
Yeah I saw the final eps of DBZ. It still took them forever to do one thing...

It was the worst in the Freiza Saga:

Freiza: "The planet will explode in 5 MINUTES HAHAHAHAHHAHA!"
Goku: "Oh!"
King Kai: "Oh!"
Everyone else (five minutes each) : "Oh!"

*ten episodes later*

Freiza: "You idiot, there are only 2 minutes left!"
Goku: "Oh!"

Ad nauseum.

So true. But apparently that was partly to do with the editing of the Japanese version, but even that must have been a drag. All the dialogue was tuned down, as well as scenes cut out. So they just added them standing there panting for 'dramatic effect'.
I mean, Superman is obviously right up there

I always thought Superman kind of sucked as a character. I mean, give the guy so many powers that you have to bring in all kinds of crazy guys from space to fight him. At least there was the kryptonite, that could make things interesting, though extremely predictable.

Basic superman story -

there is a bad guy doing bad things

superman tries to stop him

he uses kryptonite, superman is neutralized

superman is saved (again) by some amazing stroke of luck that had time to take place because the the overdone enemy monologue.

Super Heros need a tragic flaw. Superman does not really have one.

The Tick - Invulnerable, but really stupid

Professor X - Amazing power, physical limitations

Wolverine - Healing powers, slave to his emotions

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
yeah lol :p stuff like that killed the show.

Did anyone see DBGT?

Oh God. That was awful. What was it? Super Sayan 4? How powerful do they have to get? What confused me though, was where were all the evil guys coming from? Then there was that fusion stuff. They killed it. :(
Superman is a very good character for the comics...I thought he was a huge bitch from watching the shows and stuff, but the comics reveal another side to Superman I hadn't seen before...

Superman's powers can also be his weakness, as well as his ties with his loved ones. Superman is also a relatively very unguarded individual both publicly and emotionally, when compared to someone like Batman, who is pretty much mentally invincible and is emotionally guarded.
Superman is a very good character for the comics...I thought he was a huge bitch from watching the shows and stuff, but the comics reveal another side to Superman I hadn't seen before...

Superman's powers can also be his weakness, as well as his ties with his loved ones. Superman is also a relatively very unguarded individual both publicly and emotionally, when compared to someone like Batman, who is pretty much mentally invincible and is emotionally guarded.

I love batman's character. lack of powers only makes him greater.