Overall health is key because one cannot approach fitness only from an obesity/overeating perspective.
In the end, when the disposition in our discussions we comprehend, our health is our lady friend.
Health is wealth.
One's health can be taken like a thief in the night, but one's health, is MORE than just eating right; it is one major ingredient in one's biological composite, but not the necessarily the gate keeper.
We attempt to reduce the odds, but we can not totally eliminate them, because of the many variables involved in determining one's health (such as Mr and Mrs biggie: Family history (genes), and many, many other variables), and the fact that one person can process (a type of food) much different (some good and some not so good) as compared to another.
This is one of the reasons why we have research.
Look around, remove the blinds, and you shall see this is true.
Some have said they use Splenda but as I linked above some of the side effects of these sweeteners have been ignored altogether. Splenda (sucralose) caused shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage) and enlarged liver and kidneys.
I have not seen "any" "quality"........research that proves this as fact. And, I have read many concerning Splenda.Your post, lists an opinion, but it not linked to any "quality based research". And, this opinion, I disagree with (when referring to artificial sweeteners as sole proprietor leading to fat gain, obesity). Defies logic.
My diet is better than most. I am totally obsessed with eating good. This is why I have been successful in my diet and fitness goals.
But this doesn't mean I do not have risks.
I get a "thorough" physical every 6 months (great physical and biological condition). I haven't been sick (not even a cold) since November-December 2007.
I am doing something right. Splenda has been right there with me......he, he
Maybe it effects me different as compared to someone else?
Possibly? Yes.
Do you eat wheat bread? Do you eat red meat? Do you eat eggs? Are these commercially based?........Do you think these are healthy, when considering the overall processing and distribution of some of these items, and the preservation of some of these items?
Do you think, the fruit you eat, is devoid of chemicals once you wash it?
Not necessarily.......
We are at risk nearly everyday, in the things we choose to eat, and quite frankly isn't deduced to artificial sweeteners.
Just recently, (on TV yesterday) they said that a corn sweetener found in a lot of commercially based food, has been found to have Mercury in it. The manufacturer knew it, but said nothing. Mercury is seriously poisonous.
What foods contain corn sweeteners? THOUSANDS.
Eat Tuna? or Fish......? Mercury a health risk?
I eat more than 6 to 8 cans per week. I eat a variety of fish.
I am not glowing yet.
We are simply at risk everyday, and we can hope to do is limit the odds.
Actually, I do not know why they call it artificial sweeteners. They are after all made from "naturally mixed and matched items from the earth--scientifically blended.......no?".
Remember, just about everything is so-called natural (comes from the earth), its the mixing and matching of these so called natural items that causes some problems. In addition, not everything that is natural is healthy. Mushrooms........anyone? No, not that kind either!
Sometimes, I need to hold off on the coffee.
Sometimes I do not.
Best wishes
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