Sport Sweets....

Sport Fitness
Oh man. My mother JUST waked in with a piece of the most SCRUMPTIOUS looking chocolate birthday cake EVER. It was her birthday, and she took a piece home to me, knowing that I do NOT eat these thing's anymore...

Oh MAN! It's like I'm getting weird erotic flashes of me eating that thing! :( :( :( >_<;;
hahaha I know.. I feel your pain.. when Im really paranoic about eating candy or when I really regret about have eaten something I even dream about it and feel bad when I wake up lol I know Im sad. omg Im sick of dreaming Im eating chocolate cake and brownies w vanilla ice-cream..oh, the experience

by the way... as everything can be considered a disease nowadays.. am I sick ? lol :p :p :confused:
holy cow! ura chocoholic maf!!! lol
but wow dreams about eating.. damn
its okay to eat cake on ur mothers bday dude!! geez tahts liek the best excuse to eat it.. >_<

"A study examined the effect of getting too few calories on physical activity, especially in terms of how hormones interplay in the observed body composition changes. Subjects ate diets that averaged between 1,000 and 1,200 calories less than their calculated requirements. Testosterone approached castrate levels, meaning that their bodies were hardly making any testosterone. Insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), was only half the normal level. Cortisol levels began to rise". [Friedl, K.E., et al. (2000). Endocrine markers of semistarvation in healthy lean men in a multistressor environment. J Applied Physiology. 88:1820-1830.]

having said this, don't get your calories from sweets, get it from eating more nutritious foods.....because...

"Eating foods, high in sugar temporarily raises insulin levels". [Wolever TMS, Brand Miller J. Sugars and blood glucose control. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;62:212S–7S]

and why is that bad?....because....

"Insulin causes fat gain". [Mieyer-Velasquez, P.A., et al. (2003). Suppression of insulin secretion is associated with weight loss and altered macronutrient intake and preference in a subset of obese adults. Int J Obesity. 27:219-26.]
^very interesting once again

but Ive sinned again today..I didnt want to use sunday as an excuse but I will lol plus I went to a restaurant so it was impossible