I'm just waiting for the floor to get redone in hardwood so the floor to ceiling spinning pole can be installed!Then I can rock my 7.5 inch heels!
Saaaaaaaaaaa-WEEEET, you bring the heels and I'll bring the dollar bills!
7.5 's will rock the casbah but solid!!!
Very impressed. I can't speak from personal experience, but from what I gather it takes a whole lot more strength, power and endurance then most people imagine and your totally moving in a most graceful fashion, dare I say alluring!
At the same time, I'm almost utterly shocked that Big-Tom hasn't asked you to pole dance on his rod. I mean, where's the consistency in vulgarity and sexual innuendo???? I'm gonna neg-rep ya Tommy! Boo!!!!!
Oh, and before I sign-off on this thread....let me add: MORE PLEASE!!!!
Huge kudo's for having the balls to throw that up on the forum.