Weight-Loss support for emotional eating

I bet you don't get depressed a lot since if you do, then you would not lost some weight. Depression is just something that comes not too often, right?

Originally Posted by scottsblue

i get really deppressed so when i need to binge eat i eat lots of chocolate instead of a main dinner, i did it yesterday and still lost

'Hope you're 'hanging in there'. The great thing is you are looking for help..

Have you figured out what your triggers are? It can be really help full if you write down your thoughts, keep a journal for a while.

Is there a pattern to this feeling, does it happen after certain events or could it even be hormone related?

Do you have other behavior struggles that occur at the same time?

Once you have written all that down, see what you need to do, or take all that information to a doctor.

The more information they have , the better they can understand the cause and how to deal with it.

We all know what to do intellectually, but the 'doing it' is so very tough.

You're in a touch situation, a vicious cycle.

You have the urge, you try to stop it with all your might, you end up giving in and end up feeling worse.....in the meantime all your focus is on food, and life is slipping by.

I do hope you'll see a doctor about this, and in the mean time, try to focus on something else...go for a brisk walk when the urge trikes....

Good luck,

hi louise yes def looking for help! I have booked a doctors appointment for monday but I am stressing about it now a little.I have written a lot down, i have a book like a diary and a practical book of things i write to try and help me. I think a major problem is I havent got anyone to talk to about my problems. I have thought about it being hormonal related too as when it was that time of the month I went down rather soon after that. Thanks I will write down as much info as I can before I go on monday. Thankyou for your help.

I have noticed you talk a lot about the food issues when you are visiting your mom, I hope you are writing down your issues about all that before you go to your doctor.

I am no expert on this stuff, I wrote you about my experiences in the past as I can relate to you.

Write about your issues~ you find you cannot talk about.

We all deal with tough issues, abuse, neglect, self esteem, depression etc. You are not alone in this and there are many of us who can relate and want to support you.

The bulimia and eating disorders, the depressions are the 'results' of an underlying cause...the are not a cause in itself.

Tell your doctor you need serious help, they may provide you with a councilor (let them know you cannot afford it!)....speak out!

The more you explain, the better they can direct you. When You walk into the doctors' office, tell him/her :'I hope you have some time for me".

Let them know you are not a two minute patient. You are Oh, so worth it!

You are working out and trying to eat better, as I can see (...I am just a friend, not an expert.) you need help with depression.

Only you know what the underlying cause of that is..

Take care,

thankyou for your support and time it means a lot. I am unsure if to go to the docs appointment still or not...as I don't think there's anyway that they can help me, apart from medication. I am waiting for info to come through about concelling for stress and anxiety, but its the depression,my eating habbits etc that I need help with right now. I have written a self referal to an eating disorder place which is free and the do pyschotherapy, nutrition etc its very specific to body image and eating disorders. So that is my first step and I am unsure that the doctor will be able to do anything more for me.

I have been thinking yeh the eating isn't the actual issue, it's what is behind it which is making me feel like I can't cope and then comes in the eating.

The times where I don't feel the depression and I do go to the gym I realise that I actually use the gym to block out feelings because in the gym i feel distracted and focused on what I am doing, then after the gym I feel too tired to do much/feel much! It is like I need to exercise everyday as a distraction, if I miss one day, I seem to fall down, and get into a mess because I start to feel...then I turn to food for days on end...then I cant exercise cuz of all the food I have eaten and it becomes a vicious circle of continuous eating.

I WILL get the help though from this centre hopefully and I will continue writing it all down and noting any cycles I have. I am sure once I have sorted out the problems underneath my eating disorder then the urges to binge will go.
It sounds like you are making a lot of positive steps towards figuring out why you suffer from emotional eating. That is so important, so GREAT job getting there!

What types of food do you seek out the most, and why? That helped me figure out why I was (and still sometimes do) eat in response to a feeling. Breads were giving me fullness and comfort, sweets give me a high, and salty was for boredom (weird, right!?).

See if you can seek other things to give you what you need. It sounds cheesy, but a hug for comfort, a workout for a high, and a hobby for boredom are my goals to keep my emotional eating to a minimum.

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm oversimplifying what you're going through, I just wanted to offer a few suggestions that may help right away while you search for the other help you are searching for. Good luck!