Weight-Loss Ten Nutritional Habits to Lose 10 pounds Fast



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Putting these 10 nutritional habits over the course of 3-weeks will enable you to lose 10 pounds fast. Before I give you these habits, grab hold of my nutritional philosophy that will serve you for a lifetime. Make a note. Write it in your favorite diet book or keep it in any place to remind you.

Follow a diet that is :

* Low in fat
* Low in sugar
* High in Fiber, and
* Abundant in Water

You’ll receive your carbs, protein, fat and essential vitamins and minerals from this recommendation; your cholesterol will thrive at healthy levels; and you’ll lose and/or maintain a healthy weight.

This diet is balanced among various food groups. Why? Because no one food group provides all the nutrients you need. For example, fruits and vegetables are packed with vital nutrients and are excellent carbohydrates. Yet, they’re inadequate as a protein source.

Having now my primary principle, let me give you 10 nutritional habits that will enable you to lose 10 pounds fast. Here we go:

1. Gobble up the greens - Green vegetables are loaded with nutrients, a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, low in calories, and have high water content

2. Feast on fruits- Fruits possesses the same qualities as vegetables yet with a higher natural sugar content. Apples,and blueberries are great choices

2. Choose Lean Protein – Lean protein sources are low in fat and high in protein. Chicken, Turkey, and Eggs should be desired

3. Consume the Legumes – Beans and Lentils are excellent sources of protein and fiber. Fiber keeps your digestive tract free of waste. This enables your body to absorb nutrients and your metabolism to rev uninhibited

4. Boost up the salads- Add an additional salad to one of your meals. In addition to the abundant nutrients, the water and fiber in mixed green, spinach, or romaine salads provides roughage. This keeps the digestive tract free of waste. Avoid the high calorie dressings. Go with olive oil and balsamic vinegar

5. Eat the Good Fat- Fat has taken a bad wrap. The saturated (bad) fat should. Your body needs good fat sources to absorb the nutrients you eat. Avocados, Fish, Almonds, Walnuts, and Olive Oil are all excellent sources of good fat

6. Throw out the processed – Waive goodbye to Starbucks pastries and all the other refined processed foods. This includes the white stuff-potatoes, rice, and bread. These foods are low in nutrients, high in calories and sugar. Isn’t that three strikes? Enough. These high sugar/fat foods flood your bloodstream with insulin. The fat storing floodgates soon open

7. Rotate your grains- What’s the skinny on low carb diets? You lose weight but you feel crappy and lethargic. Oatmeal, brown rice, and flax seed are the carbs you should keep. They’re high in fiber and absorb slowly into the bloodstream. This keeps your insulin levels stable. Avoid these foods in the evening; take a day on and day off approach. This will enable you to avoid the mental fatigue people experience on low carb diets

8. Eat the last meal earlier- Studies show that late-night eating packs on the pounds. Cut your last meal by 7 p.m. Drink water to suppress your urges to eat. Remember, it’s only for 3-weeks

9. Pour down the water- Every metabolic process in your body requires adequate water. Dehydration slows down your metabolism. Drink 1-pint before every meal. You’ll control your portions as you’ll get full faster

10. Control your portions – Buffet eating destroys diets; floods your body with insulin; and leads to bad eating habits. Drinking 1-pint of water before meals has been proven to reduce appetite and keep portions minimum
8. Eat the last meal earlier- Studies show that late-night eating packs on the pounds. Cut your last meal by 7 p.m. Drink water to suppress your urges to eat. Remember, it’s only for 3-weeks

Actually incorrect, studies has shown actually the opposite. The time you eat has little to do with weight, it is total calories.

Oh, and anyone who bolds the word fast instantly signals red-light. Combine with '10 pounds fast' just SCREAMS someone setting up a push of a diet book/plan. Weight loss is not fast. You can't promise 10 pounds in 3 weeks to anyone cause people are different. In fact, 10 in 3 could be too fast of a weight loss for people since it is suggested 1% a week. But then your site (don't reply with a link or a site reference, just agree with 'the site') pushes a 'fast' weight loss like all the other diet industry predators.

Shame since most of your info is tried and true and nothing new, just wrapped around a false promise of fast weight loss.
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When I train clients way over their ideal body weight, they lose more than the recommended 2lbs per week(5lbs.+ on average). When I have clients close to their ideal body weight, they lose around the average.

A study was done one a group of people who ate one meal per day. A group of breakfast, lunch, and dinner eaters. The one meal per day breakfast eaters lost the most weight followed by the lunch eaters. Guess what happened to the one meal per day dinner eaters-they gained weight.

That's a Tufts University study by the way. The most respected nutritional program in the nation.

A nephew of mine who was 50+ pounds overweight stopped eating by 5 p.m. and wasn't even worked out. He lost 40 lbs in 5 weeks.

In terms of diet books, don't insult. Be a professional. I'm sharing my ideas like everyone else on this forum. I've been a personal trainer 20+ years. I have hundred of personal experiences to back up my posts.
When I train clients way over their ideal body weight, they lose more than the recommended 2lbs per week(5lbs.+ on average). When I have clients close to their ideal body weight, they lose around the average.

A study was done one a group of people who ate one meal per day. A group of breakfast, lunch, and dinner eaters. The one meal per day breakfast eaters lost the most weight followed by the lunch eaters. Guess what happened to the one meal per day dinner eaters-they gained weight.

That's a Tufts University study by the way. The most respected nutritional program in the nation.

A nephew of mine who was 50+ pounds overweight stopped eating by 5 p.m. and wasn't even worked out. He lost 40 lbs in 5 weeks.

In terms of diet books, don't insult. Be a professional. I'm sharing my ideas like everyone else on this forum. I've been a personal trainer 20+ years. I have hundred of personal experiences to back up my posts.

please link this 'study' cause you actually know WHY the people who ate dinner only gained weight right? the time had nothing to do with it, it was WHAT they ate. I'm assuming the food was different for each meal. Most dinners are more calorie intense..thus they ate more calories THUS they likely ate too many calories and thus gained weight.

Your nephew (congrates to him on his weight loss), ate less calories. The time means nothing! 1000 calories at 1 am means the same as 1000 calories at 5 pm. The reason people always suggested not eating late is because people tend to snack. They don't think about what they eat. It's easier to eat higher calorie foods.

And hell, I was just sharing my ideas about why I think you are here. See, instead of coming here giving nice advice and trying to get to know people, you cut and paste your own articles from your site with a higher attitude. We are a family here. We'd more than welcome you but can you see how I look at what you post, your username, your profile and think you are here for reasons other that the pure well being of the people here?
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My friend. You have too much time on your hands. Even if I cut and paste from my site, Its relevant advice people can use.
In terms of recommending people not eat late, that was only one point of ten I dispelled in the entire post. The other nine points shows this is a comprehensive practical suggestion.

Personally I don't care what you believe my motive for being on this forum is. You can accept of reject my advice.
I have too much time on my hands responding to your posts and being a mod? That is your counter to my arguement to your point?

And yes, many of your items do work (not the fruit..fruit is still calories and you can overdo them just like anything else, better than cake but it is still calories you don't always need to add). What I also pointed out was these are not new, in fact we discussed most of these not three days ago or so.

1) Make better food choices
2) exercise
3) don't drink your calories (0 calorie or water)

pretty much the foundation of weight loss. You don't need a fancy 6 week plan for this. You need knowledge. You need will power. You need focus and you need support.
What is better food choices?
What is exercise?
What are the calories I shouldn't drink?
How do they sustain focus?

People need specifics my friend. General knowledge won't help them. I see you have a lot of empirical knowledge. I don't believe you have a lot of experience working with people.

If and when you do, you'll realize that dogma (empirical studies) is only a guideline
Try looking around the forum because most of what you asked is covered.

also, general knowledge is the first foundation most coming here needs..especially when people keep handing out incorrect information like 'don't eat after 7pm'. You build after the general is understood.

And stop calling me your friend. You don't know me and it is downright condescending.

I'll answer your questions.

What is better food choices?

Begin with seeing what are your poor food choices. Start a food diary for at least a week. One has to be honest about it because that is how you look back and see where you can make changes. We tend to underestimate just how much we do eat, so getting it down in black and white is a solid start.

What is exercise?

Movement. Any movement. Any added calorie expending ranging from walking around the block to strength training. It varies but to be real here, diet does a lot more for weight loss than exercise. Diet is the start, exercise is the finishing tools. Start simple and build.

What are the calories I shouldn't drink?

Sugary drinks should be avoided. Diet drinks are still being debated on long term effects but no study has shown that they are harmful for weight loss. In basic terms, your calories should come from actual food, not drinks. If you must, try to limit but remember that calories are calories and it adds up.

How do they sustain focus?

Coming here is a good start, as is getting friends and family involved. Focus on small goals but create a large one as well.

All which has been discussed here before.
Great. You have practical knowledge.

Are are you putting these principles into practice for yourself? Who have you worked with in applying these principles to?
Yup and yup. I am currently working on it myself and I am doing it with pretty much everyone here.

We aren't your clients. We are a community, a family.
Clients are human. You choose to use the word family. Great. I'm giving practical knowledge to people. Be they my family or client, they're people. People will benefit. That's why I'm here that why I've been what I've been for 20 plus years.
First hypno-gurus, now know-it-alls who talk to people as if they have a bunch of retards in front of them. What's going on lately?

GetFitn6, just one question - do you talk down to your clients like that as well?? Or is that different because they give you money?
Yes, but try talking to this 'family' without treating us like your 'client'.

Am I beginning to get a hint of racial animus? I joined this forum to give people relevant and practical advice to empower their efforts to improve their health and fitness. Rather you like or dislike my tone or the way I go about doing this is "irrelevant."
I'm not breaking any rules of this forum. I'm giving people practical and relevant advice of which they can accept or dismiss. Let me write that one more time, "I'm giving people practical and relevant advice of which they can receive or dismiss."
I don't have to communicate this advice by your paradigm of how you feel or think I should. Are you that self-absorbed. Should the way people communicate in this forum be determined by your opinion? Get over yourself.

If this is racial animus, say it. Otherwise, step off. If you want to respond to my post, do so professionally. I don't mind disagreement and debate. I'm here to help people in their quest to improve their health. Not be insulted.
This actually made me chuckle.

Do what you want, but by presenting yourself in this manner, I can tell you now that you won't get very far.

People on this forum don't appreciate being talked down to.

They also don't like being told the same stuff over and over again. Please familiarise yourself with the contents of the forum. Read the stickies. If what you want to say has already been mentioned in there, there is no need to re-post it, unless somebody specifically asks for it.

In this case, everything in your post has already been mentioned on numerous occasions. Thanks for the summary, but in future, please don't start new threads repeating old information. Thank you.
racial animus

as in race..as in you think this is because you are black? Really?

I'm with San, that is laughable.
If I may add something?

If you think it's racial, you're retarded. Period.

Jericho, you gotta calm down. Everything I see on here that doesn't flow with what you personally believe is immediately shot down, and usually in a condescending way. I get that a lot of people are trying to sell things, and a lot of people have misinformation, but a forum should be about debate and discussion. This feels more like a religion. It's not so much a weight loss forum as it is a calorie counters forum. If you can't admit that there are multiple ways to lose weight, as I think we can all attest to with our own weight loss stories, then you're close-minded. I can hear the reaction now... "there are multiple ways to cut calories, sure, but in the end, it's about calories in vs. calories out." Talk about someone who repeats things, eh?

Third, I'd agree with GetFitn6 on the eating late bit. Calories are calories, but I don't think our body is going to react the same to calories when we haven't eaten in 8-10 hours and we're coming out a psuedo-coma (breakfast), and when we've been active for the past 8-10 hours and we're starting to mentally and physically shut down (dinner).
Toddless..starting off a post to tell someone to calm down when that person has been calm is pretty much trying to treat the person like a child. Don't do that please.

Let's address your comments towards me real quick. Yes, I do debate and I debate issues hard. As a Mod, I (just like the other mods) can see when someone is here to sell a product. I look into things because one part of my job is to keep spammers and salesmen off the site. When it comes to the issues, if you notice, I tend to cite science and medical studies. You might 'believe' that the myth of eating late is true but the science and studies says otherwise. If I see someone pushing a myth, I will say something. That isn't close mined, that is how you debate. I provided a link with articles citing the study. I could get the actual study as well. THe reason it is believed by people that late eating = weight gain is people don't monitor portion sizes, calorie counts or (most likely) they already reached their calorie intake needed for the day. Late eating tends to be more calorie heavy. It's not the time that effects it, it is the calories.

As for the other part of being closed minded and repeating things..guilty when it is the truth. Weight loss is, at the very core, calories in vs calories out. That is just when you are talking pure weight loss. There is other factors when it comes to your health. I could currently eat 2000 calories of sugar a day and lose weight..but I would be sick and suffer side effects. I have used the tree analogy where Calories in vs Calories out is the trunk. All the other stuff like exercise and nutrition branches from that trunk.

Bottom line is this: Even before becoming a mod, I fight, debated and argued like this. Nothing's gonna change. I understand your viewpoint but calling me closed minded for not agreeing with you is a bit ironic.
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Let's just say that sometimes I sigh disappointment when I see you may have misconstrued someone's good intentions.
Based on the checking I did on the user...no. I do not believe I misconstrued his intentions. User name, profile, website, info..sorry..I'm sure I have him pegged.