This challenge starts on Saturday 27th June and ends on Friday 28th August
New people may join at any time.
Each challenge week runs from Saturday to Friday.
Friday’s data should be posted by 6pm Saturday UK time (BST). I will then go through and work out the points and report into the chat thread.
I am a firm believer in the concept that BOTH regular exercise and healthy eating are needed for successful weight loss – and maintenance (although I am a beginner when it comes to maintenance).
The bulk of the points that will be given in this challenge are based on the work that we do to earn the weight loss. This is because the rate of weight loss varies so much from individual to individual depending on their current size and how deep they are into their project. I spent the first 14 months of my project losing 147 pounds and halving my start weight – it then took me another 12 months working just as hard to take off the next 20 pounds!!! I want everyone to feel that by working hard for whatever weight loss is possible at their stage they have a good chance of being rewarded with lots of points. They should be recognised for their efforts.
You never know – if I see a lot of people getting maximum points – I might think that some might want to work a tiny bit harder and I might put more points up for grabs.
Naturally it would be great if people reported how much success they were seeing at the scales in the chat thread – as we will all enjoy this. I will however only give points for weight loss at the end of the challenge based on the entire duration for each participant.
Naturally we want to hear about your other achievements too - from feeling fitter to getting better measurements and other milestones. Although I am not giving points I was always a firm believer in the value of monthly measurements. Some months I saw a better result on the tape-measure and vice versa.
On the scoresheet - just tell me about the work done and I will do the sums to work out the points.
I will give 1 point for each 15minutes of exercise completed. There will be a maximum of 5 hours (i.e. 20 points) which can be earned during the week. This will mean that many people will see a reward for all the exercise that they do and may be encouraged to do a little more.
Each week I will announce a bonus for the week including associated point details. It will be mostly focussed on nutrition. The bonus for that week will often contribute 21 points towards the possible points – often accrued as 3 points per day.
After the first week there will be an option to gain further points by again completing the bonus task of the previous week. This will often contribute as many multiples of 7 as weeks have passed to the possible total – often accrued as 1 point per day per task.
This should give us a week to come to terms with what may be a new nutritional habit – and then more time to reinforce it into our lifestyle.
Occasionally I may offer an additional bonus just for that week only.
3 categories are possible – REDUCING, MAINTAINING, CONTROLLED GAIN
A snapshot approach is being applied comparing the weight at the start with the weight at the end.
I will give 3 points per pound lost during the challenge. Since I want us all to be working towards having a healthy body – I believe that we should all be aiming for a BMI which is not lower than the “healthy” range.
A person in maintenance is encouraged to consider that staying in zone is equivalent to a good week of weight loss. It is a time when we have to change things about as it would be unhealthy for us to keep on losing weight. At the start of the challenge they must declare their goal weight and they must be within 5 pounds of that weight at that time. Since I believe that we should only want to permanently settle for a healthy weight – the BMI of that goal weight should be no lower than the “healthy” range.
Slimming World set the maintenance zone as 3 pounds each way, Weight Watchers set the zone as 5 pounds each way. I have used these facts in determining a fair points structure.
If the person is within 1.5 pounds of their goal weight at the end then I will apply points equivalent to a 2 pound per week weight loss.
If they are within 3 pounds of their goal weight , I will apply a points equivalent to 1.5 pounds per week of weight loss.
If they are within 4 pounds of their goal, I will apply the equivalent of 1 pound per week of weight loss.
If they are within 5 pounds of their goal, I will apply the equivalent of 0.5 pounds per week of weight loss.
Outside the 5 pound zone they will get NO points – even if they have lost quite a lot of weight during the challenge and are well under their goal weight – even if that weight is normally associated with a healthy BMI.
The above is applied per week of participating in the challenge so anyone that joins late would accrue less weeks.
Naturally over a two month period – no points would be allocated for a weight loss for such an entrant.
As far as I am aware no-one has signed up that would fit into this section. Please let me know if you do as I want to make the points structure individually tailored towards each person’s health goals. For example - I know that pregnant ladies who have been in the midst of a weight loss project will have been given guidelines on how much gain is appropriate.
Notes on Exercise:
Exercise does not have to take place at a gym or doing a sport – but you do have to be moving around and burning calories or improving your muscles.
Dancing counts for the minutes you are moving around on the dance floor – but not sitting on the sidelines.
Gardening counts when you are pushing a lawn mower or digging – but not when you are kneeling down weeding.
Normal housework does not count – but a major spring clean may count depending on the level of activity.
Playing with your children counts if you are running about playing games in the garden or park – but not for any part of the time that you are not an active participant or if you are playing snakes and ladders!
Walking is an excellent form of exercise.
New people may join at any time.
Each challenge week runs from Saturday to Friday.
Friday’s data should be posted by 6pm Saturday UK time (BST). I will then go through and work out the points and report into the chat thread.
I am a firm believer in the concept that BOTH regular exercise and healthy eating are needed for successful weight loss – and maintenance (although I am a beginner when it comes to maintenance).
The bulk of the points that will be given in this challenge are based on the work that we do to earn the weight loss. This is because the rate of weight loss varies so much from individual to individual depending on their current size and how deep they are into their project. I spent the first 14 months of my project losing 147 pounds and halving my start weight – it then took me another 12 months working just as hard to take off the next 20 pounds!!! I want everyone to feel that by working hard for whatever weight loss is possible at their stage they have a good chance of being rewarded with lots of points. They should be recognised for their efforts.
You never know – if I see a lot of people getting maximum points – I might think that some might want to work a tiny bit harder and I might put more points up for grabs.
Naturally it would be great if people reported how much success they were seeing at the scales in the chat thread – as we will all enjoy this. I will however only give points for weight loss at the end of the challenge based on the entire duration for each participant.
Naturally we want to hear about your other achievements too - from feeling fitter to getting better measurements and other milestones. Although I am not giving points I was always a firm believer in the value of monthly measurements. Some months I saw a better result on the tape-measure and vice versa.
On the scoresheet - just tell me about the work done and I will do the sums to work out the points.
I will give 1 point for each 15minutes of exercise completed. There will be a maximum of 5 hours (i.e. 20 points) which can be earned during the week. This will mean that many people will see a reward for all the exercise that they do and may be encouraged to do a little more.
STOP PRESS - with effect from week 5 - posted 2/8/09
I have been giving a lot of thought to Karl's request. Right at the very start I made the point that I firmly believe that both exercise and nutrition are required for a successful project. Also my belief that we should be rewarded for most if not all the work that we do - and the fact that some people are stronger at exercise whilst some others are stronger at the nutritional side of things. The accumulative nature of the challenge means that on week 5 there were a lot more points available to the nutritional side of things. When I take into consideration the fact that the majority of people still playing got 19 out of 20 exercise points or above - it appears that the exercise points are not rewarding a lot of people for a lot of work which is probably being done.
I have therefore decided to increase the maximum amount of hours of exercise which are rewarded each week by points from 5 hours to 10 hours (giving a maximum of 40 points available from exercise)... I will however continue to set nutritional bonuses each week...
This takes immediate effect so continue logging your exercise after you hit 5 hours.
Each week I will announce a bonus for the week including associated point details. It will be mostly focussed on nutrition. The bonus for that week will often contribute 21 points towards the possible points – often accrued as 3 points per day.
After the first week there will be an option to gain further points by again completing the bonus task of the previous week. This will often contribute as many multiples of 7 as weeks have passed to the possible total – often accrued as 1 point per day per task.
This should give us a week to come to terms with what may be a new nutritional habit – and then more time to reinforce it into our lifestyle.
Occasionally I may offer an additional bonus just for that week only.
3 categories are possible – REDUCING, MAINTAINING, CONTROLLED GAIN
A snapshot approach is being applied comparing the weight at the start with the weight at the end.
I will give 3 points per pound lost during the challenge. Since I want us all to be working towards having a healthy body – I believe that we should all be aiming for a BMI which is not lower than the “healthy” range.
A person in maintenance is encouraged to consider that staying in zone is equivalent to a good week of weight loss. It is a time when we have to change things about as it would be unhealthy for us to keep on losing weight. At the start of the challenge they must declare their goal weight and they must be within 5 pounds of that weight at that time. Since I believe that we should only want to permanently settle for a healthy weight – the BMI of that goal weight should be no lower than the “healthy” range.
Slimming World set the maintenance zone as 3 pounds each way, Weight Watchers set the zone as 5 pounds each way. I have used these facts in determining a fair points structure.
If the person is within 1.5 pounds of their goal weight at the end then I will apply points equivalent to a 2 pound per week weight loss.
If they are within 3 pounds of their goal weight , I will apply a points equivalent to 1.5 pounds per week of weight loss.
If they are within 4 pounds of their goal, I will apply the equivalent of 1 pound per week of weight loss.
If they are within 5 pounds of their goal, I will apply the equivalent of 0.5 pounds per week of weight loss.
Outside the 5 pound zone they will get NO points – even if they have lost quite a lot of weight during the challenge and are well under their goal weight – even if that weight is normally associated with a healthy BMI.
The above is applied per week of participating in the challenge so anyone that joins late would accrue less weeks.
Naturally over a two month period – no points would be allocated for a weight loss for such an entrant.
As far as I am aware no-one has signed up that would fit into this section. Please let me know if you do as I want to make the points structure individually tailored towards each person’s health goals. For example - I know that pregnant ladies who have been in the midst of a weight loss project will have been given guidelines on how much gain is appropriate.
Notes on Exercise:
Exercise does not have to take place at a gym or doing a sport – but you do have to be moving around and burning calories or improving your muscles.
Dancing counts for the minutes you are moving around on the dance floor – but not sitting on the sidelines.
Gardening counts when you are pushing a lawn mower or digging – but not when you are kneeling down weeding.
Normal housework does not count – but a major spring clean may count depending on the level of activity.
Playing with your children counts if you are running about playing games in the garden or park – but not for any part of the time that you are not an active participant or if you are playing snakes and ladders!
Walking is an excellent form of exercise.
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