benelson101 said:
Im 22 yr old male, 74 kg, 17% bodyfat (but taken off scales so not reliable), 5' 11". I have a 32" waist but always need 33 jeans to get my ass and thighs in. In reality i know i dont look bad at all, but i notice the fat far more now other parts of me are changing.'re tiny for your height...get bulking.
I aim for 2200-2300 kcalories, i try to get a minimum of 150g protein (48g from whey shake). I focus carb consumption around workouts, although i always have oatmeal first thing and as you can see from above, am very confused when i should be eating my carbs.
You could probably up your protein a bit...165-200g
Best times, at you said, for carbs is 1. PWO and PPWO and 2. Meal 1
So if you're on a cut....try that, meal 1 and PWO and PPWO, which since you're training at night would be 5 & 6.
Main foods i eat are
tins and steaks of tuna
sweet potatoes
veg (broccoli, carrots etc)
healthier soups (veg, beans, broths, clear soups)
skimmed (ff milk)
wholemeal pittas
wholemeal/granary bread
eggs (1 yolk to 3 whites)
eh....not a fan personally of liquid calories on a cut except for PWO of course
but at the weekends my family has spaghetti bolognese, chilli, lasagne (how i miss the 'normal' meals!) or the occasional indian or chinese takeaway.
Your weekend meals still count

I'm not sure I'd spend the entire weekend eating off plan but one meal would obviously be ok
Training is currently (this is new as from last week, so its not 100% complete)
Monday - Upper Body, Fasted Cardio AM
Tuesday - Lower Body, HIIT
Wednesday - Fasted Cardio AM
Thursday - Upper, HIIT
Friday - Lower, Fasted Cardio AM
Looks good, assuming your weight training is not done after your fasted cardio and on empty.
Saturday/Sunday - I never know whether to throw in another weights session, so do 3 upper /2 lower one week, 3 lower/2 upper the next. I will do some form of cardio, mostly a run but it could be a bike ride as the better weather is now here.
No. Rest. 4 days a week is plenty, especially if you're eating sub-maintenance. Your goal on a cut is to maintain your muscle and strength levels....not gain muscle....that means you keep your volume low and lift heavy.
If i cant do the fasted cardio (ie i cant get up - i have trouble sleeping) ill throw in a HIIT if i have the energy but will probably just leave it out.
Your SS cardio need not always be fasted. If it's in your plan and you miss it...I would just do that same SS later in the day, rather than adding another HIIT session
My weights are usually in the form of 12, 10, 8, so for bicep curls i do 12x8kg, 10x10kg, 8x12kg. My routine is, apparantly, quite well balanced but i could spend ages asking questions, main ones are
I would be interested to see your exercises and sets x reps. need to bring your reps down and I'm betting you're not training across a variety of rep ranges.
1. How do i flatten my chest? im getting size but not a great deal of shape. offense...but this is such a girl comment. You can't change the shape of your muscle. You build it and lose it...whatever it looks like after you build it is whatcha got. W/ your stats...I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that if you add a bit more muscle there, you'll like the appearance a bit more.
2. I'm rubbish at pull ups, i can do 5 x 3 wide grip and 3 x 12 narrow grip, what can i do to improve.
Why would you possibly need to do more than 12 reps of pullups?? Find a weight belt, add some weight and bring your reps down. And there is no benefit to using a wide grip...approximate shoulder width...your rotator cuff will thank you for it, as will your progress.
3. best oblique workouts?
etc, etc, etc.
Uh...woodchoppers? Saxon side bends? ...don't know, I generally don't work abs all that often.
Ive been working out properly since last august, but never felt like i was doing the best thing. I am definitely fitter but still nowhere near as fit as id like; likewise im getting muscle size but shape and definition are not so good.
"Definition" is simply from having a lower bodyfat so that the muscle you have is visible.
i workout mainly in the evening at around 7-8.30; i tend to find i struggle for energy and have to force myself round the gym but generally i enjoy it and i love exercise and sports in general.
Maybe get rid of your liquid calories and eat something of substance in place of those calories
i dont want big bulk, i want to be slender but not skinny, muscular but not well-build, etc etc you know what i mean. I have a decent frame but want it nice and toned for summer; and my ass is a curse and although its better now than it was its nothing like i want it. i dont expect miracles, just some progress to inspire me!
any help you can offer would be very much appreciated. i hear so much contradicting advice but believe im reasonably clued in now - just need to tweak to get the results i want.
thanks very much
Hope that helps....