you have been giving away your power/freedom by your ways of speaking and thinking, and being.

For example, when you say or think something like, "That person makes me angry," you have given your power/freedom to decide whether or not to be angry, to that person. You have said that you are powerless, and that that person has the power to decide when you will be angry.

You can choose to not do that any more.

It would be more appropriate to say something like, "I get angry when that person does that." In that way, you get to see that you are the one that has made you angry, and also that you can decide to feel that, or something else.

No one but you "makes you" feel angry, or sad, or depressed, or happy, or sexy, or bored, etc. Since you are now in the process of deciding for yourself about your life, and your choices, and your actions, and your feelings, and what you see, why not own your decision-making power on all levels?

Be aware of the words that you use, because they do form the basis of your thought patterns. Listen to your words, and notice whether they reflect your freedom to decide for yourself what you feel or do.

Do you say, "Let me do this," asking for permission, or do you express your desires by saying, "I would like to do this," or even "I am
going to do this?" Do you say, "That person manipulated me," or "I allowed myself to be manipulated?" Whatever you have been doing that has not been working for you, you can choose to not do any more.

Have you kept yourself from expressing what you really wanted to because of what you thought someone else would think? Then, you have given control of your power of speech to that person.

You are free, you know. Are you willing to own your freedom?

Have you kept yourself from looking at something or someone because of what another person might think? Then, you have given your freedom of choice to see what you want, to that person.

Have you kept yourself from doing what you want because of what another person would think? You have given away your freedom of action. You have kept yourself from speaking, from acting, from seeing what was real for you. Clear vision is related to allowing yourself to be real, and trusting that - in fact, insisting on that.

In owning your freedom, you must also be willing to recognize others' freedom. No one gives you your freedom - it's already yours. It's just up to you to be free. In the same way, you do not give others their freedom. You may only acknowledge that they have it.

When you do something, others are free to feel about it as they choose. For you, though, you are just being real, and acting with love and freedom as your motivations. If you are misunderstood, you can choose to clear the misunderstanding through communication. It is not necessary for you to change your way of Being because of the way another feels. If you choose to change, it must be because it makes sense to you to do things another way.

In the same way, if another person does something that you choose to feel not-good about, that's your choice. That person, too, is free. If the not-good feeling is the result of a misunderstanding, it can be cleared through communication. Don't assume anything. Ask, and then know.

If the not-good feeling is the result of attachments you need to release on your path to clarity and freedom, you can find another way of thinking and feeling that feels better for you, one in which you are not deciding what the other person should do differently, but
rather what you need to do differently.

If you expect the other person to change their way of Being because of the way you feel, then you are wanting to control that person.
If you don't want to be controlled, are you willing to stop controlling?

Perhaps in the past, when you've looked at a situation which you did not consider optimal, you've decided what someone else should have done differently, or should do differently in the future. When you really own your power and your freedom, you do not do that any more- rather, you only decide what you could have done differently then, and what you can do differently from now on, in the future.
When you are sincere about this, your thoughts are included in the process, as well. As long as you find yourself thinking what other
people should do, or think, or feel, you have not totally owned your power or your freedom.

If you want to own your freedom, are you willing to recognize others' freedom as well? Then, you also see that you do not make others sad,but they may decide to feel that way when you do something. You do not make them happy, either - they choose to feel that when you do something.

No matter what you do, or say, some people will approve, and others will not. You have the freedom to decide which people you will be with. If you choose to be with those who judge you, you may feel like a weed in a garden, constantly feeling as though you need to defend yourself and your way of Being.

You can choose instead to be okay with being judged, knowing that you're just being who you are, and that others are free to feel what they like about that. They may be judging you by their standards, but you are living by your own standards. You can also choose to be with those people who do not judge you, but rather appreciate you for who you are. You can then feel freer, and more relaxed about being real, being who you really are. You'll see that you weren't a weed, but rather
just a flower in the wrong garden.

Perhaps in the past you've tended to change yourself, to be someone different from who you really are, in order to be loved, in order to
get love. If you would like to know that you're loved for whom you are, then you have to be who you really are, and let that be the image that's loved.

Love can not be solicited. It must flow freely, and be freely given. Then, you know that it's real. If you create an image in order to be
loved, and people love the image, you still do not feel loved for who you really are.

If the expressions of love are solicited, asked for, then you do not really know that they would be there if you did not ask for them. You
would still not be sure of the love. Notice when the expressions of love come freely from others, when you're being real. Then, you'll know that they come because the others choose to express their love, and you'll know it's real. When you know the love is there, open and feel it.

Sometimes, expressions of love are misunderstood, because we've all been taught different ways of expressing the love that we feel. The way some people express their love is sometimes misunderstood as love being taken away. The misunderstandings can be resolved through communication, though, so that expressions of love afterwards can be those which enhance the experience of the person receiving them, something that feels good for them.

Remember to express your love in that way, too. Express your love in the way that you would like others to express their love with you, in a way that results in their feeling good, in a way that you would be appy to be on the receiving end of. You have the power/freedom to be who you really are, to be where you really want to be, with whom you
would really like to be (if they would really like to be with you), doing what you would really like to do. Others, too, have the same

If you find yourself not honestly able to say, "I love where I am. I love who I'm with. I love what I'm doing," then something has to
change. You have the power/freedom to make that change.

If it's a situation in which you do not feel happy, you have three choices:

1. Change the situation. Re-arrange it.

2. Change the way you see the situation.

2. Leave the situation, and find another.

If the situation, for example, is your job, you can change it so that you're doing something there that's more meaningful for you.
Or, you can look at it in another way that feels better for you so that you feel happy in it (but it must be real for you). If you do
not do either of these, then perhaps you need to be doing something different, in a different job, so that you can look forward each
day to spending time and energy there.

If it's your home, does it feel like home to you? If not, re-arrange it so that it does. Otherwise, choose to see it as really perfect for
you right now. Otherwise, move.

If you really believe that these changes are too vast for you, that you "can't" make them, you have given away your power/freedom.
It isn't that you are not able to make the changes, but rather that you have chosen not to. You still have the power to create your life
the way you would really like it to be. You have the power/freedom to change what has not been working for you, to change that which
has not resulted in your being as happy as you would like to be.

Do you find yourself with people you do not really enjoy being with? if so, you have given away your power to be happy to them.

You don't have to do that any more.

With clarity, and love.

If you have given away your power, you can take it back. It's still yours. Own it. Your power/freedom also includes your
choice to change those patterns within yourself that you recognize have not been optimal, that have been the result of mis-perceptions, limited ways of seeing.

Your attachments and addictions stand between you and freedom. When you are free, you are able to decide in each moment what you
would like to do, and what makes sense to do. You do not allow yourself to be controlled by past programs.

When you are addicted to something, and you don't get it, you feel not-good. The degree of the not-good feeling shows the degree
of attachment or addiction. You can choose to not give your power to your attachments, or to the object of your attachments.
Non-attachment is freedom.

It isn't detachment. Detachment is removal of all feelings. Non-attachment allows positive feelings of joy when you have.
When there's something you don't have, you are able to focus your attention on what you do have.

If, for example, you are attached to a lobster dinner, and you don't get it, you are not free to enjoy what you do have. When
you are not attached, you can enjoy a salad, or a steak, and if you have a lobster, really enjoy it, too.

If you're attached or addicted to a person, when you're with them, you're spending time worrying about when you will not be with them,
and when they are not there, you spend your time missing them, and not being present with the people who are with you. That isn't freedom.

You have the power and the freedom to be totally present wherever you are, enjoying whatever is happening.

Others do not have to change their way of Being because of your attachments, and you don't have to change your way of Being because of the addictions of others.

You take total responsibility for yourself, and everything you think, do, and say - and you acknowledge that others have the responsibility for everything they choose to think, do, or say.

Do not decide what other people think, or will do in any given situation, because actually, you don't really know - that's their
responsibility. You just need to examine your own consciousness, and what happens in it.

Others are free to want what they want, and you are free to say yes or no to that. It's okay for them to want, and it's okay for you to
not want. In the same way, you are free to want what you want, and they are free to not want the same thing. When you both want the same thing, there is free agreement, and then something can happen. Otherwise, you can agree to disagree, and each of you can find happiness and satisfaction in your own respective ways.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion and to their own thoughts and wishes - and you are free.

Review your movie, the one in which you are not only the star, but also the director. Be the audience too. What were the effects of
your actions and words? Could you have written a better script for yourself? If so, what would you have done differently? Could you
have acted with more love, more understanding? Replay the situation in your mind, doing it differently, and see the different ending.
Decide that if the situation presents itself again, you will replay it in the new way. Dedicate yourself to the decision. Then, you have
changed yourself for the better, because it was your choice, and you've learned what you needed to.

You must also realize that things happened the way they had to, with the chemistry of the people involved, in order to have the result that needed to happen. Next time, however, you'll be able to achieve the same result more harmoniously.

Continue to do this until you are honestly able to give your movie and your character great reviews. If you saw that movie in a theater, you would have thought it a fabulous movie, with an inspirational star- you! You would have recommended the movie to your friends, and enjoyed
seeing it again.

Notice what your reasons are for doing things. What are your motivations? In a given situation, are you making the fear choice or the freedom choice? Are you doing things because that's what you really choose to do, or are you doing things (or not doing things) because of fear? Trust your instincts, and what's real for you, and do what you really want to do.

Did you keep yourself from being who you really are because you thought you had to, and find out afterwards that you didn't really have to? Then, the basis for your decision and your action was fear. Make a decision that you don't have to do that any more. You can be who you really are, and people will enjoy you even more. When you do what you really want
to do, something wonderful always happens.

Part Two next
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Part Two

Is love your motivation, or is it guilt? Do you do things to avoid
feeling guilty, because you would feel guilty not doing them? Or do you
act clearly, doing what you really want to do, as an expression of love?

If you have been having fear or guilt as your motivations, do you want
to continue that way? You don't have to, you know.

You can make a conscious choice, a deep decision, to not have fear
or guilt or anger controlling your life, but rather to act as a free
conscious Being. When you do that, then from that moment on, if you
discover that your decision to be a certain way, or do (or not do)
a certain thing is based on fear, guilt, or anger, you dedicate
yourself to making a different decision. Then, you are not allowing
yourself to be controlled by past patterns of being or doing, but
really living your freedom.

You really are free. You just have to own your freedom, and be free.
Not only will you feel better and enjoy your life a lot more, but you
will also be releasing patterns which were associated with the impaired
vision. You will truly be returning to clarity.

You're free to think the way you choose, and love the way you choose,
and act the way you choose.

People who love you enjoy seeing you happy the way you really like
to be happy, being the fullest expression of your Being, being real,
being all that you can be. People who love you really want to see you
being successful.

It's up to you, though.

You have the power and the freedom to be real, to be happy, to
be successful, to be fulfilled.

See clearly what is real for you.

And live it.

While we've been taught that it's a good thing to be ourselves
- necessary, in fact - we have also been taught in so many ways that
we have to not be ourselves in order to please other people, and that
it's a good thing to please other people, to make others happy.

Then, it seems to be a choice between making others happy, on the one
hand, and being ourselves, making ourselves happy, on the other hand.

If you have been choosing to not be yourself so that others would
be happy, you have decided that pleasing others was more important
than really being yourself. That was a beautiful expression of your
love, but at a high cost to you, and your ease of Being, and your
health. Ease of Being is associated with health. Not being yourself
requires an investment in energy, which is also known as stress, an
unhealthy element from anyone's point of view.

What makes more sense is to shift your priorities so that being
real is more important- and, in fact, a necessary part of any
healing process.

You can still enjoy expressing your love in any way that works for
you, and yet knowing the importance of being real.


Be yourself. All the time.

All of you have it in you to be the best everyday!

Best wishes to you all!

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Nice read but I only have one comment.

when we are at work in a professional environment its almost a survival mechanism to be someone we are not. You have to be fake to play this game and be successful at it. So maybe there are different levels or elements of "self".
Success is a Pattern Not an Outcome

These are the top six ways to stay motivated:
Get motivated every day.

1. Have a vision for your life.

2. Fuel your passion.

3. Work hard enough to get results.

4. Put good materials into your mind.

5. Ride the momentum when it comes.



I can only see 5 Chillen



Jackie xxx
Success is a Pattern Not an Outcome

These are the top six ways to stay motivated:
Get motivated every day.

1. Have a vision for your life.

2. Fuel your passion.

3. Work hard enough to get results.

4. Put good materials into your mind.

5. Ride the momentum when it comes.



I can only see 5 Chillen



Jackie xxx


At least I know jackie read it! :)

LOL :jump1:

How are you Jackie?


Chalmers for 3! YES!......................oh.........:jump1:

ROCK ON University of Kansas! CHAMPS! Baby!

(for those that dont know I work in Lawrence, Kansas (home of KU) and graduated from there!)

We rock!

he, he

Nice read but I only have one comment.

when we are at work in a professional environment its almost a survival mechanism to be someone we are not. You have to be fake to play this game and be successful at it. So maybe there are different levels or elements of "self".

GREAT! Personal interpretation and spinning off some thoughts on subject matter, does the body good! :)

How was your day Kraken!

Are you shapen' and baken' so there is no mistaken the almighty Kraken?! ?? :)

Best wishes,

The Chillout Log :) Well, I'm here to ask for some help about my current progress. The thing is I haven't been making much for a while. Now that summer approaches, my fears are coming back(taking shirt off at the pool, wearing shirts, etc.) which wants me to get back on track. Now, although looks are a good thing to have, health is still #1, which is why I'm concerned with my high cholesterol and blood pressure. I want to be in better shape, but I just can't get that consistency when I start some routine diet + exercise. You would think knowing that certain foods can be just as harmful as illegal substances in the long run, but that still does not seem real serious to me. What I mean is, I know the bad effects of drugs, alcohol, etc., but food, if you think about it, can be just as bad(contributing to high cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. and eventually death). So why does knowing that not seem to give me a "wake up call" and start eating clean or somewhat healthier? I don't know, honestly. I can eat clean all day, but at the end of the day if I see a pizza or brownie, I will go all out on that junk food. That is definitely my downfall, which can cause serious problems, which is already taking its toll on me(high blood pressure to cholesterol to too much fat). I cannot answer my own question, why is it so hard to stay consistent and dedicated with a diet and exercise program to lose some weight and get fit?
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